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waifu final cope.png

🧵 It's over for chuds here

Anonymous No. 916896

I've reached the final META of indie game development.

We did it chuds.

Anonymous No. 916916

left: sovl
right: sovless

Anonymous No. 916935

the absolute state

Anonymous No. 916960

dont just be like
>it plays like pokemon but with a harem
what does that mean? Am I jerking off one handed or what? does fucking mean anything to game play? Can I play and have fun without fucking? Is it a videogame with porn on the side or is the sexual content integrated into the game?

Anonymous No. 916969

Is the one in the right an actual model or a drawing?

Anonymous No. 916970

its a model taken straight from koikatsu, a character creator/porn game

Anonymous No. 916987

pokemon but like arceus with action jrpg combat and rape finishers like DOOM hentai.

Anonymous No. 916988

fuck off cris you crossboarding piece of shit
you will never have talent
you will never make a good game

Anonymous No. 917040

>you will never have talent
>you will never make a good game
that's right, he will only haunt your image board for eternity.

Anonymous No. 917069

yoo cris is on fire no cap frfr

Anonymous No. 917099

its the opposite now
its pokemon fanfiction, none of that matters for a common coomer
you can easily tell its a japanese amateur 3d game if you see that reddish skin on the sides, for some reason they all look like that
>DOOM hentai.
i just checked that game yesterday, years after not hearing anything about it and apparently the author dropped it without saying anything
drops one mod after another, both mods got some attention and quickly gained fans that were paying him money
now all that fag does is drawing some tumblr tier crap for his patreons

Anonymous No. 917131

the final stage of AAA pipeline development : Just rip it straight from other games lmao

Anonymous No. 917141

>you can easily tell its a japanese amateur 3d game if you see that reddish skin on the sides, for some reason they all look like that
That's because they use VRoid or Koikatsu like Western devs using Daz. Same kind of talentless hacks, different software.
>its the opposite now
Both of them are completely devoid of "sovl". Anything made as quickly and cheaply as possible are inherently "sovlless".

Anonymous No. 917239

cris is based chudtiles are seething

Anonymous No. 917437

>its pokemon fanfiction, none of that matters for a common coomer
why pander to the "common" coomer? Impress the discerning coomer. The gourmet masturbator. The plebian wankers will follow suit.

Anonymous No. 917438

Are you prepared to support a game with 100% original assets even if it doesn't look as good? Coomers are very critical and have high standards. IMO the games that seem to get fawned over don't look good. I tried to wave my own game around in its early stages and got shit on pretty hard. I'm now in development hermitage till i have something more impressive to show.

Anonymous No. 917465

>I tried to wave my own game around in its early stages and got shit on pretty hard.
I don't suppose you'd want to share a pic or something?

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Anonymous No. 917468

Hella scared to.
This armor is probably my "trying hardest" mesh I've made. The face was meant to be a release asset but I think it needs more work. The hair is a place holder.

Anonymous No. 917472

Is that a dick cage lol? What is going on? What's the game about? Maybe you're being too kinky or something.

Anonymous No. 917480

it's a codpiece. It's a sexually stylised codpiece in this sexual game. It's a fantasy adventure RPG. You get armor to fight monsters etc.

Anonymous No. 917513

Please, for the love of God, turn down the glossiness.

Anonymous No. 917527

Wait, this was made by Cris? It's actually pretty good!
The lighting/shading needs some tweaking but apart from that, it's good.

Anonymous No. 917534

There is no way that was made by Cris.

Anonymous No. 917552

I am not Cris and I am not ready to attach my online identity to this project yet, but thanks for the compliment.
It has since been turned down.

Anonymous No. 917557

It has nothing to do with "high standards", your model is just unpleasant to look at, let alone coom to. Export a Koikatsu base, slap some original features onto it, buy environment packs if you can't be bothered to make your own, buy some basic music/SFX and voila; the only thing left is sex animation and autistic gameplay. Coomers are the last group on earth to have high standards.

Anonymous No. 917559

Yeah, I can see why people would insult your model.
I say this not to be mean, but because I have similar aspirations and I’ve had people insult the things I’ve made as well. It’s cringe to write essays on the internet like I’ve done here, but I don’t want to see a brother fail.

