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๐Ÿงต What will happen to Poser, DAZ Studio and similar with AI taking off like this?

Anonymous No. 917682

Those programs are mostly used by people not interested in doing things from scratch and rather interested in creating characters quick, so isn't that exactly the field AI will get a strong foothold?
The technology is currently developing in breathtakingly fast speed, basically exponentially.

It will still take a while until AI imagery will be quick enough for realtime scenarios like games so I guess the Maya crowd will be fine but the character creators for comic pictures and such? Looking bleak for them

Anonymous No. 917687

Hehehe, AIfags will never experience the creativity boost and ideas one gets from working on a model and thinking about all the posibilities.
I'll keep doing stuff manually, but use AI for dirty blockouts

Anonymous No. 917690

What AI and where can I make my own?

Anonymous No. 917691

I remember a time when people were singing's DAZ's demise because they watched a MetaHuman trailer.

Daz is here to stay because it offer a platform for creators to sell their 3D assets and for makers to import and use these assets with just two clicks.

People are unwilling to put the time and effort in learning the ins and outs of a game engine. And MetaHuman will never be opened for user-created content. They specifically said this which begs the question wtf is the point of it but whatever.

Creating quality Daz renders is a skillset of its own and very few put in the time and effort to acquire it. I think AI will change all of that and we'll see a boom in the Daz userbase because with AI even halfassed renders can be made to look amazing.

Anonymous No. 917695

/sdg/ on /g/

Anonymous No. 917699

Why are zoomlets so retarded

Anonymous No. 917718

I dabble in DAZ. How exactly can AI make my renders better? Deets pls.

Anonymous No. 917723


I need them to kick me in the nuts like there's no tomorrow

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Anonymous No. 917726

>Hehehe, AIfags will never experience the creativity boost and ideas one gets from working on a model
top cope lmao

This is mostly take the jobs of beginner artist doing freelance for indie studios, but it will eventually take up more, it will also make 3d objects in AAA quality by the way. Nvidia is employing photoscanner artist to feed ai

Anonymous No. 917727

Its actually eye opening how severely mentally handicapped they are. Its mostly an american thing too.

Anonymous No. 917731


Hello! It's me, your art director. Very cool image you've got there. You're killing it, kid. One tiny thing though, could you change the color of her garment to blue and make it non-transparent? I need it done in less than 1 hour as the marketing team needs it asap. Just, you know, raise the opacity and change the hue. Everything else has to stay EXACTLY the same. Shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes but the deadline is 1 hour so take your time.

Anonymous No. 917732

I hope it can make ugly black people for the latest fagman show.

Anonymous No. 917733

Are there any ai programs that can do that yet? You'd think someone would HAVE to be working on it.

Anonymous No. 917735

Zero, the answer is zero AI programs that can do that.

Each image generated by the AI is unique. It is somewhat possible to get the same image generated twice but they will not be 100% identical, they will be something like 90% identical which for movement is pretty good. There's actually this artist which created a portrait art installation thing which was a screen that generated an face ever few seconds. The selling point was that each portrait was unique and once "refreshed" it was gone forever. He made a small fortune off of it.

What AI does is generate thousands upon thousands (maybe millions) of random images and the GAN network only chooses the very few images that are passable.

In order for an AI to just change the color of a piece of clothing and keep everything else the same it needs to be trained on a dataset where each image also has every possible variation of clothing color. In other words if the training data only has people wearing green clothes then the AI is incapable of generating an image of someone wearing non-green clothes.

AI is by no means new technology. What is new are these ultra-fast GPU's and GANs which can make AI technology finally feasible.

Anonymous No. 917736

the only thing that matters is keeping a consistent model in animation. This stuff isnt even close.

Anonymous No. 917738

It it's 2d just add an adjustment layer. I doubt people with no art experience are going to be in jobs like this using AI. It will be suplementary like all other software.

