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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 916299


Anonymous No. 916300

Can confirm.

Anonymous No. 916342

Someone upload the video to cgpeers so I can watch it.

Anonymous No. 916349

Blender has been good enough for sculpting since 2.8.

It's just people nitpicking and whining for some features missing from Zbrush,but doesn't really make you miss much.

Let alone that it's being in active development and you are paying 0$ compared to other older software

Anonymous No. 916354

Realtime at 2fps.

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Anonymous No. 916363

Why does that female presenter in the video have such a deep voice? And why do I see an Adam's apple??

Anonymous No. 916366

That's Laura Gallagher, she's one of the hottest transwomen in the industry.

Anonymous No. 916385


Anonymous No. 916399

This just proves that Blender is for fags.

Anonymous No. 916438

Blender still doesn't have 2 major things which zbrush excels at.
Fast undo at higher polycount and handling posts at 100+million with ease.

Anonymous No. 916442

This alone makes it a sculpting dealbreaker for me, but fast undo in Blender would make me cum.

Anonymous No. 916445

>Fast undo at higher polycount

Impossible to implement in blender, as it's a full 3d software, compared to zbrush.

A single vertex in blender can have volume attributes, shape keys, vertex groups, an entire material library and procedural shader, all on 1 (one) vert.
The software checks this when undoing, redoing, loading and saving for every vert.

Only way to make blender as good as zbrush is to fork it and remove everything but sculpting. BlenderSculpt.exe or some shit.

Anonymous No. 916449

nigga I'm sure it can turn some of this shit off when not in use

Anonymous No. 916456

You have no idea how this shit works do you?

Anonymous No. 916459

Isn't that what Adobe is doing.

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Anonymous No. 916465

wow, someone with ~10k views per day knows nothing about sculpting. what a fantastic basis for a thread. go india!

Anonymous No. 916470

Blendertroons BTFO

Anonymous No. 916472


The software is only as good as the developer's initial idea. Ofer Alon marketed zbrush as the be all end all sculpting program while Tonfaggot continued his open-source propaganda despite stopping blender development once. Now you have blendfags contributing garbage code everywhere in the world with no signs of stopping.

Anonymous No. 916477

Rip Pablo Dobarro's contributions to Blender.

Anonymous No. 916483

What other programs will I still need though?

Anonymous No. 916486

Only a couple more:
>substance painter
>substance designer
>quixel mixer
>marvelous designer
>marmoset toolbag
>unreal engine
>after effects
>davinci resolve


Anonymous No. 916521

How does one utilize multiple bakers, game engines, and editing suites at once?

Anonymous No. 916526


Anonymous No. 916568

What about checking your models using keyshot from time to time?

Anonymous No. 916575

>Only way to make blender as good as zbrush is to fork it and remove everything but sculpting. BlenderSculpt.exe or some shit.

Then why dont you do it, why put everything in one software. This is why i sau the developers of blender are dumb, they can fix blender problems in different ways but refuse. The community that fixes blender is encouraging the developers to never fix problems. It needs to stop.

Anonymous No. 916594

Eh, I'd say important ones are
>Substance Painter (this shit is good)

Marmoset and Marvelous Designer are nice, but not necessary.

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Anonymous No. 916604

THIS, op gets it! I made this sculpt in blender only using a single 25min tutorial and it looks absolutely photorealistic!

Anonymous No. 916610

>Maxxon acquires
>Blender overtakes
it's like pottery

Anonymous No. 916617

he's a tranny
and he's not fooling anyone and he will never be a woman

Anonymous No. 916624

Kek. I fucking hate pirates, but you niggers sure can be funny.

Anonymous No. 916629


Anonymous No. 916708

this is utter nonsense. None of those attributes are relevant to sculpting. The only thing sculpting changes is vertex positions. At worst, a solution would involve creating a proxy mesh during sculpting that only has vertex positions, and applying those transforms to the base object with all its Blender properties intact.

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Anonymous No. 916716

>google "her", find a picture from couple years back
uff, trannies age like shit
cant cheat time i guess

while there are women with visible adams apple, here between the voice, facial structure and adams apple i have serious doubts its a woman
hell, i could buy its a woman even with all that, but its in the voice, trannies put on that fake female voice that sticks out so bad

Anonymous No. 916718

substance painter
substance designer
>quixel mixer
marvelous designer
marmoset toolbag
unreal engine
>after effects
>davinci resolve

3d max

i uironically use the ones with no quotes ...
i have no fucking idea when this shit bloated so much
i used to only need zbrush + photshop + a general 3d package, but those days i feel i need everything to create competeing character art and enviro

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Anonymous No. 916880

> one of the hottest transwomen in the industry
and who is the other hottest transwomen in the industry?

Anonymous No. 916881

Such a shame. Would probably have been a good looking dude.

Anonymous No. 916888

>Davinci REsolve
why not use NUKE non-commercial and learn an industry leading software that blender cant even hold candle to?
oh right, Indians dont have access to industry that is growing.

