🧵 Cartoon eyes
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 17:17:41 UTC No. 916741
How is this done (in Blender if poss)? I like the way Sony Pictures does it. I can hardly find any tutorials on eyes in general. They usually have a separate sphere mesh. But not only does that method seem wasteful since you won't see faces behind the eye-socket, but the cartoony shapes are too oblong.
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 21:08:02 UTC No. 916769
you've posted a picture with 10s of thousands of feathers, you think anyone gives a fuck about the back of a sphere?
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 21:35:39 UTC No. 916774
They probably used something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ID
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 21:44:03 UTC No. 916782
>They usually have a separate sphere mesh
>But not only does that method seem wasteful
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 22:11:32 UTC No. 916784
You're right, it doesn't really matter. My project isn't as detailed as that pic (it's for a game) but a few extra polys still likely wouldn't cause an issue. The main concern is that those eyes are not spherical and will not fit inside the skull
>rigging the eye to move the UV
Interesting technique. This could be what I'm looking for
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 23:02:57 UTC No. 916792
I'm saying you couldn't use perfect spheres to achieve the look of those characters. Their eyes are designed to be comically big. They are not like human eyes. Conventional methods wouldn't work.
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 23:17:07 UTC No. 916793
you know you can squish and stretch a sphere to fit any eye shape?
I think you new to 3d, thats fine but please finish your training before trying to go shoot for the stars.
Here is an endgame animation rig so you have an idea how characters work:
Anonymous at Mon, 5 Sep 2022 23:48:13 UTC No. 916796
I know you can deform a sphere, smartass. The reason tons of people recommend the sphere technique is so you can simply move pupils by rotation. If the eye was an oval, then you couldn't just rotate it anymore. I'd need to rely on a different method like rigging the UVs to move the pupils around like in >>916774
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 00:05:21 UTC No. 916799
>If the eye was an oval, then you couldn't just rotate it anymore.
dude you CAN by using constraints.
uncalled, this is my last post you ungrateful fuck.
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 00:38:42 UTC No. 916800
>someone calls you a smartass
>you call him a fuck
blue board. May I remind you that we are on a _blue_ board.
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 00:44:34 UTC No. 916802
oh sorry mate, your right.
I'm also a fellow gamedev so I wanted to help but I legit got mad lmao, I should have thicker skin by now my bad.
God luck on the game!
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 01:10:23 UTC No. 916807
>blue board
Doesn’t mean we can’t call each other names, you dumb nigger.
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 01:23:29 UTC No. 916810
>gamer word
ANON think of the kids that browse this sfw website!
didn't you know this isn't 4chin, its 4channel™ the safe for work version of the evil 4chin for all ages!
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 01:24:21 UTC No. 916811
Sorry I was rude. This is a really good video. He also explains why the UV texture method isn't the best. Using constraints the same way you'd animate a rubber ball is easy to understand. Although it's a Maya vid, it's definitely doable in Blender.
Anonymous at Tue, 6 Sep 2022 01:30:26 UTC No. 916812
well thats good to hear anon!
remember if you asking a question and someone give you an honest answear don't say it doesn't work if you aren't sure, listen and ask more questions if you aren't getting it, otherwise people will asume you are ultra green-noob and will get mad at you.
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Sep 2022 21:39:32 UTC No. 917900
You can do it all procedurally on a bent plane even.
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Sep 2022 21:41:16 UTC No. 917902
>spaghetti mess
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Sep 2022 22:01:56 UTC No. 917906
bro, just do what you gotta do to make it work