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Anonymous No. 917739

>Hello! It's me, your art director. Very cool image you've got there. You're killing it, kid. One tiny thing though, could you change the color of her garment to blue and make it non-transparent
press the button again with this image as input and get all the variations you need. Retards like you were bleeding from your anus last year when the AI could just do only blobs, one year later and is making photo real images an somehow you think no one will figure out how to make the AI edit inputs in another year, people like you should all be executed


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Anonymous No. 917740

>Zero, the answer is zero AI programs that can do that.
Zero, the answer is zero AI program could do this(last year)

Anonymous No. 917744

Take this filth away from our blue board, coomer

Anonymous No. 917759

AI is going to make an already established artist's job easier but by no means is it ever going to replace him.

each time you press it it generates a different image, you just posted 4 incoherent different images claiming to be the same one
y u so dumb?

It's me again, your art director. I see you sent me an email with what I requested but must have attached the wrong file or something because it looks completely different? Just send over the correct file, please. Got a lot riding on this. Deadline is only 5 minutes away. K thx

Anonymous No. 917778

That AI was trained with purely safe for work material so it doesn't know what female nipples look like. You're looking at male nipples on those tits.

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Anonymous No. 917779


You are mentally retarded simpleton.

Anonymous No. 917784

The only value this can really bring is cutting out shitholes like India from development.

Anonymous No. 917785

Impressive - source? I mean it seems to not be your run of the mill StabDiff generation - which model was used?

Looks also like some custom training or at least input constriction?

More info welcome!

Anonymous No. 917801

thats not how it works. If it looks like ae duck and walks like a duck, its a duck.

Same with all the CP thats being generated with this. Expect regulation soon.

Anonymous No. 917812

>Expect regulation soon.
You mean all those hentai artists will also get their pencils taken away?

Anonymous No. 917816

Expect regulation, coomer.

Anonymous No. 917817

Additionally, if you get caught producing CP with a pencil you DO get your pencil taken away, as you will be imprisoned

Anonymous No. 917818

>artfagswant big daddy gov to save them
The irony
Pandora's box exploded and you can't even find the pieces to put back together

Anonymous No. 917819

>he thinks this is art

Anonymous No. 917820

It is and you can cry and Seethe about it
>heheh art can be literally anything!
>*skims through a young Austrian artist's work*
>"this is shit goy, rejected"
>"anyways as I was saying, art can be literally anything, scribble on a canvas? Art! A shitty incoherent mess of a sculpture? Art! A literal can of shit! Masterful art, so avant gard look at us we are so intelligent and smug durrr

>oh BTW basic sketch will be $25

the "vanguard of art" people are suddenly gatekeepers of artistic creativity.

Anonymous No. 917822

>It is and you can cry and Seethe about it
>ironically goes on to write a novel about the vanguard of art

this is more akin to someone downloading a midi transcription and hooking it up in FL studio and claiming they know how to play piano. You will never, ever, be an artist.

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Anonymous No. 917825

Why would anyone want to be a artist? It's dead, it was always a money laundering scheme, now it's dead and that's a good thing, get a real job.
No more being a pretentious asshole over your scribbles/3d clay when anyone can surpass you with a few clicks. Seethe and cope
>banana duct taped to a wall makes me a artist and rich

Anonymous No. 917829

you should get a real job as you say penning e-novel after e-novel about the vanguard of art

Anonymous No. 917832

LOL nice cope faggot, learn2typefast

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Anonymous No. 917833

>a real job
Why would you want a real job in this clown world?

Anonymous No. 917834

>smut makes money
Huh, ai will put them out of a job by this time next year. Hope those guys are good at managing that Money hahahahahaha

Anonymous No. 917835

>AI will put the whole gamedev pipeline out by next year
Holy shit, the gaming industry is trembling right now. Anon, please use your brain...

Anonymous No. 917837

are you insane?

Anonymous No. 917850

these AI "art" frat boys are all forming god complexes for whatever bizarre reason

Anonymous No. 917851

those coomers are so thirsty and will do anything to take any easy way out. They dont realize that the life of an artist is one of constant work, putting the effort in, in a perpetual state of seeking new discoveries and workflows. These "click once for a still image" folk will never have the right mindset nor will ever be capable of ever becoming an artist.

