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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 915238

Can someone explain to me how using Blender creates bad habits for someone that is learning 3D? Loop cuts are fucking based

Anonymous No. 915246

who said loop cuts are bad / a blender thing?

Anonymous No. 915253

Blender tutorials on YouTube teach bad habits.

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Anonymous No. 915263

Name me one, chud.

Anonymous No. 915273

Better than learning "nothing."
Just go make shit and figure out what to improve later.

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Anonymous No. 915330

industry ready!

Anonymous No. 915331

this is wrong because... it just is, okay?!

Anonymous No. 915333


Anonymous No. 915340

there is nothing wrong with the pic you posted and you know it

chuds btfo

Anonymous No. 915377

Everyone is going to learn differently, through different material and process. The tools you're given, the help you're exposed to, it's all variables, right? At the end of the day, you're the only one in control of your behaviors. If you work, you're happy with your output and you're succeeding by your own standards, then there is no problem. If you want to do different, be better, be more... then all you can do is see what those big guys are doing and emulate, I guess. Learn inside, out, back and forth. Then this stops being a question.

Anonymous No. 915378

Holy shit when did we get newfags here, jesus christ retard.
unnecessary loops.
horribly spaced loops.
horrible topology.
unnescessary polygons for such a simple object.

lots of ngons.
square ngon for the window.
overall this is a horrible tutorial.

Anonymous No. 915455

Why did he refuse to make separate objects? Does he not he can just join them together?

Anonymous No. 915462

Not really related but I've seen people saying that blenderguru's donut videos have some mistakes in it that you shouldn't make a habit of doing. What would be a great starter to video to start blender?

Anonymous No. 915498


Anonymous No. 915510

it doesn't and maya is fucking dying

Anonymous No. 915514

That's a man

Anonymous No. 915521

It's interesting you bring up loop cuts, the multi cut tool in maya is one of the few modelling tools that is absolutely 3x better in maya.

Anonymous No. 915522

That video is for teaching newbies the keyboard shortcuts retard

Anonymous No. 915524

it's a begginner tutorial
you may have autism

Anonymous No. 915542


Anonymous No. 916625

Das a kike

Anonymous No. 916627


Anonymous No. 916632

the one single task where blender can compete is the very early stage of poly-modeling (if and only if you're using boxcutter/hardops = not even freeware anymore) where you try out very rough shapes and determine the proportions/sizes of what you want to model. since blender completely shits the bed as soon as you're using more than 3 polygons, i see the risk of never bothering/learning to replace your blockouts with proper, thought-out models. don't really know blender though, i would describe it as pajeetcore.

Anonymous No. 916661

You forgot the biggest one

>model is one entire object