Anonymous No. 916897

Resolve is also used in the industry, actually more then I expected

Anonymous No. 916902

yeah but You cannot learn full package, it has locked away their functions behind payment license.

which we all know, rajashes wont be buying it.

the only thing Nuke limits that is relevant to You is pretty much its render output quality

mypoint still stands.

Anonymous No. 916912


outgang sounds retarded, pick another name for your business faggot

Anonymous No. 916921

if it's that great, why haven't I heard about this before? checkmate

Anonymous No. 916928

because your pajeet hands will never get anywhere near the industry.

Anonymous No. 916942

Wdym, there are tons of indians in the industry, some are even very good at it

Anonymous No. 916945

What does being fucked by a transwoman feel like? It's not the same as futa.

Anonymous No. 916946

>everyone that's not me is a pajeet
weird to have them rent free in your head tbqhwy

Anonymous No. 916955

>omg never heard of NUKE
thats when i knew you were the pajeet.
call centres arent 'the industry' faggot.

Anonymous No. 916957

sure thing shill

Anonymous No. 916959

>recommends software you have to pay for to learn full package

the irony is not lost on you?

Anonymous No. 916975

>why not use NUKE non-commercial and learn an industry leading software that blender cant even hold candle to?
>oh right, Indians dont have access to industry that is growing.
I said i use the ones with no quotes you tard.
And my studio despite using industry software like zbrush, maya max, redshift, substance painter and Unreal still at same time uses blender, Unity, designer, marvelous and other shit.
There is no way around in, production you use what ever works, using "industry leading software" isnt a concept in a big studio, third the shit we use is in house only and is made on a per project basis, has no documentation and one person knows how to use it.
No joke i use blender the most due to a bunch of custom plugins we have to it, so i can import a model and 1 button press prepare it for exporting so it can be pushed onto a build since we have bunch of custom vertex weighting and uv based shading.
Work for a month in a studio pipeline then talk to me about if there is any industry standard software.

Anonymous No. 916984

Dont care what you use.
i was pointing towards the fact that there is no nuke in the list.

also dont care about your bombay studio.

Anonymous No. 916985

For someone who dosnt care you sure took your time to respond.
Next time just take the lose buddy, you sound pathetic.
Also stop coping, i work in one of the bigger western studios, not like it matters much when 90% of work gets outsourced anyway and some top artists and studios are russian, chink or indian.

Anonymous No. 916986


>take the lose
take grammar book and whack yourself

>work for a wester studio
sure you do :) West side of India

Anonymous No. 916996

tf are you on nigga

Anonymous No. 917032

>The only thing sculpting changes is vertex positions

Dyntopo adds vertices.

In blender you can just jump from sculpt to edit mode and play with n-gons. You can also sculpt with materials + shaders/textures added on in eevee.

Doesn't mater really, saving/undoing/redoing saves everything always. That's why sculpting in Blender and Maya is shit.

Anonymous No. 917113

are you dumb rich or something, no studio will spent money on what you suggested. All the 3d programs have different tools and people to train. The fact that you saying blender is better (which is not) tells me you just plaiting lying.

Anonymous No. 919694

how in the literal fuck do you do compositing then? jesus christ u really are retarded.

Anonymous No. 919709

>texture paint is shit
>weight paint is shit
How many years will it take for them to implement layers in texture paint? My money on 7-9 years.
The only redeeming thing about this pile of trash software - it's free.

Anonymous No. 919713

I used a screw and nut assembly combined with a motor, an arduino and a fleshlight so my copy of Blender could suck my cock, yet it still does a worse job than your mom. Does that mean Blender is a bad software?

Anonymous No. 919715

why would I need to do compositing?

Anonymous No. 919735

considering you have to ask?

found a hobbyist.

Anonymous No. 919843


Anonymous No. 919844

No, to be fair blender had some real optimization issues unless you had a monster card for sculpting early 2.8
It's much better now, but on my PC at the time I remember I was able to push much higher counts and still have it very workable in zbrush while blender struggled.

The gap has closed to almost non significance now. Im never sculpting above 25mil anyway.

Anonymous No. 919845

So many of those overlap

Anonymous No. 919865

Keep coping blender is for losers autodesk is for profesional

Anonymous No. 919873

>7.5k pajeettuber

>go to /3/

why do blendchuds need so much copium.

Anonymous No. 919941

na it's still far behind, remember that you guys still can't use FBX, animation trouble, bedner developer random broken updates, file corrupted, etc.

Every other software still is better because it has never cause so much problems. Just admit that the blender developers are the cause of your trouble and maybe you can close the gap.

No job allows developers to submit awful broken bugs and yet blender gets away with it, it is time to stop it.

Anonymous No. 921130

>inject estrogen in body
>pikachu face that you expire like womyn in their 30s
LGBF supremacy (f is for femboy, trans = boycott)

Anonymous No. 921320

>i have no fucking idea when this shit bloated so much
since that moment there they had nothing else to put in those changelogs, ball must roll to keep consumers happy

Anonymous No. 921364

Besides actually working on Tripple A titles, this tranny has literally some of the best character art videos online and offers some of the best tutorials i have seen at a very cheap price.

Anonymous No. 921366

you havent seen much then.