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Anonymous No. 917853

taking someone else's art to train an AI algorithm then generate something with said algorithm is not "art" moron, it's called "plagiarism"

Epic Games explicitly states in its EULA that you are not allowed to train any AI with their stuff. What this means in case you haven't figured it out: companies are already barred by law not to use AI stuff because the images they got to train the AI are protected through EULA. This means that no company out there will dare use AI "artists" lest they be sued into oblivion.

And I just realized something. Holy shit I might become rich:
1) Create an AI algorithm to recognize the images which were used to train other AI algorithms.
2) Sell it to everyone.
3) Become rich.
4) Laugh at all the talentless jobless nobodies who can generate top tier quality stuff yet nobody pays them because it's literally illegal to make money off of it.

Lmao, AI is just a glorified fanart generator.

Anonymous No. 917854

Someone on twitter called me an "AI art bro"

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Anonymous No. 917857

>taking someone else's art to train an AI algorithm then generate something with said algorithm is not "art" moron, it's called "plagiarism"

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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 917886

>each time you press it it generates a different image, you just posted 4 incoherent different images claiming to be the same one
>y u so dumb?


Pro tip for all of you mediocre artists, the little work you get to do for lowbudge indie games and porn commissions is about to end ;)

Anonymous No. 917888

you will not be an artist, not in a million lifetimes

Anonymous No. 917903

Unless you are a woman. A basic bitch who has a minimum of 10k followers on any platform can get 100k worth or donatons / sponsorships / and etsy money.

Anonymous No. 917904

AI is still way too inconsistent, it can't draw the same character wearing the same clothes in the same art style in different situations and environments. It's still gonna take at least 3-4 years until it'll get to a point where you could feasibly make an entire VN with AI generated images and have consistent looking characters and a consistent art style throughout the entire game.

Anonymous No. 917905


Anonymous No. 917909

what's stopping someone from taking an AI generated image and quickly sketching over it a bit and cleaning up the telltale signs like fucked up anatomy and weird lines to make it "original" looking?
how would you even determine that the image is AI generated in that case?

Anonymous No. 917912

just have them provide documentation of the stages of their work in recorded video format. This always stumps tracers.

Anonymous No. 917913

well yeah, as a company commissioning an artist that may work
but I mean as a consumer just looking at the final result you won't start suspecting every single piece of media released from now on to be AI generated, and you won't go asking every company or studio releasing media to provide proof because they'll just go "fuck you we don't have to tell you shit", right?

Anonymous No. 917915

Anon, this whole thing is ridiculous. As one of the few artists itt I do admit that I look to the old masters, but I dont compile their work into a program and then use a warehouse full of GPUs to programmatically copy their works except for 1 pixel being different. That would be like wearing an endo skeleton on your torso to help you throw a baseball more accurately and then claiming you are better at baseball. It undermines the spirit of what you are doing

Anonymous No. 917918

it's not about what's morally right or about having the right spirit or whatever, it's about the sad reality of this world we live in
>wearing an endo skeleton on your torso to help you throw a baseball more accurately and then claiming you are better at baseball
if people could get away with it and nobody would be able to tell that they're wearing an endo skeleton, they would 1000% do it, that's exactly my point

Anonymous No. 917920

Enough, anon. I am busy. Cheating is not art. We can all admit that tracing is not art, nor is painting by numbers. Plus, everybody looks down on it. This is the lowest of the low.

Anonymous No. 917921

I don't really care about the art vs not art angle
I'm more interested in the legal/copyright aspect, like I obviously understand that there is protected source material but I wonder how enforcable it'll be if someone really tries their luck anyway
it'll be interesting to see where all of this AI stuff goes in the future

Anonymous No. 917922

you will lose everything, especially to the mouse

it will be regulated, and it may all go away because of overwhelming floods of cheese za

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Anonymous No. 917925

>gonna take at least 3-4 years
Anon, I...

