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๐Ÿงต Feeling like a massive fraud

Anonymous No. 914130

>Lucked into my first 3D artist job in a small advertising company, wasn't even applying for that
>It's been almost two years now, we rarely do the same thing twice, but three things come up often: Shading/texturing, simulations and environments
>Not much modeling, unless we have to make something very specific or simple (we often have to fix meshes we bought, though)
>We use Blender for everything, and maybe a bit of Photoshop for textures and Fusion for compositing
As you read this, you may ne telling yourself, ''This blendlet can barely model and has almost no experience, if he loses his job he's fucked'', and I would agree with you on that. So what would be the best course of action for someone in my situation to be more employable? I have a few ideas, but I'd like to know your opinions.
Quick note, I'm also a decent video editor and dabbled in compositing and motion design

Anonymous No. 914132

OP here, on a more positive note, I should also add that I'm probably not going to lose my job soon: there's only two of us in the 3D department and we're hard to replace, since the 3D talent pool in my city in almost non existent. My coworker is also close to retirement, so if I were to leave, everything would fall on his shoulders and he'd probably just leave the company, thus making the department fall apart. That being said, I wouldn't rely on this for job security

Anonymous No. 914134

If you're employed, rest assured, you're not a fraud... it costs money to hire you, and any paid creative position has basically the entire city's artists applying to it no matter how shitty it is, so you're already in the top 1-10%. When you think about it like that, imposter syndrome would seem like a joke to you.
If you're worried about your portfolio and would like to do bigger/better things in the future, then you should start doing side projects... game jams are also a good way to commit yourself with a deadline.
Do also look into augmented and virtual reality... of course I'm not talking about the crypto metaverse nonsense, but edutech... they are the hot new toys there and for very good reason as they allow the learning to be extremely effective and personal... so diversify your skills accordingly.
Good luck, and don't forget... you already made it, just keep it up.

Anonymous No. 914136

Thanks anon, where should I start looking if I'm interested in Edutech?
I might also get into Unreal Engine someday, I heard whispers that we might build a virtual production setup in the future

Anonymous No. 914145

Edutech essentials:
- SCORM (just know that it is a standardised content delivery system for e-learning, no need to know the inner workings)
- iSpring Suite
- Articulate Storyline
- Adobe Captivate
- ADDIE model
iSpring is just an add-on in Powerpoint, and Captivate and Storyline are basically just Powerpoint but more geared for learning designers. Standards for content are extremely low so somebody like us with motion graphics/actual artistic experience usually just blow the competition out of the water. This is apparently top-of-the-line work:
ARVR essentials:
- ARCore/ARKit
- Vuforia
- Unity ARFoundation
- Unreal
- Cardboard for Unity (requires annoyingly specific setup so follow this strictly:
Unity has their own learning portal for you to be hand held through making a game: Everything else in ARVR is pretty poorly documented though, so you'd have to do a lot of asking around and self-directed learning (aka just fixing shit yourself).

Anonymous No. 914155

>So what would be the best course of action for someone in my situation to be more employable?
learn houdini

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Anonymous No. 914156

Consider resources you have and do not, and those you wish to obtain. Plan from there and it will be G.

Anonymous No. 914188

just get better (daily tutorials) if you care or let it ride if you don't

Anonymous No. 914189

this >>914155
or c4d if you're a brainlet
you can probably leverage your position into a spot at one of the advertising/design houses

Anonymous No. 914191

Where do you live and how much are you paid? I'm tempted between going back to webdev or get a 3D job but desu I'm gonna follow who's gonna pay me the most.

Anonymous No. 914198

If you only care about $$$, you should go back to webdev (unless tout specialise, for example as a rigger). Most 3D jobs that pay well are in expensive cities, so it evens out IMO

Anonymous No. 914200

What are the big differences between Blender and C4D?

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Anonymous No. 914225

Lmao you remind me of one of my classmates
>Doing retopo? Use Houdini!
>Rigging a character? Use Houdini!
>Unwrapping UVs? Use Houdini!
>Sucking cock? Use Houdini!
All jokes aside, webm related was a massive pain in the ass to pull off in Blender and the final result isn't that great, how do you think you would have done it using Houdini? The shot is supposed to show some micelles of a disinfectant killing a virus
Thanks chad, appreciate it

Anonymous No. 914228

>how do you think you would have done it using Houdini?
for one, you could do it all procedurally

Anonymous No. 914232

Cool webm, I'd probably make a growth/infection sim on the virus surface and use it as a mask that morphs between a pristine and damaged mesh, basically just noise and dark discoloration. Plus some POP particles for the disintegration effect.

Like these apples a person made, see the process video @ 0:11.

Anonymous No. 914242

Interesting, this solution might actually be doable with geo nodes... I ought to look into it some day
No doubt about it, this shot seemed tailor made for Houdini when I was briefed on it

Anonymous No. 914345

telling someone who is too dumb/untalented for fucking blender to just learn houdini is like telling someone that is too dumb to work with a hammer to "just build a CNC machine from scratch MacGyver style and do the same job with 1/100th mm precision".

houdini is for 130IQ+ only

Anonymous No. 914347

Houdini is easier than blender with much better and more realistic simulations, true procedural workflow and /stage/. Stop gatekeeping

Anonymous No. 914349

Educate yourself. Read a book. Expand your skillset. You never stop learning.

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Anonymous No. 914357

OP, don't listen to >>914347

this place is full of extremely bitter blender beginners that actively try to sabotage other people's progress. the anon i just referred to wants you to invest precious time into a 3d program legendary for its steep learning curve instead of actually helping you.
if you know your way around blender and need to improve quickly you should stick to it for the moment.

Anonymous No. 914360

you dont know what your talking about. In 10 minutes you can get simulations going in houdini that arent even possible in blender and you can do it all procedurally. Fuck off back to learning.

Anonymous No. 914362

you are fucking retarded, bro.