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🧵 Is this board worth lurking as a beg?

Anonymous No. 917165

From what I've seen it's been spammed to death by some shitskin schizo, maybe the generals are useful?

Anonymous No. 917166


Anonymous No. 917168

/wip/ can be okay every 1 in 10 threads, but the the schizo is in there now as well so it's well and truly over

Anonymous No. 917170

Honestly the Discord is great

Anonymous No. 917173

Just join the discord I think it's in the wips thread this board fucking sucks and is the slowest one out of all the 4chan boards

Anonymous No. 917178

/ic/ piggu go homeeeeeeeeeee

/ic/ piggu go hommeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Anonymous No. 917184

dont even think of joining the discord. The whole point of being on this board is anonymous posting which discord is completely the opposite of

Anonymous No. 917185

op here, I don't care as long as there are good resources. I mean, Discord is also anonymous, not like I'm using my real name or something..

Anonymous No. 917186

the only resources you need are houdini sidefx tutorials which are free on youtube

Anonymous No. 917187

>Discord is also anonymous
lol fucking no it isn't, everyone has a unique ID that everyone else can see. Discord is absolute ass cancer of a platform.

Anonymous No. 917188

Well, 4chan also has that in some boards. I mean I don't care, why do you care that much? Unless you like samefagging a lot or something

Anonymous No. 917189

>le why do you care so much argument


Anonymous No. 917190

Oh, are you the shitskin schizo?

Anonymous No. 917191

Sounds like you are some racist who wouldnt last even a single hour on discord before getting permanently banned lmao

Anonymous No. 917196

There are some good Discords out there, this board is for shitposting only

Anonymous No. 917215

Anon, you are pathetic. Schizo wins because all you are doing is bitching. At least schizo is committed, which you lack. Anonymity is a sign of weakness.

Anonymous No. 917217

The questions, sculpting, CGPeers and wip threads are cool. The rest is lame. From times to times, there's an interesting thread popping up but since this board is so slow, you have bery little chances of missing it.
Ow yeah the Houdini one is one of the best but too bad there aren't many advanced Houdini users here.

Anonymous No. 917228

/wip/, piracy, sculpting, discord, and questions are good, but the board gets shat up by game devs and film directors who want to make their magnum opus without having the discipline, pragmatism, nor patience for it. You try to help the schizos but they don't act on your answer and continue ranting.

There's nothing wrong with having grand ideas and working on them, but there's something wrong with making /3/ your trello board about every tiny progress you made or diary about how frustrated you are with 3d modeling.

Anonymous No. 917229

>/wip/, piracy, sculpting, discord, and questions are good
anon we need to talk

Anonymous No. 917252

nope, you should actually download tutorials, turn off internet and start working before if you want to be truly productive.

Anonymous No. 917254

dunning hands typed this

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Anonymous No. 917256

it's only tolerable for complete beginners, as general workflows sometimes get explained and sensible channels (arrimus3d, michael pavlovich etc) get namedropped here.

for anyone that has actually finished a state of the art model, it's only good for shitposting (i. e. ironically defending the burning heap of garbage that is blender) and outright spam.

i am better than most people here and i hereby advocate for the deletion of this board.

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Anonymous No. 917258

>for anyone that has actually finished a state of the art model,

Anonymous No. 917259

>and i hereby advocate for the deletion of this board.
It was deleted once in 2005 and it came back 5 years later. Why repeat history?

Anonymous No. 917261

What is the best paid content available for a beg? I'm on the private tracker for 3D stuff

Anonymous No. 917263

if you dont pay for your content you dont value it and wont learn from it.

Anonymous No. 917268

/3/ is a shell of its former self. Schizos have ruined the board, and no matter how many times/people ask for the board to have moderation or a janny, it's ignored. I know of like 3 people that have applied to "do it for free", but 4chan doesn't care about /3/. So we're bombarded by schizos and 3rd worlders with nothing we can do, a sticky that's a decade out of date, newfags making threads asking stupid questions that are solved in a single post, and mobilefags getting confused as to what board they're on (though that hasn't happened for a while, so maybe something changed in the app).
/3/'s a fucking shitshow. I don't know why we're still here.

Anonymous No. 917270

We're here to talk about the happenings in the /3d/ space

Anonymous No. 917275

Absolutely not. Because of all of the things everyone else has said, but also because there are some posters who deliberately do things to sabotage the success of beginners because they think doing so on a board that has little activity is “taking out the competition”. A good handful of the posters on this board also browse /ic/, and you would know just how terrible some of them are if you’ve ever read one of their confession threads.
They will butter up beginners by complimenting their poorly-made models, and then when the beginner eventually gets critiqued, they will think it is because that person is just out to get them because clearly everyone else likes the model. This isn’t helped by the fact that barely anyone on /3/ or /ic/ knows how to give a good critique.
They will also give bad learning advice to waste people’s time, and when some dumbass asks them to post their work to validate their outrageous advice, they do and their work looks good because they didn’t use the advice they’re giving to everyone else. Some of the users of this board are just old, so they give advice that works but is outdated.

Only take advice from people who have a reputation to uphold.

Anonymous No. 917278

so where does a person that actually wants to get critique or just learn go? I'm also a drawfag beg but yeah I've noticed /ic/ is a bit fucked up as well

Anonymous No. 917284

Wait are you telling me i'm under the dunning–Kruger effect?
dude i assume that if you browse 4chan you probably have internet/porn addict, so turning the internet is not a bad idea.
Download cgpeers videos and books then cutting the internet is not bad start because our time is limited and learning how to be GOOD is slow and tedious and distraccions are everywhere.
Yeah you will later need reference, texture, alphas, brushes, more tutorials, more everything later; but after you know that you missing or need is when you should use the internet, browsing endelessly this website or other in hopes of someone dropping a golden nugget for your workflow is a silly idea if you missing the fundamentals.
Not everyone has the same ability to learn or will power, so using for example a program to manage your internet time is not dumb but smart at the long run.

Anonymous No. 917285

you are responding to a trolling shitskin that has nothing else to do than making this board like his home (garbage)

Anonymous No. 917287

if you want to get a critique compile your best works and send it out to multiple studios and see what comes back.

Anonymous No. 917300

>shitskin schizo shills for discord so he can stalk people by name
Yeah nah fuck off

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dial 8.gif

Anonymous No. 917301

>(i. e. ironically defending the burning heap of garbage that is blender)

Anonymous No. 917321


Anonymous No. 917388

Last time I checked it was only one furry posting coom shit.
It is even worse than this board.

Anonymous No. 917407

I'd just chill in the forums of whatever software you're using.
You could go on Reddit or something too, but you're not likely to get your ass drilled over mistakes, so you're not likely to learn from them.
You can also try and hang around places/forums where actual pros post. I'd avoid Artstation for that though, since it's kind of just a popularity contest there without much (if any) interaction.

Just leave here before it's too late. If you linger too long, you can never leave.

Anonymous No. 917493

Artstation should be where you drop your portfolio, that's pretty much it. The likes and adoration are just a bonus.

And yes, the board quality has gone significantly down this year >>917165
, just go watch YouTube tutorials then laugh when you dunk on yan sculpts in half a year. A combination of excess schizo posting and a good talent pool that just left. It's sad, but it seems like the board's night has come.

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this thread was t....png

Anonymous No. 917497


Anonymous No. 917502

Like tears, in rain.

Anonymous No. 917668

whats the discord?

my wife !TORI/gJRi2 No. 919232
