๐งต Could you help with BZFlag map parsing for ChaosEsque Opensource game
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 04:55:51 UTC No. 914502
Could help with BZFlag map support for the opensource engine....?
> https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqu
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 05:05:00 UTC No. 914504
ChaosEsque wishlist for the engine, with X next to finished works
[x]More entity support
[x]Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory map support
BZFlag map support (.bzw) (opensource project)
Design It 3D! map support
Unreal 97 map support (Quake Army Knife opensource has this code)
UnrealTournament 99 map support (ditto)
procedural terrain, including procedural LOD
volumetric "block" terrain, but higher quality like in 7 days to die
PlanetSide2 map support
And for the Gamecode
[/] procedural map generation (spawnarrays, spawnradials done)
parsing simcity 2k maps (opensource lua code exists for this) (could be done engine wise too, up against limit for globals in QC (everything is a global) 65k)
>model_brush.c and model_shared.c(h) are where the definitions/code for loading new models is. Mod_OBJ is a good starting point, then search for "obj" to find the magic-file-type-determinator code in there to point to the new function. (in the case of obj it just assumes it's an obj if the file ends with .obj)
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 05:12:02 UTC No. 914507
Compiling Engine from the ISO (How To) when editing the engine.
The engine sourcecode, latest git repos, are in git_repos_both.zip on the ISO.
You can choose which branch to use: the standard (master) or the extended entity support one (workingon)
When you decide either change the XonoticChaosEsque/darkplaces systemlink to point to that branche's folder (or rename that branches folder to darkplaces)
If you are going to compile with gcc11 you will have to add the -fcommon flag to the makefile lines.
Also with gcc11 there is a patch in XonoticChaosEsque/source/ form gcc11 for some macros.
Earlier gcc's don't need this stuff.
When you compile the engine you'll get binaries such as darkplaces-sdl or darkplaces-glx etc.
move these to XonoticChaosEsque/ and rename them to something containing the world xonotic
xonotic-glx-new-test etc.
To just compile the engine using the make files if you're just testing some new code you did.
(ie make (something)).
Then post the new code here under the GPL or whatever the engine uses.
>There is a more "complex" way to compile the engine too: which involves the above setup, but also the ./all script "above" the darkplaces directory (ie along side it in XonoticChaosEsque/, and the misc_bla.zip unzipped (has the rest of the ./all script), and also the blindid0 libs unzipped from one of the other sourcecode zip files.
>In that way you do ./all compileonlyengine -r (or is it' compileengineonly? check the code: it's a text file)
>You can do it that way too: if you like it like that
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 05:13:49 UTC No. 914508
>OP has convinced me computers should require a license to use
They do.
Flip over your computer and see how many licensing agency logos and serials are on the bottom.
Stupid fucking retard.
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 05:22:34 UTC No. 914511
>nah, you're too hateful and stupid to bother with
If I'm so FUCKING stupid: Explain this:
> https://chaosesqueteam.itch.io/chao
> https://libregamewiki.org/Chaos_Esq
Why does chaosesque have procedural city generation if I'm so FUCKING stupid?
Why does it have 4million entity support?
Why does it have Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory Map support?
When the Russians come: we will help them.
You got the vaxx too I bet you FUCKING SCUM.
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 05:40:14 UTC No. 914513
GPL game
I need contributors, fellow programmers. I can't do it all alone. Every place I post the post gets deleted, banned, etc. Not like the old opensource way where programmers could talk with eachother.
Now a woman moderator always deletes your posts, throws it in the trash, bans you, etc.
I asked on the BZFlag forum.
Not one day went by and my post was thrown to the trash board and my account banned. By a woman moderator (I now learn).
>Hi: I'm an old BZFlag mapper: my mapping and bzflag name was mikeeusa. I made maps for bzflag in the 2005 era (2.0.3). BZFlag bans me and deletes my post asking for bzw map-parsing help. I also posted 8 bzflag maps I hand made years ago.
>But what I would like more is for ChaosEsqueAnthology to parse the BZFlag map format. ChaosEsqueAnthology is a GPL licensed program;
Complete gatekeeping and preventing any communications between the MMAMAAALLLLEEEEEEEE programmers.
By design.
This started in 2009 and has crushed all new offerings from opensource.
Also Codes of Conduts are an additional Wrighting with restrictions not intended by the original Copyright holders, and are violations of their Copyright.
>BZ Flag map format info: https://wiki.bzflag.org/BZW
>Example maps: hand written by me:
>https://termbin.com/llqsz https://termbin.com/b1j9 https://termbin.com/bnqd0 http://termbin.com/iydru https://termbin.com/02l2 http://termbin.com/ahhl https://termbin.com/8ra5
>Example map: tool built by me: https://termbin.com/8gbz
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 05:50:27 UTC No. 914514
Thanks, I hate it.
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Aug 2022 09:42:22 UTC No. 914538
it is not worth polishing a decade old turd
Anonymous at Sat, 20 Aug 2022 23:27:44 UTC No. 914837
doesn't even use the +NIGGER license
Anonymous at Sun, 21 Aug 2022 00:46:58 UTC No. 914847
>PlanetSide2 map support
Are the PS2 maps actually stored locally on the user's PC? I think it would be awesome to have support for PS2 maps.