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🧵 Any tutorials on rigging in Maya

Anonymous No. 914083

I don't care if it's free or paid, I just want an easy tutorial that I can follow.

Anonymous No. 914085

if you want to rig properly you have to write out your rigging commands using an api from a python script and call it stage by stage from your rigging GUI. Forget about rigging without scripting your rigging

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Anonymous No. 915530

This is my favourite tutorial and the one that got the ball rolling for me. There are also a handful of other tuts on there that can push you past beginner level. If you are ready to follow up. All of the gnomon stuff is pricey but available for torrent on places like cg peers. Up to you.

Kind of correct. Scripting is useful and its the main workflow we use at Framestore but its not about "rigging properly" its about rigging quickly. With time saved refitting control rigs you can put more resources into polish. You can still do fantastic work without it. That being said its a must if you want to work in production.

For anyone keen to learn python for rigging I'd highly recommend this:

Anonymous No. 915532

gonna hijack this thread because setting up blendshapes is part of rigging too
so I have some several different meshes
I want to do some blendshapes on them that work in unison as if they were one mesh
problem is:
their vert positions are not synchronized. so for example both meshes are at same weights (0.6) weight of their respective blendshape, but vert positions are not where I'd want them to be
one of these meshes is a floater, so it also creates tearing.
should I add in-between shapes?
how does one even synchronize these?
my current way of doing blendshapes is combination of lattice and sculpt tools

Anonymous No. 915584

> when I'm making the same thread no one responds
If you just want to make a character rig, Maya has a quick rigging tool for actual AND control rigs so that's cool. If you want to really learn how to rig, there's the link of the second anon that responded and I also like this one:
It's pretty easy to follow and excellent if you're a true beginner.
Do you have any material on this. I'm having troubles finding tutorials that goes deep/advanced on scripting for animation and rigging. Same as using plugins and shit like that.

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Anonymous No. 915596

This is good for starting out.
This is more advanced

For what its worth my learning path was this. Started out by learning python separate from maya api. I used the book I linked here >>915530 .This was helpful in that I could get the hang of the syntax and flow structures like for loops before splitting my attention with rigging business. Once I was a few chapters in I started doing all of the tutorials in the maya script editor and tried to make little functions relevant to what I was doing (for example a function that looped through a given number range creating and positioning joints along a nurbs curve).

For anyone starting out with maya API the best advice I can give is this. Open the script editor, perform actions manually in the UI that you want to learn how to script, lets say parenting one transform to another or setting an aim constraint. Watch the output of the script editor. It'll display the MEL code that triggers that command. Almost helpful. Take the name of that command from the editor so an aim constraint is just aimConstraint and dump that into google with the letters cmds before it.

First result is usually the offical maya docs for that command. Its straight forward and best of all comes with examples of using it in different ways down bellow. The same is true for almost any action in maya. Its a good way for you to teach yourself the stuff you actually need right out of the gate.

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Anonymous No. 915604

I may not fully understand your prompt but I'll have a crack here. The general workflow is to wrap deform the smaller geo to the larger one. Trigger the blendshape on the larger geo and have the samller one wrap deform along for the ride. While in the blink deformation pose delete history on the smaller geo and capture pose as its own shape target in a blendshape.

This will not get you 100 percent of the way there. May need some sculpt clean up. Wrap deformations can give you nasty artifacts sometimes but its one of few methods for driving one mesh with another without matching topo. Having said that here's the secret sauce of getting the most out of this blendshape wrap method. After adding the wrap deformer but before triggering the blendshape add a delta mush with say 5 iterations (play with that number depending on the density of your topo) to the wrapped mesh. This will try to preserve surface detail on your wrapped mesh as you deform it with your wrap.

Anonymous No. 915606

Thanks a lot my man. Also bare with my stupid question if you don't mind answering it.
But is learning scripting really worth it? The very few examples I saw of people scripting were to constraint some bones between each others in a a manner that could be done trough the interface. I can't see any example (mean imagine) examples were scripting would be truelly the BEST or ONLY solution to a problem. Do you have any examples?

Anonymous No. 915608

And also since you seem to know your shit, any animation tutorial to recommend that's no a thousands dollars tuition?

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Anonymous No. 915614

Not a stupid question at all. Yes its worth it. Unlike most of 3D a little knowledge of python can get you a long way. You don't need to master anything to start seeing improvements.
Like I said earlier scripting wont make your work better, it'll just make you faster at doing your work and give you more time to make a better product. Anything that's done with code can be done by hand. What I write is literally just instructions for the computer to follow.

As for examples I'll give you two. One to make a point and one that's actually practical.
- A teacher asks his students to rename a series of joints in an FK chain. Tail_mid0_joint needs to become
Chain_mid0_joint. One student renames manually, one pops open the script editor and starts writing a function that
will loop through a set of joints and renames x, to y,

If there were only say 3 joints to rename the student working manually wins. The coding student is still stuck writing
code. If there were say 5 joints the manual student may still win. 15 joints? Nope now the coding student wins. 100
joints? 1000? The task now gets lineally more time consuming for the first student but no more difficult for the
second. What if the teacher changes his mind halfway through (teacher isn't actually a great analogy here client is
better haha) Student 1 has to start again student 2 can just rerun the function. Most importantly student 2 saves
aside this renaming function, adds it to his toolbelt of helper scripts and never for the entirety of his career wastes
time renaming things again. Each time you build something of use, you keep it and reuse it.