Anonymous No. 917926

that's cute but I still stand by it, I don't think you're gonna be able to do that with a humanoid character with a complex hairstyle and several character defining details on their clothing/body and have it stay consistent yet

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Anonymous No. 917927

Give it a few weeks.

Anonymous No. 917928

I'll believe it when it happens
it'll be cool tho, mean I can make a shitty VN and milk retards on patreon with minimum effort

Anonymous No. 917929

This is just a collage of the literally billion cat photos out there. This is nothing to be proud of

Anonymous No. 917932

Not a "collage" in the copy-and-paste sense, but optimization. But that's just calculus so yeah, not very impressive.

Anonymous No. 917938

Nothing lol but you just described what an actual artist does.

At most AI will be used by artists to skip MAYBE 20-30% of menial work. This means they will just be able to create art 20-30% times quicker. But we're talking about actual artists here not people who can barely draw a stick figure and are under the impression AI is going to make them artists lol.

Anonymous No. 917939

lmao hand with 6 fingers

yeah, nobody's going to pay any amount of money for shit like this unless they're morons and morons aren't known to be loaded

Anonymous No. 917940

>and morons aren't known to be loaded
hordes of onlyfans simps would disagree with that statement

Anonymous No. 917942

>mfw I'm literally training AI
>mfw I know for an absolute fact that AI is just a tool with limited capabilities
>mfw I plan on selling my AI to people who think AI shit will magically make them money without putting in any effort whatsoever

It's literally my sales-pitch: "The computer will do it for you!"

The moment I got into the software hustle I realized there are two types of users: people who have no mental ability to troubleshoot through a problem and think the devs are chosen people who can do magic, and the other types of people. I constantly have to explain to people that you need to do A, then B, then C and they constantly complain that the software doesn't work when they do A, then C, then B.

I know for an absolute fact that no matter how advance AI gets, the people who are most excited by it don't even have the mental capacity to even use it properly. I'm not even being mean, the best advice I got was "you have to make your software retard proof otherwise it won't sell because people won't figure it out how to use it".

Anonymous No. 917944

No one wants your foot database.


Anonymous No. 917946


you think you, an overweight male who makes subpar non-bespoke anime waifu's is able to compete with some random 7/10 woman who posts pictures of her feet?

your whole business model relies on the fact that said simps aren't able to create their own subpar non-bespoke anime waifu's

I hope you're training your own AI, anon, and not relying on freeware which can run in any browser lol

Anonymous No. 917954

>The technology is currently developing in breathtakingly fast speed, basically exponentially.
Not really.
Training methods for weights get better, but the systems are just as primitive.
What makes all this possible is trillions of images online of everything possible as well as cheap access to render farms allowing for training the models easier than ever.
Those programs still have no idea why anything looks they way it does, it know what things look "on average" and thats it.

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Anonymous No. 917957

I'm actually looking forward to the death of all man-made arts and crafts over the next 30 years because then all of the pajeet wageniggers will be filtered out and only the truly autodidactic craftsmen will remain.
It's going to be nice.

Anonymous No. 917975

holy shit, this retard is here as well. he does the same on /ic/ 24/7, the same posting style and all.

Anonymous No. 918087

it's just another tool. Uncreative people still wont be able to create anything with it.

Anonymous No. 918094

Most based and correct answer. Midjourney, et all are great tools for creating rough concepts. For an indie trying to make a game it could be a great asset for ideation on a concept. It will never give you back exactly what you want so its a great source for ideas for an actual artist to implement. Im personally excited about the future of these tools. Also theyre not really AI, machine Learning is a better descriptor.

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Anonymous No. 918210


>Can't create anime
>Can't create porn
>Need huge amounts of Vram for creating high resolution images in your PC
>Web solutions are not free and censored
>Lack control and consistency
>Cant create anime
>Not intuitive GUI yet

When all of that is fixed, maybe.

I draw, 3D tools are a great tool for 2D art. Drawing environments in perfect perspective is not fun and takes a lot of time. 3D modelling environments and then painting or tracing over them is fun and also takes a lot of time.

