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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916192

Greetings from /tv/.

Can you guys explain what the actual fuck this is

Anonymous No. 916193

I think it's a woman.

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Anonymous No. 916198

Anonymous No. 916200

how did this type of sexual dancing make it past censors?

Anonymous No. 916203

It's okay when they do it.

Anonymous No. 916205

Because this representation of women is supposed to empower them (btw, stop objectifying them, you bigot).

Anonymous No. 916207

motion capture data applied to a rigged 3D model and composited into a filmed scene

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Anonymous No. 916223

I'm the biggest Megan simp but this is hard to watch, man

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TIFA for porn.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 916267

The facial animation is NOT capture - idk what the fuck happened at the studio, but they had to hand animate her facial expressions.
The cloth dynamics on the suit are all over the place, and the body also saw a lot of corrections over the motion capture, hence ther cartoon feel. To make matters worse, they removed her skin pores and texture, making her look like a photoshop fix. I´ve saw better in videogames, and that proves that the VFX artists at Marvel are being crunched like slaves and simple don´t care anymore.

Anonymous No. 916268

>people actually watch this shit

Anonymous No. 916287

Literally how hard would it have been to paint her skin green and edit her proportions?

Anonymous No. 916302

A terrible design concept, an ill fitting suit and some wonky motion. Lighting needs more neg and slight specular kick maybe, but hurdur PS2 graphics amirite fags need to get in the bin. It's a goddawful propaganda shitshow, but there isn't a single person on this board who could do just the hair to that quality.

Anonymous No. 916313

Lol, I see clipping on the suit. In the first second, 2 frames of the sleeve clipping through the arm.

Also they grabbed some random off-the-shelf suit. It's clearly a male-tailored suit. They also messed up the fabric simulation. And the fact that there are 3 other real suits in the scene just make matters even worse.

I vomited.

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Anonymous No. 916314

Anonymous No. 916320

Well, for one, it would look like shit unless it was expensive make up that would take hours to put on. Just see the BTS of the grinch or Mystic in xmen. Every thing nowadays is CGI because it takes less crew and manual labour. It can also be tweaked infinitely on a computer. While Real life physics are not always predictable.

Anonymous No. 916321

The body motion looks like it came straight out of cheap mocap and filtered automatically to look smoother.

Anonymous No. 916339

>"please take this live action footage, fully replace the woman with a green muscly woman with CGI. you have 3 weeks and 1 million. oh and btw we want 200+ changes made before the deadline. good luck!

Anonymous No. 916355

>Also they grabbed some random off-the-shelf suit. It's clearly a male-tailored suit.
What gets me is that it takes like 30 minutes (if you're retarded/incompentent) or 2 (if you're not) to adjust the fit. Absolutely no effort, not even a little.

Anonymous No. 916357

>you have 3 weeks and 1 million
I work in games, not vfx, but Marvel is notoriously cheap on their vfx budgets. They're such a big brand name that fx studios are undercutting each other to get Marvel contracts, which leads to shit like the OP. Made even worse due to being a show instead of a film, which means the budget was even lower.

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Anonymous No. 916365

I've followed She-Hulk's sexual shenanigans over the years, and as ridiculous as they have been before (see pic related), nothing compares to how cringe this twerking is.

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Anonymous No. 916371

Marvel employee here, I'm not on this show but here is what I'm assuming happened:
>outsourced CG work to a VFX house
>said VFX house is more than happy to oblige every Marvel command because having done a Marvel contract makes their studio look good and probably rakes in some good cash
>higher ups in the VFX house are probably also funko cuck collecting yes-men that don't want to disappoint Marvel
>Marvel visual development is super out of touch when it comes to production pipelines and boundaries
>they order and reorder tweaks and revisions CONSTANTLY for everything from the character model to the textures to the animation all the way up until even the day things are supposed to be rendered, possibly even days before release of the actual show
>all the responsibility to get things done falls on the average joe vfx worker who has been through so much of this shit already that they're burnt out and their supervisors don't stand up for them and tell Marvel 'No'
>they don't have time to make things as polished as they're used to because Marvel has notoriously short deadlines and no respect for the time it actually takes to make quality art
>this is the result, a janky green whore with over animated facial expressions, bad motion capture with little clean up, patchy skin textures and a cloth sim rivaling something I made just from opening Marvelous Designer for the first time when I was in college

Anonymous No. 916377

As a professional in another high demand tech company making billion of dollars, that seems to be probably what happened. It's what happens in my company at least. That seems coherent.

Anonymous No. 916382

Not in vfx but to me the skin shader looks doughy and the animation seems off. What's wrong with the clothes sim?

