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Anonymous No. 915523

Where do you take the will to create your own projects? I had a very strong creative drive when I was 13-17, that's what got me into this field after all - learning 3d, making videos and all that shit. Now the only time I have will to do anything outside work is when I'm looking for a new job and have to polish my portfolio. I'd like to create more but I just don't have the drive I used to

Anonymous No. 915525

by doing it as a habit and not multitasking or thinking about multiple irrelevant goals to do

Anonymous No. 915526

>Where do you take the will to create your own projects?
I dont create my own projects, I collaborate with others via github to build something for everyone. I work on blender source code.

Anonymous No. 915540

I would only work on my projects if I could. I have long periods where I don't do any personal work which is partially because of lack of time and energy, but more because of my lack of organization and being way too undecisive which project to continue working on as I have too many unfinished ones.

(((((( honestly it's also probably because I exclusively make my own concepts and I don't have a clear picture which version of the concept to stick with because I like certain parts of each one ))))))