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๐Ÿงต Thoughts on this?

Anonymous No. 917293

I've been working on 2d aesthetic in Blender and am pretty happy with this render. Any thoughts on how to improve/ make it look more 2d?

Anonymous No. 917310

The spacing could use some work but it looks fine.

>make it look more 2d?
Oh that is a rabbit hole that you don't want to go in to unprepared. Studying Linear Algebra, Material Science, and the limits of OpenGSL will make it easier to translate 2d artstyles to 3d. If your shader can't handle most of what the Principled BSDF can do, then it's better to not get too attached to it. A character like a "Princess wearing a velvet dress and a jeweled gold crown" uses most of the options of the Principled BSDF and a custom shader can easily be bricked by a demand like that.

Anonymous No. 917311

yeah I'm going to work on making my animations less stiff.
I'm confused by the second half of your answer. How are mathematical and computer science practices going to help with blender animation? If you could point me in the right direction to do my own research I'd really appreciate it. Also did you mean OPENGL?

Anonymous No. 917319

>I'm confused by the second half of your answer. How are mathematical and computer science practices going to help with blender animation?

Shading and Animation are big things on their own. I was confused by the OP and decided to split the difference instead of focusing on one, my bad. If you're trying to recreate a material in Blender, you'll need to know how to describe it in real life, and also know how Blender "describes" and render materials. Similar applies to animation. If you want to just focus on Animation, then you can disregard most of what I said. If you want to focus on Shading, then I would recommend 3Blue 1Brown's Linear Algebra playlist and Khan Academy's Pixar in a Box to understand the limits of Blender. Blender Guru's donut and coffee tutorials for navigating Blender.

>Also did you mean OPENGL?
I made a typo but Blender uses OPENOSL completely different from OPENGL.