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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 917389

I think we must return to NURBS

Anonymous No. 917391

Nothing's stopping you

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Anonymous No. 917684

>tfw a windows version of poweranimator exists on and you could go make NURBS+mentalray kino right now
what will you do with this info anon

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Anonymous No. 917787

Starting with Nurbs -> Nurbs Mesh then to ploygon for final touch up is not only based, it is faster.

Nurbs create perfect UV and create perfect shapes easily.

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Anonymous No. 917789


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Anonymous No. 917839

>perfect shapes
exactly, that's the point. NURBS gives you perfect shapes as building blocks so a good modeler should be compelled to stick to those primaries as much as possible to achieve their creations. this is why models used to be so much prettier. the whole workflow was different. sculpting was only necessary for smaller details. optimizing a design for 3D primaries (and then finding out how to get them to run together smoothly) was part of the fun of modeling back in the day, it was all about optimization and simplicity. finding the simplest possible solution to a 3-dimensional problem.
>converting NURBS to polygons for touch-ups
>ruining your perfect NURBS shapes and angles
>not just doing the sculpting directly by trimming out the parts you don't want, rounding for continuity and rebuilding the surface as untrimmed for true NURBS perfection

Anonymous No. 917860

More like Mentally Retarded

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Anonymous No. 917863

based vintage

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Anonymous No. 917872

if mental retardation looks like this then sign me up

Anonymous No. 917893

That looks like a 2017 Unity screenshot

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Anonymous No. 917956

Unity looks like hyper-lit lens flare-y overcomplicated dogshit. oldschool 3D is SIMPLE. sometimes simplicity gets the job done. there is a simple joy to be had in 3-dimensional things, and what you choose to show and don't show about them...i don't think that's just a novelty. it's a foundational value of 3D art that human beings like seeing things that are nice and consistent from multiple angles...illuminated by one primary light source, the sun, which is inherently appealing, and which we've been inspired by in visual arts since the beginning of time (theatre has been doing this for as long as we've had access to man-made light sources. think of simple old-fashioned theatrical lighting techniques). Simple things like that have a great affect on people. CalArts niggers will tell you otherwise but that's because CalArts niggers work for Autodesk. Autodesk is full of shit. so is the film industry, which has choked every last bit of life out of the 3D art form.

Anonymous No. 917961

Can you even texture nurbs.

Anonymous No. 917977


Anonymous No. 918025

way easier than on poly meshes

Anonymous No. 918029

Which software is this anon?

Anonymous No. 918056


Anonymous No. 918266

What's the difference between splines, nurbs, and catmull-clark?

Anonymous No. 918277

NURBS are a type of spline, and Catmull-Clark is basically an algorithm for subdividing polygonal meshes.

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Anonymous No. 918644


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Anonymous No. 918647

I used to see NURBS stuff on Maya tutorials but never bothered watching/learning anything on it since I wasn't interested in the subject.
What makes it different from regular modeling and why did they change if it's so based?

Anonymous No. 918756

NURBS is for autists who like cad-style model building with real angles and perfect shapes/curves. personally i like that kind of under-the-hood perfection but that doesn't make it superior to other workflows, in many ways NURBS are a pain in the ass to model with. especially for sculpting because it forces you to deal with trimmed surfaces, which are really annoying and break the illusion of NURBS being "perfect" and totally logical. in the hands of a master though I think NURBS make the prettiest and cleanest stuff around.
when you consider that NURBS used to be the industry standard before polygons, it should naturally inspire some curiosity about how basic modeling used to be done, how you achieved certain kinds of shapes, etc. that we can do so easily now with other methods. i think the effort is worth it because it frequently turns out nicer/more refined and SIMPLE models while also giving you a bit of a mental exercise in planning out how your various curves and isoparms need to intersect for the final mesh. knowing how to handle NURBS well like that makes you a smarter 3D artist in general.

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that was me.jpg

Anonymous No. 919818

>tfw a windows version of poweranimator exists on and you could go make NURBS+mentalray kino right now

I was the one who uploaded that!
Don't bother with "PowerAnimator"... Maya is basically the same(same NURBs tools and almost identical render engine) and has a way better user interface. You will literally get work done 5-10 times faster with Maya. Not an exaggeration.

I PITY the Industrial/Automotive designers that are forced to use this outdated piece of shit "Alias" (PowerAnimator) for their work. (Alias is still used to this day... and it hasn't changed one bit!)

To understand just how crappy and slow(unproductive) the Alias/Poweranimator user interface is, I'll give you examples:

1.You must use the left mouse button to move an object/vertex along the X axis, use the middle mouse button/wheel to move objects/vertex along the Y axis, and the right mouse button to move objects/vertex along the Z axis. (also the Z axis is UP not backward/forward to make things even more confusing)

2.You have to click on a specific button for selecting vertices, another for deselecting vertices, another button specifically for selecting whole objects, and another button for specifically un-selecting whole objects. Unlike most software you can't just deselect by clicking nothing, no, you have to click either the un-select object button or un-select vertex button.

