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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 915879

How much time would it take you to model and texture a modern Pokemon model, and how much would you charge per model on average?

Anonymous No. 915881

4 hours
at least 3 figures, maybe more because pokemon fans are pretty dumb

Anonymous No. 915882

....werent all the pokemon from smash ultimate ripped and uploaded over 4 years ago?

Anonymous No. 915884

That's impressive, I thought it would take double that even for a skilled modeler.

I'm asking because Gamefreak argue that 1000+ Pokémon are not sustainable to model despite them not even doing the modeling(Creatures Inc does)

Assuming $300 a model, and roughly 300 forms, that's not even 400k. And you know Creatures employees aren't getting paid that.

Anonymous No. 915889

Smash assets are redone ground up by Namco, same applies for Pokken and New Snap.

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Anonymous No. 915891

that guy is 100% bullshitting, a pokémon would need modeling, uv wrapping, texturing, rigging, animating and then have the IP people be anal about any and every detail.

But Gamefreak is also arguing in bad faith, they claim that they had to redo every model when they didn't and even if they did had no reason to since the 3ds models were already detailed enough. (see picrel)

Anyway, don't buy new pokémon games because 3d made them shit, watered the difficulty down so that even a fish with down syndrome could beat the League, get yourself HS/SS instead and enjoy that game.

Anonymous No. 915900

Was agreeing with you until
>watered the difficulty down
•USUM entered the chat

Also Gen 2 is piss easy, can mow through most of the game with a Chikorita.

Anonymous No. 915927

30 minutes:
>download ripped model
>inflate hips
>add fur
>autorig and make basic blendshapes
Then take 3 months to "complete" it and charge at least 2.5k
This was in response to the switch models, when they already had the 3ds models ready to go, so they were just bullshitting to sell more DLC.

Anonymous No. 916362

I mean, people who say 4 hours or $300 are memeing. A veteran character artist can do a good blockout in a day, a final model in 3-5 days depending on the complexity of the character. Some simple as shit designs like a Voltorb might take half a day total, yeah, but we're speaking of someone who knows what they're doing working at peak efficiency. And Gamefreak employees definitely aren't at the top of the art game. Go lower than that, shorten your timeline, and you end up with crap the likes of which would feel at home on /3/'s wip thread.

Modeling isn't the sole problem though, animation and rigging is. Pokemons can have vastly different body types, which means not a lot of skeletons/animation sets can be reused. Even humanoid Pokemons might have vastly different proportions which could break shared anims, meaning animations have to be manually adjusted for Pokemons, if not outright redone from scratch in some cases.

Anonymous No. 917481

Model and texture to do what? Am I making complex bowel geometry?

Anonymous No. 917492

I hope ai will solve the retopo/rigging problem for us once and for all. Such a pain in the dick .

Future workflows will be high poly sculpts auto baked and remeshed, and rigged, looking forward to that.