Sometimes it’s hard to judge whether or not you should trust the word of someone criticizing the things you’ve made. There are anons who think the only appealing character designs are the ones with the body of a pornstar or ones that look like pedobait. You can ask these people why they don't like what you've made, but most of them don’t have the intelligence to elaborate like that. That being said, they most certainly don’t have high standards.

The armor isn’t bad, but the character’s proportions mess it up. It’s one thing for all of the limbs to be the right length, but the thickness of the limbs is also important. As you pointed out yourself, the face needs some work, but I also think the form of the hair could use some improvement. Just like with anatomy, hair also tends to look a certain way depending on genetics, hair health, beauty routines, and even the position someone sleeps in at night.

You don’t need to be the best artist to make something people like. I’ve had an adoration of folk art for a while and that influences the things I make. What makes the stylization of folk art different from things like anime is that a lot of folk art in the past was made by people who had never seen a cartoon in their lives, or at least didn’t see them as often as we do today. While folk can be heavily stylized, it pulls directly from real life, but when you try to make anime or copy some other style, you end up playing the telephone game with anatomy. My suggestion is to get a better idea of how a realistic body looks and apply it to what you’re trying to do.

Anonymous No. 917566

Well this character is very short. There's nothing near him to indicate that so that's why he looks weird. There's an audience for everything and obsessive people desperate to get rid of their money for every kind of thing. I'm plodding along trying to get to some point where I have something of value to show that will get the people interested in what I'm offering to notice me. I naively thought I could achieve that very early on, but I didn't so I have to keep working.
The thing about hair though is that I really hate making it and I don't know a good work flow. These are customizeable characters so I need a library of hair meshes to pick from. I keep looking for "hair packs" but everyone seems hell bent on selling hair meshes ala cart and at high prices per model. Free hair models are all trash which blows my mind because I'd figure after half a century of vfx there'd be tens of thousands of hair meshes floating around in the public domain.

Anonymous No. 917574

Post pantsu.

Anonymous No. 917577

I only know about this because of Blenderguru's email from friday, so I don't know the details, but apparently there's a thing in Blender 3.3 that's a complete paradigm shift for hair stuff. Look that up if you haven't, I don't even know what's it about, but Andrew made it sound pretty big.

Anonymous No. 917855


This isn't even a good card* (character), its just chika* (base model) in a wig. Maybe 2 minutes of effort if you know your way around the maker.

Koi games with these mop-head cards generally make sub $200. They aren't worth the creator's time unless the live in South America and their village needs a second income.

There's a Balloon-titty-trap-filled-futa spectacle that makes nearly $2k a month. This revelation worries me, but that's a story for another post.

The big 3 Koikatsu games are all 'open-world' medieval 'door clickers' that have zero plot and are just elaborate slide-shows of lazy-posts* (a premade scene you can open up and replace pre-posed characters with your own).

Koikatsu is a my-first-poser for a lot people, a stepping stone for them to move onto better, more robust software. Given that, it's amazing how low effort and out right stolen the content in these VNs are. There are just out-right anime characters renamed and thrown into them. Or, They use assets from other games that modders ported in. And not just any assets, you’ll see characters with Frostmourne or cutting envelopes with Scissor Blades.


Anonymous No. 917856


Lastly, the biggest VN using Koikatsu to is a groomer simulator. Shocking I know. It's over $10k on subscribe star. It was removed from patreon after refusing to remove the loli content. Game is approaching 1,000,000 words. Mostly filled with ramblings and 'le meme' in jokes. Also, the art is horrible. Giant headed, dead-eyed, Moe-blob with no expressions. This worries me the most. Literally made me take a walk around my neighborhood and reflect. You hear all the time that everyone views the world differently. But how different? How do they not see bulb-headed chika clones? How? It’s right there!

That being said. You get creeps online writing essays about the plots on their blogs or discords. Some have wikis maintained by fans. I think the art is always secondary to the plot for VNs, and koikatsu proves this in spades. But that’s the Koi weg-dev crash course if OP is really going at it.

I can ramble a little more if anyone’s here to listen.

Anonymous No. 917858

>That being said. You get creeps online writing essays
Don't you say...

