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raul AI 3D render.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 915015

okay, I think I cracked the code after 4 days of AI work.

Honestly, this is the most realistic and practical and economically viable method of using AI in a real production.

Anything else is just way cheaper using 3D or 2D.

Unless someone invent full AGI capable of working like a 3D render engine, this is honestly, the most realistic practical way to do it, that actually saves time.

Anonymous No. 915020

What exactly is AI here? What did you even do?

Anonymous No. 915033

current tech, to be useful, would generate me 2 blends intermediate pictures toward my target.

Which I use both as blending layers in my crappy 3D that took nothing to make beyond maybe 4-5 hours from scratch (model is a style for low res pixel art, but technically could be any model style of your own) in a 2D app like Krita using two alpha mask airbrush old trick to automate blending of hard edges and softening of the picture and give a hand paint look, very cheaply.

I assume this reduces close to 80% the cost of making the right picture from scratch.

This was done using the leaked weights from a week ago.
I'm sure six month from now, we'll have sci fi shit.

Take into account it was an initial tech and clearly a month from now I could technically do better shit as I become better.

Anonymous No. 915034

I see. Kinda.
Are you the anon making that pokemon rape game?

Anonymous No. 915035

sort off.

waiting right now for godot 4 to release and AI tech to develop to make quality coomer assets for it.

t. suck at art.

Anonymous No. 915036

Why not just get better at modelling in the meantime? It's difficult at first but gets easier. Waiting for AI is going to take a while. I just use Dall-E 2 for concept art.

Anonymous No. 915037

Say what you want about cris, at least he makes something.

Anonymous No. 915038

that's not the issue.

The issue is finding a way to lower art cost to where It makes economic sense to develop a commercial game alone.

It's not an skill issue, is a cost issue off an entire game asset pipeline.

Anonymous No. 915039

I see, yea that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 915042

You need to break this cycle, my man. You're far too deep at this point. You've been trying to find an effective workflow for a long time and the results are not looking any better than they were on day 1.

Anonymous No. 915043

waiting for AI shit.

Anonymous No. 915050

>he needs AI to smooth shade his models for him
The absolute STATE

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mai remake sprite.png

Anonymous No. 915052

>he thinks this is just about smooth shading.
fucking lmao at these retards.


Anonymous No. 915053

That is absolutely atrocious and I don’t know why you’re even bothering with AI when you already have pretty good drawing skills.

Anonymous No. 915054

I don't give a fucking shit when I made that in 30-40 minutes.

so cope whatever, don't care.


Anonymous No. 915056

>no no dude I made that sculpture out of dog shit in only half an hour therefore I don’t care about doing better
You’re the one coping, face it.

Anonymous No. 915059

>it took 30-40 mins to generate that abomination

Anonymous No. 915062

>3D that took nothing to make beyond maybe 4-5 hours
You're unironically wasting huge amounts of time while you're trying to find ways to save time. I know it's pointless to argue with you, but just wow, is this sad to witness. But hey, as long as it makes you happy and you're having fun with it, whatever.

Anonymous No. 915073

this is his autistic stimming method please understan

Anonymous No. 915102

>Cris would rather AI-upscale his pixel art textures than just learn how to texture ever so fractionally better

*hides thread*

Anonymous No. 915104

I love this cope.

>Noooo cris, you suck suck
>Noooo give up

And now
>It sucks

Eventually you'll keep moving goal post, now that I can make good shit.

>but you didn't make it
>but you, but you
Yes, I don't have art genes, don't care.

Still would be eventually to have elite art results.


Anonymous No. 915105

A bunch of chuds coping

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Anonymous No. 915114

10 more years.

Anonymous No. 915165

>pokemon rape game
the i'm sorry the what now?

Anonymous No. 915171

He showed a video where he can spawn some kind of monster from a pokeball of sorts. Ultimately some female NPC follows the character around, you punch her, she falls. Then it's rape time, I guess.

Anonymous No. 915172

>>Noooo cris, you suck suck
>>Noooo give up
>And now
>>It sucks
>Eventually you'll keep moving goal post, now that I can make good shit.
You're fucking joking.
Absolutely no goalposts have been moved. Everything you've posted in this thread is still shit, except you didn't make them. Simple as. No, you can't make good shit. You can't even tell a machine to make good shit for you, as it still looks terrible.
>>but you didn't make it
>>but you, but you
>Yes, I don't have art genes, don't care.
Ah, so you admit it that you didn't make it. Good.
>I love this cope.
Absolute LOL if you think anyone other than you is coping here. Have some self-awareness for once in your life.
>inb4 chud
Everyone knows what your face looks like. That meme is a complete mirror image of you.
Stop projecting all the time.

Anonymous No. 915199

keep it up

Anonymous No. 915503


Anonymous No. 917066

good job!