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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916162

>zremesher and dynamesh completely destroy characters hands and fingers

how do I avoid this?

Anonymous No. 916164

Just make a copy and project the details anon

Anonymous No. 916166

my hands and fingers shrivel up into nothing or get fused together. I cant just reproject. Lots of people even on zbrushcentral are having the same issue

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916168

Sculptris button. Depending on the setting, extremely dense mesh areas gets more polys and attention from the zremesh, but low poly areas are either reduced to a square or completely destroyed altogether. You don´t solve the mesh beforehand, you zremesh a sculpt with a quadrillion poligons and then re-work the result until you have a low resolution look alike to your sculpt - it will probably involve zmodeler afterwards (and several attempts, but still faster than retopology by hand).

Anonymous No. 916172

Could changing the scale of the mesh help?

Anonymous No. 916181

increase your dynamesh resolution

Anonymous No. 916182

It did bugger all

Anonymous No. 916183

also, my reason for retopoing is to do the opossite of increasing resolution, to get a low resolution mesh for baking to. This is why i use zremesher. But it destroys hands.

Anonymous No. 916185

detach them from the rest of the body

Anonymous No. 916202

Make them groups or separate subtools, increase the resolution, or both.

Anonymous No. 916238

you have to merge them before adding a fuckton of detail
you could try increasing its size too, like to 100

Anonymous No. 916250

mask them out then

Anonymous No. 916652

You reached the limit of zbrush topology tools,
embrace manual topology with maya or (if you crazy) use the Zbrush brush for topology, in my option it kinda wonky.