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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 915390

Anyone tried using stable diffusion for texture generation yet?
Results need work to be usable, but there's potential here, especially for stylised work.

Anonymous No. 915391

not really useful yet unless you're making something with the gimmick of "it's AI generated".

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Anonymous No. 915392

>not really useful yet
i think we're getting close t bh.
t bh the dataset for stable probably doesn't have a lot of actual textures in because they would have been filtered out by aesthetics.

i think, in theory you could get an okay set of stylised textures out of it and put together a whole scene, as long as you're not too particular about what that scene's going to be.
just sit there and roll textures for a day and decide what to do with them later.

> with the gimmick of "it's AI generated"
yeah, the stuff floating around right now is terrible. some blobby shit made on midjourney projected onto even more sculpted blobby shit.

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Anonymous No. 915406

>t bh t bh

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Anonymous No. 915408

it's high time they turn that damn filter off so i can t bh in peace again

Anonymous No. 915411

fuck off pedo

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Anonymous No. 915414

anime website

Anonymous No. 915423

desu t bh

Anonymous No. 915424

>stable diffusion
>stable diffusion
>stable diffusion
>stable diffusion
Shut the fuck up about your ai bullshit you fucking jew.

Anonymous No. 915888

I pre-emptively type desu and I've started saying "desu" irl instead of "to be honest".