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Anonymous No. 915421

Can we get a modular environment art general running?

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curve corner.jpg

Anonymous No. 915422

Is there an easy way to make seamless curved corner pieces without manually editing the normals?
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Anonymous No. 915425

Yes, idk why it’s happening for you, just shade smooth the entire curved face? Look like it is shading based on an angle in the first example.

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curve corner.jpg

Anonymous No. 915429

It's because vertex normals are smoothed based on the average of the surrounding faces
I've figured out a technique that works by transferring the normals from a cylinder, but it still required fixing the side and back faces

Anonymous No. 915432

Is there anything that can be done with Unity baked lightmaps to prevent visible seams on walls?

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Anonymous No. 915433

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Anonymous No. 915434

yes, make sure the end faces are completely surface level with the adjacent walls

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Anonymous No. 915533

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Anonymous No. 915534

Anonymous No. 915539

What's the point of uploading random modular asset gyms?

Anonymous No. 915697

when ur extruding down a plane it will always be with flipped normals

Anonymous No. 915698

this, when u bevel, dont do it until the end and it should be fine.

Anonymous No. 915700

Any tricks to making modular walls that have natural textures.
For example crackerd cement or something.
I feel like it would be weird to have walls that have the same cracks over n over

Anonymous No. 915702

Blend variations with more unique details either by vertex painting, using splat masks etc. You could both paint unique details that way and hide repeating patterns. Plenty of ways to do it.

Anonymous No. 915874

What anon said about material blends but also remember you can just project deferred decals for local variation

Anonymous No. 916113

What are some good resources for learning about modular design? I get the gist of it, but there's still a lot I'm clueless about

Anonymous No. 916137

Hi, any tips for making windows from scratch?

Anonymous No. 916177

Just follow references and model them like they are built in real life, with seams in proper places. How detailed they have to be depends on a project type, for games for example they’re fairly simple models.