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Anonymous No. 917179

Does anyone have any experience with Character Creator 4? Is it good for making 3D models?

Anonymous No. 917183

I would like to add that I don't want to learn how to do 3D models, what I need is a creator where I can easily make 3D models of humans.

Anonymous No. 917226

>I don't want to learn how to do 3D models

you've come to the right place!

Anonymous No. 917230

They have a terrible license. You have to ask them for permission to use their assets for commercial purposes. Probably to prevent coomers from using their software.

Anonymous No. 917264

CC3 was kind of obtuse and had middling results.
Then again, I was probably using it wrong.

If this is the case, might I recommend DAZ. That's like 90% of the "community" right there. All the cringe of Second Life, boiled down into a single piece of software.
With that comes a lot more support and assets to pick/choose from
I've never used it though, so I don't really know how user friendly it is to CC. DAZ users like to think themselves "real 3d modellers" though, so do with that information what you will.

Anonymous No. 917422


Anonymous No. 918825

pretty shit, its good to just create something but you cant use it for anything tangible, i dont see the point, and all the youtube tutorials are not sharing info like that nigger solomon bastard