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๐Ÿงต VRchat model minmaxxing

Anonymous No. 914501

I wanted to enter this gig and make some quick buck out of it but I'm out of date with the tools. Does everyone use VRoid Blender nowadays? Or are there any noticeable limitation in VRroid compared to Unity3D when we are talking about the scope of anime avatars?

Anonymous No. 914528

> Does everyone use VRoid Blender nowadays? Or are there any noticeable limitation in VRroid compared to Unity3D

this screams "i dont know what the fuck im talking about"

you wont be able to make "quick bucks" without ripping people off, and as its a community based game once you rip someone off no one will trust you with their money

>Does everyone use VRoid Blender nowadays?

those are 2 different programs
one is a character creator for vtuber and vrm specific tasks
the other is a free modelling and animation suite

>are there any noticeable limitation in VRroid compared to Unity3D

one is a character creator the other is a game engine,

>I wanted to enter this gig
you got some serious research to do first lmao

Anonymous No. 914536

You are retarded
Extremely limited character creator. Think sliders in character creation screens in games like Skyrim. Only upside is that it already handles the blendshapes and vrm format for you.
Complete 3D modelling software. You can create your Vtuber model from scratch here. However, you will need to study 3D (which you have clearly not), do your own rigging (while making sure they are vrm-compatible), and then export it to Unity for...
Game engine. Normally used to make games, VRM has a package for Unity so you can export your models for the vrm format.
The standard format used for 3D Vtubers, VRchat avatars. Its really just a GLB but with more information.

Anonymous No. 914674

I can make you one if you pay me 1000 US dollarinos. This is not cheap labor anon.

Anonymous No. 915358

On the topic of VRchat, are there any forums/places for sharing or downloading ripped models?
I know there are a bunch of tools to do that, but I'd prefer to get a look at the clean model and assets in the state they are provided, without having to spend like 50 bucks for every model I want to check out.

Anonymous No. 915383

>Does everyone use VRoid Blender nowadays
I've been using it since early 2020 when Vroid was still in closed alpha lol.

Anonymous No. 917279

not op. that seems very easy to use. can you make serious money with those animu avatars?

Anonymous No. 917294

2nd this

Anonymous No. 917298

>The standard format used for 3D Vtubers, VRchat avatars
VRChat still only supports FBX as far as I know so no, VRM is a worthless retard format still outside of some niche JP platforms and Vtubers.

Anonymous No. 917299

>can you make serious money with those animu avatars?
Others can, but you won't.
This isn't a crab-bucket situation either. I mean you literally don't have what it takes if you are asking these questions without also say, posting some of your own fucking work on an anime model so people can give you feedback on if you're at the level of quality that actually sells to VRtards.
Any public sites that require no account are full of western slop, which is a market flooded with people either stealing and reselling kitbashes of japanese work, or reselling kitbashes of western shit they bought a 'lisence' for without doing any work themselves. You won't learning anything from western trash unless you're really good at making base bodies with lots of tweaking shapekeys to fit their trashy coomer tastes.
Anything other site is locked behind having an account, playing vrc and using mods to scrape avatar IDs for their database to earn goytokens to dl stuff, except modes are all dead now so you're not going to get any easy anime models to look at. Is what I would say, if Haolan wasn't entirely free so have fun I guess, it's a fine example

Anonymous No. 917308

>The standard format used for 3D Vtubers, VRchat avatars. Its really just a GLB but with more information.

FBX is the format for vrchat avatars, not VRM.

Anonymous No. 917358

I love when I see shit like work protect jpgs on their kitbash pages.

It's like they're at war with eachother on whole stole the work first.

Anonymous No. 917408

tutorial in japanese

Anonymous No. 917420

>tutorial in japanese

Anonymous No. 917454

since when?

Anonymous No. 917455

>can you make serious money with those animu avatars?

No. You will not beat the japs at animu.

However, you can make serious money with furry avatars.

Anonymous No. 918751

Japs got both of those covered but most people here ain't with it anyways. This place is kitbasher paradise instead of making the shit kitbashers want.