If I could take a lot of drawings of my characters give them to an IA engine and then use a Daz style interface to pose them but in my 2D art style it would be great. But I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918217


Anonymous No. 918228


Engine or site?


Can we put a benis inside of her :D:D:D ?

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Anonymous No. 918296

Its getting there, I made this from my shitty drawing skills

Anonymous No. 918366

>taking someone else's art to train an AI algorithm then generate something with said algorithm is not "art" moron, it's called "plagiarism"

Looking at the Mona Lisa once and then painting it wrong doesn't mean I plagiarized it, the Mona Lisa is a woman named Lisa, women are now copyright because they exist.

There's a reason Superman fan fics and porn exists, they're covered under fair use as derivative works that don't compete with the original nor claim that they're the original in any way. The only reason why AI image Generators somewhat ban using famous people for image generation is the potential of deepfakes and bad press, not because it's illegal.

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Anonymous No. 918409

>can't create anime

Anonymous No. 918411

what program/site is this

Anonymous No. 918413

I don't speak moonroons but another anon said that the team working on this would have more info about it soon.

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17 09 2022 lkmlvf....png

Anonymous No. 918597

>Daz is here to stay


Anonymous No. 918735

If the Daz people are smart they'll include some sort of AI beautify filter in the future that's basically an img2img behind the scenes.
The last couple weeks have proven that instead of dumping obscenely many hours or even days into going the last mile to reach photo realistic portraits people prefer to get shit 60% done and then apply AI on top.
I am absolute sure this will be the was things will go in 3D in the near future. Establishing the basics and then roll AI over it.
If they miss that train then they'll literally get left behind this time by software packages that have less than half of the functionality but still achieve what people actually want.

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Anonymous No. 918737

Daz render enhanced through AI. Some detail is lost but the AI gives the face a much more "real" look.

Anonymous No. 918810

I feel like some kind of AI driven "content aware shaders" or something like that is gonna find its way into 3D software very soon. It's just the logical next step after general purpose denoisers to take a similar approach but specialize it for specific applications like faces or hair and use it to add/refine details instead of removing noise. Plus you could do cool things like input a group of reference images to tell the AI what kind of expression you want, instead of having to do facial capture and blend shapes and all that. You just pose the broad features and the AI handles the wrinkles and blushing and whatnot.

Anonymous No. 918869

Yup the "make good" button we were laughing about 20 years ago will now be added to Blender.

Anonymous No. 918955

What ai is this? I can never get anything remotely sexy or normal looking using the browser based junk

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Anonymous No. 919091

It depends on how you use it.

Anonymous No. 919165

Genesis 9 coming. We pre-order right?

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Anonymous No. 919254

1.) tech illiterate retard, but nice try pretending to know how any of this works
2.) this took me 3 minutes, but also consider the original is not mine so I don't know seed nor proompt

Anonymous No. 919271

oh my lord he just got destroyed by you

Anonymous No. 919283

Me again, your Art Director. You know, the guy that can fire you at any time?
So uhm you seem to have changed the design of the dress a few dozen times? And why did you remove the red pendant?

I have given you clear simple instructions, anon. Is this job a joke to you?

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Anonymous No. 919284

Just look at this petty cope, you can control literally every little detail with inpainting and if you would generate the dress in a seperate layer in the first place you can use traditional img manipulation to change the color. This shit is extremely powerful, will only get better and you are in denial.

Anonymous No. 919761

what ai made that?

Anonymous No. 919854

do AI mongoloids know that concept artists make other art outside of a single basic stylized portrait or have they never worked a real concept job before

Anonymous No. 920233

Do concept art luddites not realize that AIs can already do landscapes and vehicles and whatever else reasonably well?

Anonymous No. 920270

and shits the bed when it has to make character sheets or orthographic views for your modellers, or any sort of basic dynamic pose lol

Anonymous No. 920279

Is there a way to try these AI image generators without having to install them on a computer? For example, is there a free, online version of Stable Diffusion that I can try on my phone? Even if it's a limited version.