If this sounds like a completely unnatural and robotic way of modelling, you'd be right.

Alias.... not even once. Justu se Maya + "Maya software renderer" instead.

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Anonymous No. 919820

Nice head. You could have modeled it 10 times faster with Maya NURBS! lol

>NURBS texturing is easier than poly meshes

Yes and no. A NURBS object is essentially a flat plane that's been sculpted/deformed into another shape. (e.g. a cylinder is a NURBS plane bent into a circle) The NURBS object itself IS the UV texture coordinates. It's like if you did planar mapping on a plane and then bent that plane into something else.

But there are serious disadvantages:

1. NURBS models are usually made of multiple objects stitched together, so this means you have multiple objects with different texture coordinates that don't line up with one another.

A typical car model is typically made of hundreds or even thousands of NURBS objects! Imagine texturing all of those and having thousands of textures (image files)- it's insane.

2.Another problem with NURBS is texture stretching. Because the object itself is the texture coordinates you run into the issues of "local detail". This means areas of the NURBS object with high concentrations of vertices will have sharper textures while areas where the vertices are spread apart, the texture will look more blurry there.

Again, think of a NURBS object as just a plane with planar mapping. If you started to stretch and deform this plane into another shape, of course you would see some texture stretching.

Most complex NURBS models just use plain colors- no textures. In manufacturing of real objects (what NURBS is used for today) you don't have to worry about texturing in 3D software. Any textures you need will be applied in real life in way that isn't bound by limitations of 3D software. There is no texture stretching in the real world!

Hope this helped, anons.

Anonymous No. 919882

Are there some in-depth tutorial with voice over ơn this workflow ?

Anonymous No. 920510


Anonymous No. 920532

Moi isn't good software for me, it enters into a calculation loop when doing boolean unions and stuff, it's annoying.

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Anonymous No. 920892

>I was the one who uploaded that!
How the fuck did you find it? I had no idea a windows version of the old Alias even existed. It's nice to have since getting an actual IRIX machine at a reasonable price these days is difficult. Even so, the UI is a glitchy piece of shit and I can't get it to display correctly, even on a VM, so getting any serious work done on it is unlikely unless you have the old PowerAnimator layout memorized like the back of your hand, to the point that having half the menus glitched/invisible isn't a hinderance, but even then it's comparable to working in a darkened room with nothing but feel to go off of.
Man I would give my left asscheek for some good IRIX emulation right about now.

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Anonymous No. 920931

>How the fuck did you find it? I had no idea a windows version of the old Alias even existed.

I was the one who found the software from the year 2000 (version 9.0) and it came without a key. Someone on the IRIX forums gave me slightly newer version from about 2003 (version 11.0) which came with a key generator. I decided to try to use the key generator from version 11.0 (2003) with version 9.0 (2000) and... it worked! I got lucky, very lucky.

Anonymous No. 920934

>how the fuck did you find it

Also, I read a rumor on a 3D tutorial forum from 2001 that said version 9.0 Alias for windows had all the same features as Poweranimator (particles, warp lights, etc.)

so I went out and looked for it my self.

Anonymous No. 922685

>it enters into a calculation loop when doing boolean unions and stuff, it's annoying

Rhino is the best

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Anonymous No. 925275


Anonymous No. 925291

>he's 3d modelling on a submarine

Anonymous No. 925360

Use AutoStudio 2023 cunt.

It's literally the same shit.

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Anonymous No. 926400

>Use AutoStudio 2023 cunt.
>It's literally the same shit.

Not it's really not. The old version (9.0) has particle effects, fur, warp lights, etc. Luckily there is version available for Windows:

He should really just be using Maya, though. Maya NURBS are SO much easier to use, it's not even funny. Plus the Maya render engine is basically the same as the Alias one.

They switch from Alias to Maya for a reason. You'll get your work done much more quickly and efficiently with Maya. Trust me.

Anonymous No. 926402

use any cad software, they use parametric surfaces, retard

Anonymous No. 926487

>use any cad software, they use parametric surfaces, retard

Maya is the easiest NURBS software, and it even allows you to animate them.

Anonymous No. 926507

This is what 3D modelling would look like in crueltly squad holy shit

Anonymous No. 926575

if you don't like colourful interfaces you have no $0V7

Anonymous No. 926618

What program and what year was this made in

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Anonymous No. 926707

Absorb more information and the answer will present itself to you.

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Anonymous No. 927380

>What program and what year was this made in

Alias Studio/Alias Poweranimator

Anonymous No. 928479

you are retarded and your eyes dont work