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๐Ÿงต Blender - Geometry Nodes

Sigma No. 915909

>Learns Blender
>Learns Geometry Nodes

Why does this looks so useful yet so useless at the same time?

Anonymous No. 915911

Cuz Blender is a not professional tool

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Sigma No. 915913

Is there >ANY type of application of Geometry Nodes to a professional workflow, at all?

Or is it a pure waste of time?

Please, help out a marooned and confused 3D modeler.

Anonymous No. 915914

Randomized distribution of objects onto surfaces.

Take surface > surface to points > instance on points > instance objects > realize instances > add collisions (physics tab) > press play > objects fall onto surface, bounce around and end up in logical places > apply transforms.

This is how you distribute stones, rocks, sticks onto large surfaces, and have them be placed there in a predictable and also non predictable pattern.

This is how you make games where you need "20 stones and 10 sticks" to make a house.

>Or is it a pure waste of time?
Depends on you and your IQ.

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Anonymous No. 915940

Define "professional workflow".
For making PBR goblins and Disney-meets-Tumblr-and-anime figurines there's not that many possible applications of geonodes.
For making props, environments and for all kinds of mograph stuff they are an incredibly useful tool. A lot of things are not realistically feasible in a sane time frame or simply not possible without a system like geonodes (see also C4D generators/fields/nodes, Maya MASH and, of course, Houdini). Not without delving into scripting APIs, anyway.

Anonymous No. 915941

>This is how you make games where you need "20 stones and 10 sticks" to make a house.

I guess houses are made of stones and sticks instead of rigid floor plans drawn by the architect on top of rigid duct work and electrical wiring etc that all has to be up to city code. You learn something new every day. Huh.

Anonymous No. 915943

we get new nodes every release, in the upcoming stable release they're going to add volumes which is huge. if it looks useless to you right now that's because right now we're missing a ton of shit that could and should be in there. distribute points to surface is great but what about points to volume? plus they could totally make other modifiers like solidify or wireframe into nodes.
but it can do almost anything with a big enough node network, still.

Anonymous No. 915944

lmfao get a load of this guy,
hey I think >>>/b/ would be more your speed

Anonymous No. 915945


If you want to post nonsense about houses being made of sticks and stones you get what i posted

Anonymous No. 915946

lmfao not even the same guy plus this is a board for 3D art not CAD, literally kill yourself

Anonymous No. 915947

>telling someone to kill themselves as an argument, even in while shitposting

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Sigma No. 915949

I do get it, but what's the difference between using a scatter Add-on such as GScatter and geometry nodes?

It just sounds confusing to me...

Sigma No. 915950

Could you anons please recommend me a place where I may "acquire" Geometry Nodes?

Free and/or paid, I decided I don't want to learn geometry nodes that much, just want to make some quick environment art for my 3D work.

Anonymous No. 915952

youre not going to get anywhere

Anonymous No. 915963

Gscatter is Blenders geo nodes packaged as an addon.

Sigma No. 915986

I am starting to think this is indeed true.

A lot of potential, but little to no real implementation seen, to be honest.

Anonymous No. 915987

this is the worst bait ive ever seen

you wont get anywhere if you dont want to learn you fucking idiot

Sigma No. 915992

I know, I know.

Where can I get free geometry nodes, though? Any ideas?

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Anonymous No. 916032

Because it is super usefull, but also super useless at the same time.
Pic related is a node for creating roads from curves using geo nodes.
Amzing for making a race track, but using geo node nukes the UV's on instanced objects when applying it/converting for mesh. Wich makes it useless outside of Blender Render.
So if you like to create Renders in Blender, aka doing useless shit, it's good. But if you wanna use it or export it from Blender, you can't(easily)

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Sigma No. 916105

Yeah I see what you mean. It really is useful to render a vast and rich environment.

Do you have any good tutorials on how to use Geometry Nodes along with Procedural Shaders?

I don't have much on an idea on how to combine either of these, they can be either paid or free.

Sigma No. 916690

Alrighty, /3/ I reached a verdict.

Geometry Nodes are great for making environment art. Pretty much useless for anything else.

Nothing Zbrush can't cover, at least. It's far more convenient with Blender when it comes to environment art, that's for sure. It can even be used procedurally.

Maybe I'll post some works here soon.