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Anonymous No. 917861

>>>>It's Me Austin

Anonymous No. 918045

theres nothing wrong with details and effort put into it
problem is when artists waste their time and energy on creating something that almost nobody wants to look at
like what is this penis armor
why the Second life hips
and those lips+baby cheeks
maybe, first try doing something more likeable
and to remind something that is being said very regularly on /3/, dont polish a tard

>hair also tends to look a certain way depending on genetics
>made it sound pretty big
he is a salesman, it always has to be "big"
id recommend to look out for tools and methods made by actual users instead, they dont get advertised, but can be much more useful (an example. seen this year or two idk how useful it is)

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Anonymous No. 918081

Tell me how do I make money off pokemon CGI pixel art on DLSite!!!!

Anonymous No. 918082

>problem is when artists waste their time and energy on creating something that almost nobody wants to look at
The eternal appeal to general audiences? That's already being done. You're swimming with sharks when there's safer waters. Niche appeal means a smaller audience but they're captive also much less competition.
I've got my idea and I think it's good so I'm going to pursue it. Other than that though if someone wanted to collaborate to work on something "normal". I could be interested. I'm programming all of my own stuff. Things I have to make from scratch and learning on my own because for some reason or another the sexuality of the game gives me a special need that premade modules and professional tutorials just don't cover. I haven't been looking though.

Anonymous No. 918083

but also, the only people who are going to make a whole video game on their own for free are obsessive weirdos.

Anonymous No. 918089

So what is the niche then?

Anonymous No. 918091

good morning sir

Anonymous No. 918113

I've always had this nagging suspicion that DLSite isn't as lucrative as it seems. There are so many low effort gobbos bumping nasty on f95 that it really makes you question if releasing a completed product is actually is worth. Ignoring the Japanese side of smut games, it's probably better to just make a bare bones alpha and promise more every week/month/quarter till you inevitably burn out on 'v0.1.34.2KG remake'.

Anonymous No. 918115

It's not that lucrative. You can see how many people buy a product, usually you're lucky to break triple digits.

Anonymous No. 918141

sales are a matter of advertisement and dlsite isnt very known, no normalfaggots ever hear of that place, unlike steam where you can sell your eroge, but you know how it is with steam
subscription is more profitable mainly, because of small regular payments are a good way to exploit consoomers + if you dont setup a donation method the only way to get you more money is through buying your game once again, wchich sounds weird to most people
and this is a reminder that if you want to support your artsists then you should look out where the revenue goes and just avoid the middleman

🗑️ Anonymous No. 918160


Anonymous No. 918168

My niche, me being the guy who posted >>917468, is big bootied lady boys railing tall fat and/or muscular women.

Anonymous No. 918169

Isn't there also a part of this thats not So much about making a ton of money but being able to make art youre proud of, and making a living off it means more time you can spend making art.

Anonymous No. 918188

The answer to this is a resounding NO.

I understand that's how it should be; doing-more-art-equals-doing-better-art. However, the preponderance of evidence shows people who start a project show almost no improvement over the course of it. There are so many DEVs that start a project and don't feel they have time to address short comings, or worse, don't think they have any. These coomer dev cycles just breed mediocre renders that coomers fawn over and reinforce the notion the Dev doesn't need to improve.

In the rare example they complete a project, the next project will probably include a new coat of paint (better colors, better lighting, maybe new shaders). But most of this comes down trying to separate a new project visually from the last one and it's all superficial. It'll suffer from the same issues the last one did; horrible composition, Z-fighting, awful expressions, stock poses, style conflicts between assets, Google translation, etc.

To specify a little, I'm mostly talking about DAZ, Koikatsu, Honeyselect 1 & 2, Virtuamate, Poser, or what have you. These ready made poser programs. It reminds me of when the ctrl-alt-delete creator showed off his creative process, where he had the face and body templates he could stamp out. All these devs are just trying to figure out is how to pump out content faster. Period.

Anonymous No. 918211

No one seems willing to support an original project if its quality doesn't match that of the projects running on sourced/stolen content. So how good and what does it need to look like before it can be good enough to where
>hey this guy's making all his own assets. That's pretty cool
makes a difference?
Especially when everybody shits on those games for looking retarded too. It's almost like the real issue is effort. If someone throughs some stock daz models together and it looks like shit nobody cares because the dev didnt care either. Someone limps out of the workshop covered in blood sweat and tears only to present some kind of cringey fetish homunculus people are embarrassed by them.

