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Anonymous No. 915011

>mfw every time I try to learn USD workflows
are pipeline guys the accountants of /3/

Anonymous No. 915012

>USD workflow
it works like this:
1. FED prints money
2. FED sees inflation due because of that
3. FED prints even more money
4. Repeat

Anonymous No. 915013

USD makes your life a lot easier, but only houdini has a good implementation

Anonymous No. 915014

>everything is a prim now
>all the default attribute names have differeant aliases in solaris
>need to add path attr to all my geo to use the scene graph properly
i'm on the second video of like 10 hrs of content this is like watching paint dry except the paint is making me angry

Anonymous No. 915016

I remember having to practice hundreds of hours to get good at software. You truly are ngmi

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Anonymous No. 915017

i hate having to learn new things that just the old thing with new names

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Anonymous No. 915021

What is that? I remember googling it one day but I feel like I didn't understand. And desu I just re-watched the Nvidia video on it and I still don't get it

Anonymous No. 915023

whenever nvidia talks about it it's like they're deliberately trying to make it sound like some magic unknowable thing that going to allow them to print money for their investors in the future.

here's a more practical talk:

warning, there's a lot of jargon.

Anonymous No. 915025

>trying to make it sound like some magic unknowable thing that going to allow them to print money for their investors in the future.
Just like they do with Omniverse pretty much.
I still have no clue what the fuck Omniverse is supposed to be.
A collab tool that only works in engine and not other usefl softwares? A 3d modelling program? Face mocap? Asset browser?
Even looking on the page for it, they don't even seem to know what the fuck it is or how it should be used.
Do any studios/individuals actually use it for anything?

Anonymous No. 915026

as far as i can tell omniverse is a suite of tools, mostly of no interest to me. i think they all use USD to bring data in and maybe keep it as USD data?

this looks like the equivalent to houdini's stage/lops i.e. a usd based scene assembly environment.

it looks like a hydra viewport because 'storm' is available, but i don't think they support other render engines (hydra delegates) yet. nor are their own renderers available as hydra delegates afaik. it would be nice to have those available in other places tb h.

this i think is just the viewport without the assembly stuff?

guessing if anyone's using this stuff it's people doing non-entertainment viz or using the machine learning parts of it?

Anonymous No. 915075

what the fuck is a "united states dollar workflow"