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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 913720

I really miss the times when Pablo pumped out cool sculpt mode updates weekly.
But no, he had to betray us.

Anonymous No. 913728

He did more harm than good.
The mess he created will not be fixed in a decade.

Anonymous No. 913730


Anonymous No. 913731

He's the reason Blender's performance starting with 2.8 and beyond took a nosedive.

Anonymous No. 913737

Buy a better machine then

Anonymous No. 913741

if you have a look at you can see that development is very slow moving and the dev is so mismanaged that new things often break old things, even in releases

Anonymous No. 913744

That is a big claim.
And also wrong.

Anonymous No. 913745

Eevee is unusable now

Anonymous No. 913746

He's on 3dX discord now, peddling his monstrosities and spamming updates constantly

Anonymous No. 913750

My guess is that his aim is to eventually get bought by Autodesk or at least his app

Anonymous No. 913752

they dont give a fuck about the pretentious ipad retopo "audience"

Anonymous No. 913762

Autodesk is just as pretentious as those Ipad "artists". Would still be a perfect match

Anonymous No. 913765

Programmers do not make good artists, Cris. Even if you were, you will need asian genes to make it This applies to (you) so give up like Pablo did.

Anonymous No. 913783

autodesk isnt pretentious and their main business (over 95%) is autoCad for actual construction of real world objects

Anonymous No. 913798

the sculpt branch was workable too and that hasn't happened since he left.
nahh performance went to shit when they added the new viewport and that wasn't his job, but he fucked the brushes for pixelart, it was workable due to a bug that the brush had and he fixed it, now they are adding that back >2023 at best.

Anonymous No. 913811

>autodesk isnt pretentious

Anonymous No. 913907

QRD on this guy?
What did he add to Blender?
Why did he left?

Anonymous No. 913917

>QRD on this guy?
Artist/Code monkey
>What did he add to Blender?
All the sculpt things from 2.82 or so
>Why did he left?
To sell a shitty retopo app for mac

Anonymous No. 913954

>Why did he left?
He did some great stuff and the Twatter audience of him started treating him like some rockstar. Then he kept proposing some really in-depth massive changes to Blender, mostly to make his shit work while the Blender HQ people are extremely conservative and kept pushing his shit back in. So apparently he got butthurt being restricted in his freedoms so he left to make a fucking ipad app (lol)

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Anonymous No. 913989

>there are 2 pablos working for the blender foundation
I thought this thread was about Pablo Vazquez, but it's about Pablo Dobarro. Thank god, it would break my heart to hear that the former left, especially on bad terms. I like that little Argentinian twink.

Anonymous No. 914199

3 actually.

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Anonymous No. 915207


Anonymous No. 915208

What about free perpetual license with free updates like Blender? Is it unsustainable?

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Anonymous No. 915210

He's 100% right though. The only sustainable way forward is to move everything to the cloud.

Anonymous No. 915211

blender has 180k $ monthly now to spend in developers, and you have to add the money from the Europeans and Danish when they do an animated short, yes all othem are paid with public money.

Anonymous No. 915213

Funny comming from a guy that it is using an open source program to make his app, yes that shit he sells for ipad is made in Godot, is he paying something to them ?

Anonymous No. 915214

Should he? Godot devs think their work is worth nothing.

Anonymous No. 915215

>Should he?
According to him ofc >>915210 >>915207

Anonymous No. 915220

nobody thinks their work is worth nothing, they think it should be free "for everyone". There is a difference. One is a gatekeep, one is not. Pablo is the worst kind of developer there is. Ipad exclusive? Really?!

Anonymous No. 915243

I am absolutely okay with buying a reasonably priced license for some software ONCE and then paying 1/4 to 1/3 of it for big/meaninful updates. Shit like important bugfixes should be free though since for example a software you paid for but keeps crashing on startup is useless.

FUCK monthly paying for software though. FUCK those wankers with a rusty shovel.

Anonymous No. 916460

Dobarro just added bake, and uv unwrap to his ipad toy, they anounced a subscription version too, I suppose he'll add regular polymodeling next.

Anonymous No. 916463

>they anounced a subscription version too
absolutely fucking P A T H E T I C

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Anonymous No. 918586

Anonymous No. 918595


Anonymous No. 918609

He left because blender is dogshit and they refuse to fix it.

Anonymous No. 918829

It's probably the biggest personal betrayal of my lifetime I think