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🧵 ⊂((・▽・))⊃

Anonymous No. 915133

good morning sirs!
this is a nice 3D thread desu~
today I made a box
tomorrow I will try something cool in blender (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ

Anonymous No. 915134

>try something cool in blender
stopped reading there

Anonymous No. 915135

so you stopped reading at the last word? Huh?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 915136

nooo :( i also have zbrush and substance but blender sounds easier so I will learn it later...

Anonymous No. 915138

nooo :( i also have zbrush and substance but blender sounds easier so I will learn them later...

Anonymous No. 915267

never take the blender haters seriously on this board, they're mostly autistic gatekeepers

go learn 3d lil dude, have fun