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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 914809

Ban's over
How can I get a model like this one?

Anonymous No. 914810

mods please ban him again

Anonymous No. 914812

spam more threads, don't take good advice, and don't do any modeling at all, that is how you master it

You have the right mindset and discipline to do solodev

You are on the right track, continue doing it.

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Anonymous No. 914815

Tell me, for real.

Anonymous No. 914825

The answer is simple. If you stare at the colored balls long enough the information will be instantly beamed into your brain. That's how I learned how to model.

Anonymous No. 914848

Very easy way for you to do it— get a job at McDonalds. Work for 2 or 3 months, then pay a 3d modeler to make a model for you. There is another alternative, which requires you to put two braincells together and just learn, but you're clearly incapable of that

Anonymous No. 914849

Christ, its like game dev got infested with flat design, just fucking end this gay earth already.

Anonymous No. 914854

How long would it take me to learn?

Anonymous No. 914857

The best way to get good at 3d is to isekai yourself in front of a truck.

Anonymous No. 914859

90000000000000000000000000000000000001 years

any longer and you're ngmi

if you didn't use any 3d package from controlling your mom in the womb into buying softimage? N.G.M.I.

Anonymous No. 914866


🗑️ Anonymous No. 914939


Anonymous No. 914942

considering you've put in a measly 3 months, ended up with something decent, yet all you do is complain and make pointless threads, I'm going to estimate a generous never

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Anonymous No. 914951

What decent thing?
>Dev rolls the worst model ever
>asked to leave itch io

Anonymous No. 914981

What is it about this board that attracts so many schizos?

Anonymous No. 914987

slow board + no clout + no work ethic + lurker afraid of posting work elsewhere = /3/ schizo

Anonymous No. 914989

they're narcs not schizos

Anonymous No. 915006

How do I improve?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 915024


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Anonymous No. 915058

You pay someone to make one for you?

Anonymous No. 915141

>Attempt to make something
>Post failure & ask for feedback
>Implement feedback
>Fail again, but with slightly better results
>Repeat ad infinitum until gud

Anonymous No. 915147

How long would it take me to get a model like that one?

Anonymous No. 915168

This is the last time I’ll reply to you.
It doesn’t matter. All anyone can tell you is you’ll get it done quicker if you stop asking that question ad nauseam and start working.
Now get to work.

Anonymous No. 915188

It depends on how much effort you're willing to put in. At your current level, a model like this is going to take you 6 months to look decent. A master can make this in 2 days. But do you want to hear that?

If I tell you that you are not able to make this with your current skills, are you going to take that as an insult? Are you going to tell yourself that this means that you'll never be good enough? Is it going to be another reason for you to give up and start another thread asking for an easy solution? You have an answer now. Maybe it wasn't the answer you wanted. Maybe it wasn't the answer you expected. Either way, /3/D isn't fucking easy. You took time to try to learn & didn't get enough training? Good, now keep going. If you quit here, all that effort will be for nothing. Now quit making excuses and start fucking modelling. The only way the thing you want is gonna get made is if ((you)) stop complaining and start working

Anonymous No. 915293

No but then I ask, 6 months for this? No thanks.
So I'd ask for the price on getting this made or even better, if I downscale the level I want, how long until it's 1 or 2 months at most?

Anonymous No. 915316

If you have no ideas what your are doing, probably 1 year.

Anonymous No. 915334

With how you have been acting for the last two years, it'll take longer than that. The people who do it fast are proactive. They model, they make mistakes, and they fix. You're intentionally stalling yourself and not doing anything.

Anonymous No. 915346

Just skip to the part where you post screenshots with insane macros on them and posts full of retarded ramblings.
Those are funny.

Anonymous No. 915355

how about you show us what you did and people can tell you what to change to get it to look more like that

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Anonymous No. 915375

Please help.
Pic related. It's shit though so I got another model to use as a base but I can't do it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 915379


Anonymous No. 915396

What have you done in the meantime? You made this model ages ago and then nothing. You said you need to get a result quickly yet you wasted weeks doing nothing but spamming this board with the same question.

Anonymous No. 915407

ok good now make the leather gauntlets, the waist armor and those steel boots and hair, then you can separate each piece into their respective appearance.(leather brown,shiny steel, yellow, skin, etc) and then fix their UVs (optional for everything but the mesh where the face is)

I've held your hand for long enough now stop being a piss baby and work, don't be a faggot

Anonymous No. 915448

Turn off the shading, it's not helping you.
You want it flat. Even the shadows should be flat.

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Anonymous No. 915490


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Anonymous No. 915545

This is a supposed base mesh attempt that will help me make characters like this just changing clothing and such.
I cant move past this because I will fuck it up, and the topology will not be perfect for animation so its wasted time.

Anonymous No. 915555

I can tell it's you even when you're not using frogs. Uncanny

Anonymous No. 915558

>so its wasted time
Unless you cure cancer as a hobby it doesn't matter. Human existance is wasting time.

Anonymous No. 915561

Fuck off im not cris

Anonymous No. 915562

How do I finish the model? Im too scared to try and fail

Anonymous No. 915563

You're right, you're even worse than him.

Anonymous No. 915564

Im actually traumatized, just help me. Failure shuts my mind off

Anonymous No. 915565

exactly 7 months, 3 days, 22 hours and 39 seconds, starting the exact moment you last had diarrhea.

Anonymous No. 915573

>people still giving this retard (you)s

this is the same as the scribbler and the walk cycle guy. he changes the character when he stops getting attention.

Anonymous No. 915580

Can someone help me please?

Anonymous No. 915912

you fucking nog, make a duplicate of the object and modify that while leaving the original hidden and untouched, you can mess around with it later

I'll say something you've probably heard a hundred times now but you're too much of a pathetic beta bitch of a person
Fuck around and find out, you aren't finding anything out if you don't fuck around and you act like a beta male who is too scared to touch a project because "I'll fuck it up" make a copy and fuck it up, wanna learn? wanna walk? wanna do anything you haven't done before? FUCK AROUND and then you'll find out

Anonymous No. 915924

>Can someone help me please?
>people proceed to give advice on every possible vector you could approach the problem
>ive done that and it doesn't work
you're not even trying. you say you're trying, but you're not. for some reason you've tied everything to you killing yourself, so you'd have no way of actually doing anything. if you actually want to make something, postpone the suicide for at least a decade. that'll be enough time for you to actually learn what you'd want to do and execute. after that, then you can kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 915932

Have you tried offing yourself yet, that might just works

Anonymous No. 917061

just b urself