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Anonymous No. 914601

What happened to video game menus?

Anonymous No. 914602


Anonymous No. 914603

both of these are console games, zoomer

Anonymous No. 914606

Mobile pandering + outsourcing + saving money + realizing there's tons of people who will buy regardless of quality anyway

Anonymous No. 914611

Video games aren't designed to be fun, they're designed to make money.
Every bit of effort that doesn't translate into higher sales is wasted. Nobody will buy a game because of a memorable menu, and nobody will return it because it's dull. It might have somebody remember it fondly years down the line, but why would the creators encourage that? They'll have a new game to sell you at full price by then.

Anonymous No. 914619


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Anonymous No. 914621

I don't know man, it's not like a lot of the budget is needed to make a soul menu but they're not making them good looking anymore.

Anonymous No. 914622

This is why the whole Cancerous gaming industry needs to die and stay dead.
Ai will take their place soon enough.

Anonymous No. 914627

what game?

Anonymous No. 914636

I don't know my man, I saved it from a thread from /v/

Anonymous No. 914771

the root cause behind every single form of art and entertainment to rot is our money system. since it is debt-based and debt continuously increases, you have to care about profits more and more as a business or go broke. essentially the law that allows interest to be taken turns all of society soulless, which is why it was the very first law that the nazis banned when they took over - resulting in one of the most extreme (positive) economic and social turnarounds in history.

Anonymous No. 914795

how hard is this to build in UE5?

Anonymous No. 915179

You're probs not here but, games called Echo, released in 2017

Anonymous No. 915502

Developers started trying to copy graphic design trends instead of taking advantage of their 3D medium to produce new and novel approaches to user interfaces. This goes all the way back to Skyrim and maybe even earlier. It's main menu is just a flat black color with flat, simple text.

Anonymous No. 915506

I imagine not too hard. The movement of the mouse controls the blendshapes of the eye.

Anonymous No. 915508

No, there just needs to be a breakdown of the current order of big motherfuckers. Let the indie up-and-comers come out of the woodworks until they run everything to the ground after a few years.

Anonymous No. 915541

I agree with this, I don't think it's so much due to laziness and lack of resources, it's just that art directors probably like how that minimalist gd trend looks and everyone is doing it. + it's also simpler to do so it's a win win to them.

Anonymous No. 915579

We want the numbers Mason, that's all we ever wanted!

Anonymous No. 915938

Skyrim started the minimalist approach because their devs are just absolutely incompetent in all departments. however, destiny/destiny2 bungie devs caused a new era of lazy ui/game menu designs where everything now has to take up a whole fucking screen with nothing in the background.

Anonymous No. 916091

You can thank Microsoft for popularizing flat design with their soulless Metro UI for Windows 8.

Anonymous No. 916146

Minimalism truly is the brutalism of digital interfaces.

Anonymous No. 916165

Probably laughably easy, the hardest part with good UIs is usually having the idea and sense of aesthetics to make the idea look good

Anonymous No. 916266

How can I make a soulful menu?

Anonymous No. 917976

Consoles tended to have more creative menus.

PC games tend to just have generic mouse driven menus.

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Anonymous No. 917979

Metroid Prime 2's menu system is one of my faves.

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Anonymous No. 917980

> Original FF7 on PS1 has customisable menu colours.

> FF7 Remake on PS4 and PS5; Sorry we can only do dark blue.

Anonymous No. 918073


It's the same reason corporate logos have trended toward flat, single-colour images. The same reason your computer's UI gets flatter and less readable with every new OS.

The same thing that happened to the entirety of graphic design - it got simplified by designers who want to do less work and get paid more by bullshitting that simplicity and minimalism makes things more 'modern'.

You can guess what sort of person typically holds these jobs:


Anonymous No. 918084

efficiency over style

Anonymous No. 918090

One thing I don't think anybody here mentioned is that a 2D UI is a lot easier to modify once it's done than a 3D scene. With all big AAA titles nowadays being live services with constantly changing content, I wouldn't be surprised if they go with 2D menus for the sake of flexibility (and having more room to put flashy ads for cosmetics and battlepasses).

Anonymous No. 918139

Yet another argument against games as a service

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Anonymous No. 918516

Most of these games just do the advertising kikery with a full screen pop up before you get into the game anyway.
Also the OP is a retarded zoomer that doesn't remember that basically every call of duty main menu except for BO1 were just static images with some 2D fog that would slowly drift across the screen BO2 and BO3 both had actual 3D models but neither had a direct connection to the opening cutscene like BO1 did.
Pic related, MW2 the game right before BO1.

Anonymous No. 918522

black ops 1 was the best call of duty game change my mind

Anonymous No. 918524

CoD4 bringing AAA FPS games out of WW2 literally revolutionized the industry.
BO1 had the best zombies IMO
BO3 (with ZC) if I had to pick 1 game with a shitload of content

Anonymous No. 918561

>Most of these games just do the advertising kikery with a full screen pop up before you get into the game anyway.
I think the word you're looking for is "on top of everything else", the regular game menus are also filled with as many banner ads, shop buttons, and calls to action as the UI will fit.