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it's all ove....jpg

๐Ÿงต It's over, it truly is.

Anonymous No. 915990

Pack up, go home, you're done now.

Anonymous No. 915991

*yawns in burger*

v000v No. 915995

fake and gay

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Anonymous No. 916008

fake and faggot
they hired pajeets to make models

stop panicking about AI
embrace it or ignore it but keep making good shit

Anonymous No. 916024


in the UK you can see the financial statements of any company, Kaedim is based in London so I looked them up. right now they have roughly 20k in cash.

in this blog post they claim:
>the input image is submitted
>the 'software' does a reconstruction of the geometry
>a 'quality control' engineer fixes the result
>it's sent out to the user

personally, i think step 2 is a lie. allegedly on their discord server people have gotten results that are clearly purchased 3d models, or have eerily human mistakes or technique. how would the AI be able to accurately construct the bottom of a shoe, for example?

they also say they've paused signups to find more 'quality control' engineers.. aka more mechanical turk indians while the heat cools down.

it's very likely, to me, that at some point this was a legitimate venture, they got a load of investor money, burnt through it and are now trying to keep afloat by hoping a whale comes along to buy their service

Anonymous No. 916061

>UK you can see the financial statements of any company
Link? I love Using EDGAR for US companies. Is it publicly traded, or any company?

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Anonymous No. 916078


Anonymous No. 916080

Based. Soon human creativity will have zero limits and anyone will be able to bring to life the crazy ephemeral ideas they have in their heads.

Anonymous No. 916081

No cris, you wont be stealing our jobs anytime soon, now keep hammering against the rock you call your "AAA workflow" in that cave of yours

Anonymous No. 916653

You need to take meds buddy, is this "chris" in the room right now?

Anonymous No. 916851

>15 minutes
is it possible to create such models in only 15 minutes?

Anonymous No. 916862

>he doesnt know

Anonymous No. 916893

no. obviously they claim '15 minutes' but people have claimed turnaround times of up to 24 hours for shit like cars where none of the pajeets want to take the job.

also they cut corners like crazy, default primitive names, no UV map, just beginner tier poly-modelling and a basic diffuse shader if you're lucky

Anonymous No. 916901

That's literally play by play what happened to Theranos.

Long story short they promised some blood analyzing tech that could do all the work 3 machines can but also faster. A prototype was created. They said they're ironing out the "kinks" because it was much slower than promised but it's only a matter of time until they figured it out. Turns out the prototype would just send the blood to the 3 machines to be analyzed, then just printed the 3 results from the separate machines as one. The company was valued at billions of $ only to drop to nothing.

Anonymous No. 916907

this is what happens when companies invest in something they have zero clue about.

media hype?
new invention?
forward thinking?
here's your 30 million dollar start-up investment!

when it falls apart eventually, they don't lose a dime because they're insured and liquidate the assets to recover the investment. then guess what? one of the companies they've thrown money at is actually decently successful and they somehow profit. who invested in theranos?
rupert murdoch
silicon valley VCs

and theranos barely made a dent to them