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Anonymous No. 915973

>no GoZ for Maya 2023 this far in
>known issue
>no updates

this is what we get from "them". Your reaction?

Anonymous No. 915975

Not my problem, I'm using a vastly superior software: Blender.

Anonymous No. 915976

I thought you were going to say Houdini. Lol

get out of here kid and do your homework

Anonymous No. 915977

Cry about it, still using Blender.

Anonymous No. 915978

>Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Anonymous No. 915979

>using software that doesn't work to own the chuds
lol why are industryfags like this

Anonymous No. 915988

Why are you using Maya 2023 anyways?

Anonymous No. 915989

Huge amount of bugfixes + I pay for it

Anonymous No. 915993

No GoZ for Blender either.

Anonymous No. 916866

Very cool Rajash, now make jutub tutioriel

Anonymous No. 916874

I am using GOZ for my workflow wit SHAPES, good thing i didnt uninstall maya 2022.

I dont think they will do shit with it, Maxon - stopped caring about GoZ after their R17 release (currently its R25)
so no, time to seek alternatives for that workflow.

Anonymous No. 917445

based maya 2022 chad.

Anonymous No. 917937

they gonna wait until a good amount of "perpetual" license user have their free upgrade expired so they have to pay the license again.
>if isn't broken, break it so they have to buy the next version
the oldest trick in software companies.