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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 915980

>try to learn blender
>/3/fags tell me not to because "muh blender bad! you need this industry standard!"
>spend around 500$ to buy the licences as I'm not a criminal scum
>it turns out the recommended software is buggy and doesn't work
>go back to blender
>everything is perfect
why is /3/ like this? stop trolling newbies into buying expensive garbage for no reason
times have changed grandpa, blender is best at everything it touches

Anonymous No. 915982

>“They say even Blender can't cure an idiot.

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Anonymous No. 915983

>another useless blender culture war thread

why is /3/ like this?

Anonymous No. 915984

You see it in any industry. Free is bad because you dont want to admit you wasted hundreds or thousands of dollars. The thing you have to subscribe to is better because of the sunk cost. Glad I started with Blender.

Anonymous No. 916046

I met Blender when she was just 2.63.

Anonymous No. 916047

>>spend around 500$ to buy the licences as I'm not a criminal scum

What did you buy?

Anonymous No. 916066

shoulve bought meds desu

Anonymous No. 916090

Because /3/ is full of /v/ rejects who are addicted to flame wars and console wars and must bring them everywhere they go.

Anonymous No. 916538

>spend around 500$ to buy the licences as I'm not a criminal scum

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Anonymous No. 916602


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Anonymous No. 916752

/3/ has the same mentality as old people. New things are a sin because "I had to use the old method so you are inferior and lazy for using the new method"