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๐Ÿงต Boxcutter/hardops free alternatives for paneling in blender?

Anonymous No. 914447

/tg/ refugee here.
I have been fucking around in blender for last few days in order to make some 3d printable models, and it turns out that making consistent 3d panel lines in vanilla is pain in the butt. Especially if you want to keep the same width and depth across the model.
Now it seems that in hardops/boxcutter the whole thing is automated, but i am not exacly eager to pay 40 bucks for a single option i need.
So, are there any free tools addons that would make modeling these damn panel lines easier?

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Anonymous No. 914448

I know a cool horsefucker from /tg/. Here you go.

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CGPeers 2.png

Anonymous No. 914449


Anonymous No. 914452

Whoa - thanks , man.
You are awesome.

Anonymous No. 914453

And thanks again.
Whoever you are, you are shining example of human being and i wish you all the best.

Anonymous No. 914455

No problem, good luck with your modeling.

Anonymous No. 914540

is hopscutter even worth it anymore? Last time I tried to use it, it was a complete shitshow and i posted about it here and multiple anons told me to just box model properly without addons but idk man.

Anonymous No. 914679

Not him, but in case those gofile links go down:
It is literally 1st google result if you enter "hardops blender free".

Anonymous No. 914680

>multiple anons told me to just box model properly without addons
Those anons were severely retarded.

Anonymous No. 914681

why were they retarded, masterxeon1001?

Anonymous No. 914682

>deliberately cripple yourself out of valuable tools that will make you workflow not only more effective, but also faster
Why would you even do that? What is even "model properly" in this specific case? As long as your model fits your needs (or your clients') why the fuck would it matter what tools were used to achieve it?

Anonymous No. 914683

why are you dodging answering what is so valuable about these tools, xeon? Why are you being so vague? Have you seen what point ryuu makes, its terrible.

Anonymous No. 914684

>immediately jumps into some retarded tribalistic faggotry
I don't even know what your faggot names mean. The point I made still stands.
>why are you dodging a question that wasn't asked before
Are you mentally ill? Do you often imagine things?

Anonymous No. 914686

>I don't even know what your faggot names mean. The point I made still stands.
the "___ name" is the name of the creator the plugin, idiot, masterxeon1001.

point ryuu did a large multi part series on the plugin and his results were worthless

what the hell is wrong with you. You really do belong here, dont you.

Anonymous No. 914688

>my favorite youtuber said X
>that means it is universaly bad
>if you disagree, you are the author of the plugin
>I am not mentally ill

Anonymous No. 914689

you have problems

Anonymous No. 914690

If you aren't able to model something that looks good in hard-surface with Boxcutter or even with just Carver and Bool Tool I'm afraid to inform you that you might just be severely mentally retarded.

Anonymous No. 914692

All those anons told me to box model traditionally and that boxcutter and hops were garbage. After trying it, i dont disagree. You cant identify what makes it good, either

Anonymous No. 914693

Post your work.

Anonymous No. 914694

I only post on artstation

Anonymous No. 914971

>point ryuu did a large multi part series on the plugin
>Have you seen what point ryuu makes
The fuck are you talking about, he has been shilling both Hardops and Boxcutter for ages. He literally says you should use it in his last video (which is centered around using the plugins) too.

Anonymous No. 915222

>Have you seen what point ryuu makes, its terrible.
Ryuu meanwhile, quote:
>It is a fantastic addon and we swear by it
Why are you so retarded.