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Anonymous No. 916794

What's it like creating games for VR, /3/? No headset here, but headset curious.

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Anonymous No. 916805

Interested as well, I would like to try Adobe VR modeling/sculpting thingy or Kodon.

Anonymous No. 916806

here's the kicker: i get a queasy stomach and start to feel nauseous real quickly with FPS games on traditional monitors so much that if I dont stop playing immediately I will throw up

Anonymous No. 916808

Oh man, you are going to HATE VR then. I can handle FPS games just fine on regular monitors but playing them in VR made me so incredibly sick that I had to resell my headset. It’s a shame, I was really hoping to develop my own software for it.
It’s a real shame that none of the physical stores that sell headsets have any demo units, so you don’t know what you’re really getting yourself into until you’ve already spent the money.

Anonymous No. 916813

I have tutorials for vr but I think i'm not touching vr until I done first a normal game.

Gear is too expensive (devkit) and also the market is small which means there is the uncertainty of how well the game will sell.

I think VR gamedev are for chads that already made it in life and money isn't a concern, but thats just my opinion.

Anonymous No. 916910

do you think its possible to train your tolerance

Anonymous No. 916913

Get a cardboard and cardboard for unity... they practically hold your hand through the process and its only $5... the only annoying part is if you do special interactions with the gyro/gaze you're SOL on tech support as most tutorials for those are for normal games with keyboard and mouse controls, but its nothing you cant figure out in your own as long as you're not sub-90 iq

Anonymous No. 916914

anon please. I need controllers and room scale

Anonymous No. 916926

Yes it is possible (for most people)

Anonymous No. 916948

You mean for VR on in VR? Creating assets for VR is a production process like for any other 3D medium - made on 2D monitors, put together on 2D monitors and only tested in VR as the final result. Creating assets inside VR with Kodon or any other VR software is annoying shit and no one outside hobbyists use that for anything.

Anonymous No. 916949

Meant to reply to OP but whatever

Anonymous No. 916950

>only tested in VR as the final result
oh no no please dont tell me you're one of those shoehorn ngmi

Anonymous No. 916951

VR is good for sense of scale and proportion, but any professional modeller already has that. Creating anything in VR is slow, unprecise and disorienting and only thing you can really do there is quick sculpts that are later redone with kb+m on a monitor anyways.

Anonymous No. 916953

i want to create a roomscale experience dude. I just dont want to waste my money if i become sick while doing so.

Anonymous No. 916967

>Gear is too expensive (devkit)
What does this mean? Don't you only need a headset and a computer? What else is involved?

Anonymous No. 917007

a devkit is normally a beefier machine in specs than the consumer version with debuggin and other goodies integrated to help and speed development, sometimes they are needed to create or port games on certains plataforms, i'm not sure how it is now in case of VR but I know there are devkits.
also the devkit sometimes is way more expensive than the normal version.

Anonymous No. 917008

I'm starting to regret reselling my headset. Oh well, it was a shitty cheap model anyway.

Anonymous No. 917011

No wonder I never heard of devkits before lol, it's probably just a marketing meme from 8 years ago dude. Do current 'devkits' come with some unique piece of hardware/software you can't get any other way? If no, then just get a computer and a Quest 2 WTF.

Anonymous No. 917016

specs are shit so you have to create with mobile games in mjnd

Anonymous No. 917018

The market is both large and small enough that you can still be seen. Theres not a lot of good vr content yet so its still waiting for some more flagship games. Right now the only flagship games are vrchat and beatsaber. Develop a game that sells headsets and facebook will write you a check for $50m

Anonymous No. 917022

>Single male, headset curious

Anonymous No. 917023

You know 3d softwares have units and measurements you can use right?

Anonymous No. 917042

doesnt mean anything. There are lots of intangibles to creating a VR experience, so much so that they say the only games that are worth anything after thousands of attempts are beatsaber and vr chat and alyx, but you knew that already...right?

Anonymous No. 917100

>a VR experience
Why be such a faggot? Just make a game, it doesn't have to be an "experience", whatever that means.
>they say
Who says? Why do you believe them?
>after thousands of attempts
What does this even mean? Like, playing the game a thousand times? You're just full of shit man. Measurements "don't mean anything", but what "they say" is true? You're a fucking bullshitter. Shut the fuck up and don't talk about stuff you don't know, of course measuring stuff is worth a lot.

Anonymous No. 917302

Harder than making them normally. If you're not already a competent game devs with releases under your belt, don't waste time on VR dev.

Anonymous No. 917306

why? it seems like the standards in VR are much lower as there are no triple a games yet.

Anonymous No. 917307

watching online courses in.vr on my bed is fun

Anonymous No. 917315

>there are no triple a games yet
And it's for a reason, friend.

Anonymous No. 917326

Unlike traditional games, there is not yet a comprehensive list of code libraries you can drag and drop to do 90% of the coding for you like the hack dev you are.

Anonymous No. 917338

you can use unity VR, newfriend