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Anonymous No. 916027

Fuck every “architects” and “interior designers” who insisted on using this outdated piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 916028

>locks you into Windows

That alone right there turned me off.

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Its bound to get ....jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916030

It´s a one man swiss army knife that can get the job done, for more than 25 years. What is your complaint, sir?

Anonymous No. 916043


Anonymous No. 916083

Blendturds seething their meme app is totally unknown in architecture.

Anonymous No. 916210

>zommer seething at 3DADDYS MAX

Anonymous No. 916858

still the GOAT.
Fuck Blender and Fuck Maya.

Anonymous No. 916864

>intuitive, easy to learn, tons of scripts and plug ins, pipeline to the best renders

Nothing about it is "outdated" its just full of Autoshite bloat, and that's it.
Just wish Autocrap would transfer Maya's animation tools to this and make a single unit, but they'll never do that.

Anonymous No. 916865

Stay with blender, you'll do us a favor.

Anonymous No. 916911

you're a blendertard that finally tried to get away from your pajeetware and got filtered by a really intuitive UI, and we all know it. ngmi.

Anonymous No. 916995

Idk, i'm in class for 3ds max and it works fine for me

Anonymous No. 917747

Iv worked at 3 arch companies and 3ds was never the main program used
Usually, it was only used when we got models in from other studios that we had to work with.
Most popular software is Revit, then rhino/sketchup depending on region I feel.

Anonymous No. 917883

I hope they never do that.
Maya core system is blessing.
you 3dsmax users just keep in Your lane with modeling.

Anonymous No. 917885

whats good bout maya?

Anonymous No. 918130

animation optimisation and rigging really.

Anonymous No. 918529

which regions tend to use rhino? here in 3rd world south america sketchup is all that's used to i figure in europe/usa rhino would be more popular yes?

Anonymous No. 918598

us with arch background
love rhino
fucking best to work in

Anonymous No. 919478

Nothing 3d max can do it better

Anonymous No. 919479

Go back to blender retard autodesk program are for professional only.

Anonymous No. 919480

>unemployed hands wrote this

Anonymous No. 919561

Can get Autodesk 3DX Max 1yr 2 device Sub - genuine, non-hacked credentials. for $150.
Telegram @Magistad

Anonymous No. 919564

I practiced with every modeling software this year to know wich one I'll settle for once and for all. 3DS Max was honestly the worst one. Wich I find weird cause I remember clearly people recommending it before I started using it.

Anonymous No. 919567

skill issue.

Anonymous No. 919575

Is this stockholm syndrome?

Anonymous No. 919821

Was this made in 3DS Max?

🗑️ nutsack yo momma No. 919971

sez the whore who uses software coded by indians, because united statesians mongoloid cunts don't have the skills to develop quality programs.

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Anonymous No. 920037

Did you make this with 3DS Max?

Anonymous No. 920187


Anonymous No. 921193

It depends. It's fast for modeling and its snapping and constraints are unparalleled, may be modo is a bit better, but for a raw modeler i'd say it's the best. Also the modifier stack is pretty cool, not as cool as many sell it as, but it is cool nonetheless.