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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 914620

>employed charcter artist working from home
>power blackout destroys pc.
>insurance is taking 2 months for compensation
>have to use my dad's PC

How fucked am I?

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Anonymous No. 914623

>power blackout destroys pc.
Nobreaks and Stabilizers.
>how fucked i am?
Depends on what you use. If you were going to box model a walking piece of retro in an old pirated version of (muh 3D app warz), you good to go. If you were dependent of the last version of Zbrush (that happens to be memory hungry), return the money and apologize to your client.

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Anonymous No. 914626

Was working on a commision making a high end CG render for a company advertisement. Got a start on it when the power surge happened and this is what I have now that I've restarted the project.

I've spoken to my client and he gave a me some leverage since I did explain my situation. Says to drop off a few renders by the end of this month.

I can somewhat work in zBrush up to around 4-5 million polys before PC slows. Photoshop is slightly unresponsive only reacting to after an action is imputed and maya is slow as hell.

Anonymous No. 914640

buy a gaymen pc on credit from some local bigbox, return within 30 days saying it didnt work with some software or whatever. repeat at next bigbox

Anonymous No. 914647

Go work in a PC network or something. They probably don't have zbrush but maybe you can come up with some agreement with the staff there. Probably better than the laptop and will buy you some time.

Anonymous No. 914675

How the hell did your pc break from a power outage? Mine has survived at least a 100 while it was running

Anonymous No. 914677

he's some literal idiot that that doesn't have a $25 surge protector power strip

Anonymous No. 914691

thank you for this thread. I'm German so there will be power outages in the winter soon, and this thread reminded me to buy a USV battery (keeps pc running for a few minutes during a power outage, protecting hardware & files)

Anonymous No. 914743

Surge protectors are nice, but won't do shit against a bolt of lightning.
That electricity is arcing from miles up all the way to the ground, not a single thing in your house is gonna keep that thing from ripping through your wiring.
Of course, having a surge protector should be common sense. But really it's just peace of mind, not an actual defense.
Only real defense is backups on physical media and online.

Anonymous No. 915235

I don't do my blending in a vietnamese straw hutch

Anonymous No. 915239

>buy ipad with pencil
>buy procreate app
>continue as if nothing happened

Anonymous No. 915255

Get yer house struck by a lightning bolt and tell me how well it holds up.

Anonymous No. 916714

Properly built houses won't have an issue, so this only really applies to you if you're in some third world country like Vietnam or America.

Anonymous No. 918230

>>914626, they'll give you financing and mail you whatever you want

Anonymous No. 918231

1) Owning a surge protector is a must and you should know that.
2) One should always own a backup PC/Laptop in emergencies.

Anonymous No. 918345

add me on discord I want to see your sculpts I am a character artist as well GrandmaReloaded#6134