Anonymous No. 918240

Unfortunately, coomer games aren't a meritocracy. I think the hurtles to clear are algorithms and getting your product legitimized by having it sit on steam/dlsite/fakku/etc. So, after you've limped out of your bloodied workshop with your homunculi you now gotta put on your PR/Community manager Hat on and start networking.

Anonymous No. 918305

Yeah I agree. The wisest advice I've heard regarding content creation (all of it not just this) is to focus on building an audience.
My thought on the best way to do that is to just keep making content and eventually your work will get reposted in threads and boards where people are interested, and some of them will ask for a source. Make it easy to find. Like have webms or screen shots of interesting things in your game and put the logo in the corner.

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AI art.png

Anonymous No. 918422

This nigger AI is a fucking scam, lmao.

This is the best I can get after a month of img2img.

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raul and his hoe.png

Anonymous No. 918559

Still figuring out shit.

Anonymous No. 918568

at least that niggerlicious algorithm got better at anime shadows

Anonymous No. 918612

Any retard proof tutorial for making characters like left one?

Anonymous No. 918623

Why would you want to make that?

Anonymous No. 918651

Kinda sad that this lazy faggot's still shitting up the board. Between him and the coomers, I don't feel like posting or making threads and hardly come here

I'm guessing a lot of other people feel the same way considering the quality of the other threads

Anonymous No. 918673

Because it seems seems low poly enough to fit my high performance game artstyle
I dont exactly that model but that artstyle

Anonymous No. 918695

How do I unsubscribe from your blog?

Anonymous No. 918697

raise the level by making better posts, fren

Anonymous No. 918706

No, no, we all have the responsibility of making him feel welcome first if we want him to give us his amazing posts. What are we gonna do if he stops coming here? Let's all change the culture of the board to make that man happy; he's entitled to having everyone else build the reality he wants.

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Captura de pantal....png

Anonymous No. 918711

Honestly, I used to think I had to do multiple multiscale recursive steps.

But holy shit, I only had to double the size from 64x64 to 128x128 and just do a small number of tweaks and holy shit, this looks much better than my older model.

WTF, this is amazing.

Anonymous No. 918742

what exactly are you trying to do?

Anonymous No. 918746

Take over the world

Anonymous No. 918879

find a cheap style that look as good as elite AAA game art, but has 1/100 of the cost to make it, because I'm not a super big chink jew corporation with trillions of dollars.

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Anonymous No. 918932

>that looks as good as elite AAA game art

Oh, so you admit you've failed horribly?

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Anonymous No. 919847

Bros, waifu difussion already provides much much much better results.


Anonymous No. 919855

Some VROID leftovers on the right

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mai results.png

Anonymous No. 919929

comparisons of one month diference.

Anonymous No. 919957

Just give up.

Anonymous No. 919987

What is this "waifu diffusion"? Is it available in a website or is it an app I must install?

Anonymous No. 920013

fork of Stable Difussion by some weeb discord trying to fit danbooru pictures.

current version is 1.2 which has 60k pictures.
version 1.3 will have 700k pictures and is released in october 10.

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concept art.png

Anonymous No. 920020

WD seems to do anime concept art fine.

Anonymous No. 921456

The AI is so goddamn literal it's taking the navy blue for the hair, eyes, and shirt as fact. Nothing about the following three images is anything close to a concept, it's generic.

Anonymous No. 921467

Rig the model loser

Anonymous No. 921478

What is the point of all that crap? just use daz

Anonymous No. 922614

retard lmao you can modify a base character like that even on blender

Anonymous No. 922615

Daz is the easiest way to do that and he just want those models to do game characters, that's what he has to use.

Anonymous No. 922617

I've never heard of this Daz thing. Is this something I can use to make anime girls, export them to Blender, and then modify/rig/animate? Should I use it?

Anonymous No. 922656


Anonymous No. 922657

Ask here >>919363

fuck pff cris No. 923989

>made with vroid

Anonymous No. 925276

I lol'd

Anonymous No. 925328

Hey man. It just creeps up on you. Every time you fiddle with the material you turn It up just a little bit. Then a little more. Soon youre living in a world covered in oil and it's brilliant.
The dude is like 4 feet tall. Hence his proportions.

Anonymous No. 925717

Where are the janitors? Cris has half a dozen threads in this board!

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Anonymous No. 925718