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Anonymous No. 916383

>What's wrong with the clothes sim?
way too lose. she-hulk is meant to be ripped but in this scene she looks like a teenager wearing his dads double xl suit to buy beer

Anonymous No. 916384

Why isn't she wearing an office skirt?

Anonymous No. 916388

Aren't those sexist in the Murrican media, now? The Murricans banned office skirt for some reasons. Prettty sure you can't have them in movies nowadays?

Anonymous No. 916413

Idiotism, thats what this is, she hulk didnt gain anything aside being green, there was no need to make her shrek hands.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 916415

>way too lose. she-hulk is meant to be ripped but in this scene she looks like a teenager wearing his dads double xl suit to buy beer
If she was ripped she would offend the LGBTQ community

Anonymous No. 916417

on paper 8 foot tall muscular babe shaking her ass should be the most arousing combination of words in the english language

Anonymous No. 916420

They somehow managed to make it as unattractive as possible. If she is gonna shake her ass at least make it hot.

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Anonymous No. 916424

I never watched any Marvel movies from the very begining of the Marvel movie franchise. The last superhero stuff I watched were the original Spidermans, some Batman movies and maybe Hancock.
I'm beyond shocked of what I saw after searching this movie. To think that a few days ago, I passed by my little cousins watching it on TV and I just went on. This is pure garbage. It's not even laughable at this point. The comments on women, the twerking, the romance scenes...

Anonymous No. 916425

this isnt a movie you shitstain. Its a tv series. Its significantly below the budget of their lowest budget flick

Anonymous No. 916426

Still doesn't excuse the writing

Anonymous No. 916529

I was an intern on this show. I thought I got hired for a shrek remake, sorry.

Anonymous No. 916532

oh, so you made coffee while the big boys worked

Anonymous No. 916541

Nice bio.

Anonymous No. 916556



Anonymous No. 916559

the sexual censors died six years ago, all hollywood media is just hyper normalfag sex now. Which ironicly disgust me since im a deviant too.

Anonymous No. 916584

Filmmaking is the worst it has ever been and probably will never recover

Anonymous No. 916821

wait wat?
don't they use wrapping simulations?
i'm learning marvelous designer but how can you get wrong the size?
I don't want to make the same error, any tips?

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Anonymous No. 916843

what the actual fuck are her steps? Just because she has long legs, doesn't mean she needs to hyper extend them or anything. Like, what in gods name is this fucking gait

Anonymous No. 918614

>Can you guys explain what the actual fuck this is
Trash... it's fucking garbage isn't it obvious?

Anonymous No. 919483

The funko pop bit is so true lol

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Anonymous No. 921561


Anonymous No. 921565

I did try to use MD's autofit tool on some shit I got from their store. Doesn't work. I think it's because it can't handle complex garments with buttons, folds, etc.

Nonetheless making a male suit fit a female is not hard in something like MD. You just google how a female suit is supposed to look like and just move points around until you get the same result. It's like a day's work at most.

Anonymous No. 921778

your assumptions are mostly correct, but still too optimistic...
>Marvel contract makes their studio look good and probably rakes in some good cash
Not anymore, studios don't earn good cash, they'll get paid with "exposure".
Marvel grants them the honor of working on their stuff - that is "payment" in the eyes of Marvel.
Marvel VFX don't look good anymore, their reputation is in free fall - they regularly land in the category of "examples of how NOT to do stuff".
Marvels mismanagement of VFX is becoming an inside-joke in the industry.
>all the responsibility to get things done falls on the average joe vfx worker who has been through so much of this shit already that they're burnt out and their supervisors don't stand up for them and tell Marvel 'No'
The amount of people saying No as soon as they hear Marvel is slowly reaching critical mass - that applies to average Joe VFX workers, Supervisors as well as whole VFX companies. They are bleeding talent left and right, people regularly choose good working conditions and some form of artistic integrity over constant insane micro-managment/pixel fucking and alleged fame via brand association.
The amount of "YES MEN" working for Marvel is ever increasing because everybody with conscience, talent and self-respect has or is walking out of this.
The worst part of this development (for Marvel) is that it has started at the top (directors/writers) and has worked its way down to average workers.
Everything they'll touch - they'll burn.

Anonymous No. 921843

its got that beowulf era "we dont know what to do with the hands" vibe. definitely in the uncanny valley

as far as i understand it, she hulk, but also disney as a whole, suffers from outsourcing their work with absurdly short deadlines and tight budgets, so in a sense they are getting what they pay for.

unfortunately its perpetuating the industry of worker abuse and giving CG overall a bad reputation

Anonymous No. 921986

only americans accepts and watch this bullshit.