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Anonymous No. 917086

Anyone else have more fun using Blender than any other 3D program? Why is that?

Anonymous No. 917087

I've only used maya and houdini(pain in the ass). What makes blender more fun in your experience

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Anonymous No. 917090

shut the FUCK up

Anonymous No. 917094

honestly shut the fuck up you fucking waste of oxygen

Anonymous No. 917101

It's just so easy to use especially once you add loop cuts. It also has a ton of shortcut keys

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Anonymous No. 917106

I know, right? Blender is a beautiful blank canvas. You sense the creative power of creation in the fabric of the UI. It's so intuitive, pulling you into the project, giving you complete control. It's lightweight and efficient coding will not let you down. You sense it wants to play, kind of like an AI in itself. Blender is one of mankind's greatest achievements. Ton Roosendaal should get the Noble Prize. I met Blender when she was just 2.63, a little young I know. We have had many good years together. I am grateful for the creative freedom Blender gives the artist. What a magnificent feat of coding. We owe so much to this free and open source tool for creators.

Anonymous No. 917436


This but unironically

Anonymous No. 917460

"more fun" just means "i am used to it and therefore experience no stress searching for solutions", doesn't it? if you were used to 3ds max or zbrush, it would be just as much fun - but you cannot be bothered to learn a new UI and some more advanced tools, can you?

Anonymous No. 917463

>Blender is one of mankind's greatest achievements. Ton Roosendaal should get the Noble Prize.
This specifically but unironically. Blender being free and having an endless sea of shitty tutorials makes it a lot easier for people to get into this hobby. I'd rather have the kids of today dicking around in an underperforming software instead of playing some Chinese goyslop game designed to drip feed its players dopamine or scrolling through social media all day.

Anonymous No. 917464

something being free doesnt mean its worth your time and wont waste your time. If you want to not waste your time get a JOB and get Houdini indie or dont get a job and get Houdini Apprentice

Anonymous No. 917466

How is Blender for modeling and rigging compared with 3DS Max?

Anonymous No. 917471

nothing beats max for modeling.

rigging in max is madness

Anonymous No. 917473

Huh, guess I got bad info then. What's the preferred software for rigging and how does blender stack up?

Anonymous No. 917474

maya because its orders of magnitudes faster than anything else in rig evaluation

blender looks terrible in comparison

Anonymous No. 917475

Cool. Sort of what I was expecting from reading about pipelines from games but good to know either way.
The only thing i've heard conflicting stuff on is texturing but there's only like three options anyway so it's not like it'd be hard to test them all out for myself.

Anonymous No. 917494

>Hammer more fun than drill
Useless comparison 2head.

Anonymous No. 917505

Prefered software to rig is the one You will be animating in.

You cannot interchange rigs 1:1 between software, at elast not yet.

Maya currently has best capabilities for Rigs and customising its outputs, as much as anyone else screeches about Maya, currently it is the king of it.

Anonymous No. 917518

No I know how to use Zbrush and even though it has super capabilities than Blender sculpting it's still wonky to use and just not fun whereas Blender sculpting allows you to quickly change modes

Anonymous No. 917530

your opinion makes no sense whatsoever, and I very much believe that you do not know your way around zbrush at all. sculpting in blender is tiresome, tedious and frustrating compared to zbrush. claiming it to be "more fun" (with no further arguments btw) is like claiming that riding an arthritic donkey to work is more fun than being driven in a Bentley. your thread is retarded and you are ngmi.

Anonymous No. 917533

post your work instead of spending 24/7 on your autistic crusade against blender

Anonymous No. 917540

I'm not the one making retarded claims and spamming the board with threads

Anonymous No. 917593

>a ton of shortcut keys
oh practicing to be a monkey for your boss?

Anonymous No. 917594

rhino is best modeler

Anonymous No. 917652

What's good about rhino?
t. ignorant