... post too long, will do another

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Anonymous No. 915618

- For a practical example. At Framestore if I want to build an arm I don't start from scratch. I place down some special locators
that represent a shoulder, elbow and wrist. I run a python function and maya generates the juiciest arm rig you've ever seen
based on the guide positions I've supplied. I don't need to reconnect all logic for wrist twist or pair blends for my FK / IK set
up. I know how its all meant to work, it's already be designed all I need is for it to be refit for a new character.

You could rebuild it manually for a new character. Are you going to do everything twice? Once for the left side and again for
the right? Its monotonous. You could also be spending that time rigging in more detail for clothes
or anything unique to you character. Any improvements you make to your arm can be added to your script and used for the
next project. Always improving the quality of your work pushing forward.

I cant show you what the Framestore auto rigger looks like but I can point you to this:

Its not so different. Imagine being able to create your own limbs, edit and improve them over time. Also this goes for everyone keen to learn python for 3D. Dont bother with GUI yet. Its only necessary if you're building something you want other people to use. If you are just making tools for yourself you can get away with running everything from the script editor. GUI is useful but learning it up front will slow you down.

Anonymous No. 915619

Lastly, happy to add anyone on discord who is keen to learn and give some tips

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Anonymous No. 915622

Add me Sareys#6056
Thanks a lot man for the explanations. I'm currently starting to gather resources to learn rigging and animating. Ngl I was planning on using the quick rig tool first to cut me some time and directly learn animating but I'm curious about making special type of joints in a scripting way (reversed knee joint for creatures and shit).

Anonymous No. 915951

yeah I gave up on that now I'm searching for a way to propagate history down to blendshapes
because I have 85 blendshapes and I want to remesh base
thinking about duplicate instance base on every single blendshape but >85 blendshapes
my pc is beef but i doubt maya can take all that at once

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Anonymous No. 916580


Anonymous No. 917645

Can you teach blender rigging as well?

Anonymous No. 918856

Not as well as I could teach in maya but only due to my lack of experience. I'm fooling around with blender in my own time and teaching myself bits and bobs. I really respect blender as a package

Rigging fundamentals can translate from any program to another just like basic knowledge of linework and form would help you sculpt in maya or blender however. Happy to chat.

Anonymous No. 919434

gnomon workshops are ok. some are outdated, but luckily the principles of rigging dont change in Maya.

If You can get your hands on the coourse for "Rigging Techniques Cartoon to Realistic" its a good start if You have any experience with rigging.

Once You got to know most of that stuff, You can use mGear for personalised/self setup free auto rigger, or use ADvanced Skeleton 5 for most general requirements.

Nowdays Riggers in industry use inhouse or 3rd party auto riggers, and most Tech artist are there to either add onto them or adjust for animation/tech needs.

Anonymous No. 919450

Move to blender it have a lot of tutorials

Anonymous No. 919455

why would he use inferior rigging software?

Anonymous No. 919463

Because blender have everything that autodesk have for free. Keep paying 3k

Anonymous No. 919470

Does it have node switching for custom relationship between bones?
Does it have math nodes for automated systems?
Does it have any sort of performance maya have?

all answers no, also

>doesnt know indie/freelancer version exists
and now i know you are a wannabee faggot who just wants to stir shit up. opinion thrown in trash and disregarded.

Anonymous No. 919471

>he thinks 3k is alot of money
top kek, village well fed ser?
have 10 rupees

Anonymous No. 919472

Lot of profesional use blender autodesk is being replace is a matter of time before the industry go blender. Autodesk is at last leg.

Anonymous No. 919475

The cope of blendchuds is glorious.

Anonymous No. 919476

>the Pajeet grammar

Anonymous No. 919678

I was pumped to see there was more replies in this thread until I saw it had devolved into maya / blender argumentation.

I kindly ask you fellas pick up this conversation and take it to literally any other thread on this board where the same thing is already being discussed and just let us talk about rigging.

Maybe you could even head to /v/ and share you opinions on xbox verse playstation instead.

Anonymous No. 919707

Anyone know any good resources for learning facial rigging? I know the basics like blend shapes+skinning for jaw so I'm looking for something that might have more advanced techniques.

Anonymous No. 919719


Terribly published as its only available on apple books (or torrented) but incredibly well written and just focuses on theory so its program agnostic

Anonymous No. 919722

>or torrented
I remember searching for this a few months ago without any success. Do you have a link or something ?

Anonymous No. 919724

What’s the name of that hat?

Anonymous No. 919728

I'm not a regular here, any rules about posting torrent links?

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Anonymous No. 919774

Kek how cute, there's an entire thread for torrents. You'll be fine.

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Anonymous No. 919775

I downloaded some rigs and there's a thing they all share:
If I move an arm in IK mode and switch to FK in the new position, the arm gets back in its original position. Is there a way to disable that?

Anonymous No. 919792

That's normal behaviour. Usually you have a tool or script which will let you snap or bake between ik and fk.

Anonymous No. 919853

the rigs have Deformation bones and system bones.
IK and FK are system bones which move independently from others, so if you use IK, the FK is still there - hidden- unmoved
when you switch to the other system - You basically slide the parent scale from 1-0 between them

so yes- thats normal behaviour, and you can either get a script or make your own that snaps both together.

Anonymous No. 920740

bumping this