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๐Ÿงต Cascadeur

Anonymous No. 914160

Anyontre tried it?
I'm learning the whole gamedeving pipeline (as a solo dev so I need to cut everything I can cut) and I recently saw a dev that was using it and he really sold it to me as well as the presentation videos.
I'm planning to use it as a character animation tool for a fast paced 3d games.
Anyone who actually animate it can tell me about his experience before I dwelve myself into the tutorials ?

Anonymous No. 914165

The truth is you still have to shoot video reference of yourself doing the motion you want or else you will waste all your time trying to come up with good animation solely out of your head. You can pretty much only animate body movements with cascadeur. Its key is the auto physics tool.

Anonymous No. 914173

> you still have to shoot video reference for good animation
Well yeah I mean, I don't expect the software to do all the work for me. I just want to know if it's a serious tool compared to the competition and if it can be used to ship a game. Also:
- How does it do with custom rigs ?
- What about tradition animation ?
- Does it add keyframes to simulate physics or does it work with interpolation?
- What key features of the animation standards does it lack?

Anonymous No. 914176

bro the official channel has a getting started video that answers most of your questions just demonstrating how to use the software

Anonymous No. 914182

Yeah I'm watching them with some Youtubers that are using the software, you're right most of my questions are covered. But I'd love to hear the experience from an anon that'll tell me where the software is good and where it's not.

Anonymous No. 914184

>>not used in professional environments

tells you everything

Anonymous No. 914186

it can be. For my studio I do "mannequin" animation in cascadeur and then send the skeleton only to maya

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Anonymous No. 914187

Well tell me why you're not using Cascadeur as your main tool. What does it lack, what does it have that Blender or Maya doesn't?

Anonymous No. 914192

I cant even do any blendshapes in cascadeur dude let alone show textures, do adjustments to compensate for cloth sims or hair sims etc. Its a body animator only and its kind of "fiddly"

Anonymous No. 914213

Ok fuck it then, I'm gonna go for Blender

Anonymous No. 914222


- highly intuitive control rig
- completely eliminates the need for IK rigging
- AI driven posing for blocking out animation
- auto-physics which eliminates 30-40% of an animator's workload

- poor pipeline integration

Cascadeur is still in its Beta phase which is why it's still free. The devs are currently focusing on the program itself but I think they should start focusing on its I/O stuff. Doesn't matter how amazing the software is, if I have to jump through a ton of hoops to import my character then why bother? I spent days trying to find a way to import a Genesis character, animate it, then export the animation to Daz Studio. It works, but it was too much of a trial and error process. And auto-rigging tool is completely useless if the character has a more in-depth rigging setup.

I know some moron is going to take umbrage to me mentioning IK rigging. So to avoid them embarrassing themselves not understanding english here's what I mean: you no longer need to rig in IK because Cascadeur can transform any FK joint into an IK joint on a whim.

Anonymous No. 914261

the thing about autophysics is that a lot of time it doesnt work. This leaves you only with autoposing then, which only works on humanoid characters.

Anonymous No. 914265

also there are many times where autoposing doesnt work either and you just get error messages. This is not good.

Anonymous No. 914285

Thanks for the insight anon.

Anonymous No. 914355

The center of mass feature alone shaves off hours of work for an animator.

Anonymous No. 914356

there are so many times where it just breaks and you get error messages. I hate to say this but its garbage.

Anonymous No. 914370

A 3D software crashing?

Anonymous No. 914483

no, anon, cascadeur itself doesnt crash. The functionality we are discussing simply stops working and on screen error messages come up while the rest of the program continues to function. This happens all the time. The program is not ready for production.