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Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 18:51:01 UTC No. 915242
>brother does 3 blender tutorials
>is now dropping out of University in hopes to make blender shortfilms on YouTube for a career
Can you tell a blender noob is this is viable
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:14:10 UTC No. 915247
this isn't viable
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:20:15 UTC No. 915248
this shouldn't be viable but probably is
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:25:39 UTC No. 915250
it is viable if you focus on purely meme / viral content and minmax the effort. for example just ripping game models, free texture sites etc. especially short form places like tiktok as well
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:49:38 UTC No. 915251
No, it's not. Even if you min max hard, that shit's not going to pan out the way you want it because there are literally thousands of people min-maxing that shit that you've never heard of. It's a diceroll at best, and you're not going to make ANY money until you actually hit the big views, which may never happen
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:54:16 UTC No. 915252
it takes years to
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 20:42:45 UTC No. 915257
Literally every animation professional and even Blenderfags themselves tell you to NOT do this.
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 21:25:58 UTC No. 915260
>dropping out of Uni
>make blender shortfilms on YouTube for a career
I'm assuming he was going for some nonsense degree. Dropping out and learning a skill on your own is worth far more than several uni degrees.
Here's can you ascertain his future success:
Does he want to do Blender videos because he's under the impression it is easier than getting a degree? = FAIL
Does he want to do Blender videos because he's passionate about it and is willing achieve is goes no matter how long it takes or how hard it is? = SUCCESS
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 21:28:49 UTC No. 915261
>OP is actually the brother
Not viable at all. You royally fucked yourself over unless you can get back into your university classes.
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 21:46:27 UTC No. 915262
the real red pill is to get a flexible job that gives out free time
Anonymous at Wed, 24 Aug 2022 21:59:59 UTC No. 915264
I dont think anyone is making animation shortfilms on yt anymore as their main way of making money. The algorithm likes constant uploads, you aren't gonna be making a shortfilm everyday.
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Sep 2022 21:19:31 UTC No. 916375
I didn't think it was viable either, and if it was it would take at LEAST 5 years and very good luck to make even a tiny bit of money. He thinks he'll start making dosh in like 2 years or something (remember he's a complete beginner to blender). I don't want to discourage him trying to be creative but he really needs a back up. What do I say?
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Sep 2022 21:22:46 UTC No. 916376
tell him to make 3d porn and it will take him 2 months to make a livable wage
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Sep 2022 21:30:47 UTC No. 916378
Just tell him the reason why no one does solo animation for a living anymore: views are views, and ultimately it takes him 6 months to release a 10-minute video while Mr. Beast can make one in 6 hours.
Anonymous at Fri, 2 Sep 2022 22:28:28 UTC No. 916392
Depends entirely on how talented he is. Let’s see some of his work.
Anonymous at Sat, 3 Sep 2022 16:54:15 UTC No. 916498
Tell him that even the shitty baby shark/YT kids tier videos are not pumped up by a single mediocre pajeet but a workshop full of several mediocre pajeets
Anonymous at Sun, 4 Sep 2022 18:50:52 UTC No. 916649
Not viable, it takes a stupid amount of work to make a good short film, so unless he is getting ATLEAST 1 million views per video he's not going to be making minimum wage for the amount of hours he's going to be putting into them.
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 00:23:19 UTC No. 916673
If he's got the YT charisma in 2 years he could pull it off.
For instance Jazza started off doing mediocre level YT tutorials and now he's huge doing loosely themed art projects. His skill as an artist has stagnated completely but he clearly got a knack for making YT vids, which is a skill of its own.
The key to YT success is a hyperactive over the top personality, great video production quality, and most importantly posting one video each week, with no breaks, for a few years. He will want to cater his vids for the teenage audience, ages 15-20. If he's willing to put in the work and he's capable to handle all the grind it's doable.
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 04:23:30 UTC No. 916692
He's going to be making porn, isn't he
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 05:02:15 UTC No. 916695
he will make 6 figures salaries if he makes porn animation in blender instead. The demand is pretty fucking high. I am fucking serious, because I also do this eventhough I'm quite a noob
you and me both, friend
Anonymous at Thu, 8 Sep 2022 22:04:48 UTC No. 917273
More viable if he gets into porn, builds up a fanbase for some kinda OC or subgenre and pumps out porn regularly.
Some of these people from Patreon, I don't understand how they get paid ripping models