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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916088

I don’t know if I’m fit to even do this. I fail to use what I’ve learned to finish any projects, and can only achieve anything if im handheld through tutorials. Should I give up doing any of this

Anonymous No. 916092

It's normal with any skill, just grind more and you'l get better and and start seeing patterns.

Anonymous No. 916214

Find what you like doing in 3d. It could be texturing, coding, animation, nuke compositing, etc. Only specialize in that one thing. Get really really good at that one area.

Anonymous No. 916344

Fake it until you make it. It's normal to struggle and fail a lot while on the road of improvement.

Anonymous No. 917107

>oh, just practice you’ll get better
>don’t worry it’s part of the process.

Im sick of all this shit. I’ve been grinding ever since I made this post and made so little fucking progress. Nothing I do works and nobody seems to feel Lille helping

Anonymous No. 917108

Like seriously, it’s been weeks and I’ve gotten nowhere how the actually fuck

Anonymous No. 917133

It took me 3 months to make significant progress on my project once

Anonymous No. 917143

what have you tried to make?

Anonymous No. 917198

bby u just gotta try

Anonymous No. 917199

sounds like you rushed through things and never truly learned anything. or the tutorials you watched are very disorganized. the key is repetition - you'll only ever memorize the workflows by doing things again and again, possibly taking notes and using your own shortcuts until most aspects of modeling are pure intuition.

Anonymous No. 917200

Your not giving much for people to respond other than doom posting on yourself. Show us you progress pics from whe you started and where you are now and we can be the judge of your progress or lack their of.

Anonymous No. 917220

>Like seriously, it’s been weeks and I’ve gotten nowhere how the actually fuck

Welcome to reality, 3D is hard as fuck, this is why you see people pissing from the top of a mountain onto scummy "clients" that ask you to do 10 models for 50$.

Programmers are taken more seriously compared to 3D when 3D is harder, run away while you still can if you're not up to the task.

Anonymous No. 917222

Tech artists and engine devs who do 3D and are taken quite seriously. How well do you know Vulkan?

Anonymous No. 917223

What I'm implying is that the publics perception of 3D is the same as the one they have for 2D artists/painters, procedural generation in 3D and making your own tools is already programming even if you don't write any code and everything is node based, hell Unreal is node based nowadays.

>How well do you know Vulkan?
Not well, haven't done in engine things yet.

I'll make models, test them, triangulate them, import into unity/unreal, check for shader errors/streching/retarded things, call it a day.

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Anonymous No. 917235

This. After I sperged out I realized I was trying to learn too much in too little time, just ended up getting nowhere
Mostly been static things that could be used as assets in games of whatever

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Anonymous No. 917355

ah yes, welcome to tutorial hell

watch tutorial but don't follow along
from memory recreate tutorial
if stuck, good, don't watch tutorial for solution
stay with the problem, google shit, like in real production mode, it's gotta hurt
still stuck?
watch tutorial for the solution but only that one part

do this from now on and you'll be a beast in no time

Anonymous No. 917742

By beast you mean "functional", and by no time you mean "1-2 years".

No one in this shithole of a board will reach Vitaly or Andrew Nash skills wise.

Anonymous No. 917745

all of vitalys robots look exactly the same

Anonymous No. 918926

Your mindset should be "I can do this and I'll prove it to anyone, just wait"
With that kind of attitude, omae wa mo shinde iru