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๐Ÿงต What were amnesia's environments sculpted in?

Anonymous No. 916155

And what are Frictional games using nowadays? Is it true that they're modeling environments in modo?

Anonymous No. 916173

Why do you think it matters? You can achieve those results with many different programs.

Anonymous No. 916180

Such as?

Anonymous No. 916186


Anonymous No. 916189

The latest one? Depends if you mean Amnesia 4, that was in Godot 8. If you mean that action oriented spin off (Mother Of The Sea) , that was in Unreal 6. Great games, very creepy.

Anonymous No. 916220

Anything used in the industry.

Anonymous No. 916244

I personally know one of the 3d artists who works at Frictional, and while I wouldn't dare bother them with such drivel as your retarded question, I'm almost certain they're an "open-DCC" studio, meaning everyone models in their program of choice.

Anonymous No. 916284

Not that anon, but I remember reading on their website about "a willingness to learn modo as a main modeling tool" somewhere in 2019. Things might've changed since then but I've also checked some of Frictional Games' 3D artists' LinkedIn pages and they all had experience in Modo listed on their pages.
I hope this helps you OP.