Anonymous No. 920281

So much of 3d is already AI, because 3d is hard as fuck and very laborious. DLSS, tesselation, duplications and scattering, crowd control, vegetation, objects that auto-blend with their environments.
It just takes a few extra steps to create a scene off of a prompt

Anonymous No. 920327

old Poser/DAZfag here
SD is showing some impressive stuff and I've played with it a lot recently, What it lacks is memory of what you did previously and precision beyond a generalized textual description. Most of us spend time setting up environments, characters, props and until SD is capable of locking those it's a toy useful for portraits/pinups but not much past that.
What we really want is the ability to develop assets in our preferred tool then train AI to learn them. Dream is a start but we still have to rely on negative prompts to toilet train SD.

Anonymous No. 920328

>producing CP with a pencil
The term applies to photographic media produced exploiting an actual child which is the offense here not obscenity. I know zoomers have tiny brains and are obsessed with offensiveness, but countries that have been to the moon understand this is a crime involving an actual victim. If you live in a shithole that's your problem.

Anonymous No. 920329

>hehe car fags will never experience the boost and ideas one gets from working with horses and thinking about all the possibilities

Anonymous No. 920331

>ai will put them out of a job by this time next year
AI can't competently handle the level of description necessary to show two people fucking without radically altering prompt syntax beyond the word salad it currently accepts, and especially not a sequence of pictures where they need to retain the same appearance.
Can these things change? Sure. Will they by this time next year? Most likely not, given the other problems they're still hammering out. Those of us who make digital smut have a director's eye which a hundred descriptive words can only reach for.
There's a plateau coming for AI which will require something beyond than just throwing MORE image data at a checkpoint file, and in all likelihood a more standardized prompt syntax that comes closer to what we already use without knowing it.

Anonymous No. 920332

A corgi and a princess wearing a specific outfit gradually undressing aren't even remotely comparable, good bait retard

Anonymous No. 920333

>what's stopping someone from taking an AI generated image and quickly sketching over it a bit and cleaning up the telltale signs like fucked up anatomy and weird lines to make it "original" looking?
This is literally Poser 1.0, which was intended to pose featureless manikins to paint over.

Anonymous No. 920334

Anon 3 years ago every AI picture looked like a lovecraftian nightmare, now its producing high quality art in classical style. 3 years from now, its a lifetime with this tech. This is the future.

Anonymous No. 920335

>Give it a few weeks.
The issue here is telling an AI that it has to use a specific model with no deviation beyond posing, expression, lighting etc., and SD isn't currently capable of internalizing a static model for consistent reuse.
The retards posting photos of pets as "proof" are either trolling or generally unaware what SD does.

Anonymous No. 920338

>Those programs still have no idea why anything looks they way it does, it know what things look "on average" and thats it.
This is the problem right here. There is no knowing in AI, only guessing and there's a reason the aphorism "A picture is worth a thousand words" is correct. Prompts are guides not literal instructions; once they reach the precision of a DS file's JSON the dopamine hit of using AI is no longer there.

Anonymous No. 920339

>Also theyre not really AI, machine Learning is a better descriptor.
People desperately need to believe ML == AI because ML is viable for nearly every piece of consumer tech.

Anonymous No. 920340

DAZ3D is run by two trend-hopping cocaine-fueled hucksters constantly trying to convince their VC overlords they're on top of The Current Thing(TM): game assets, avatars, NFTs, 3D printing... I can guarantee that Jack will try his hardest to shoehorn SD into the product whether it's locally hosted or cloud based, no matter how hard it crashes and burns. This is a matter of when, not if.

Anonymous No. 920342

I can't wait to buy ALLthe sickleyield products for migrating my G8 content!
Sadly the dude who made the 1-click character converters died a couple years back

Anonymous No. 920346

>you can control literally every little detail with inpainting
This won't be considered allowable in a pipeline, the AI has to know what to consider consistent instead of recomposing the entire scene with no unrequested changes in order to be a useful tool.
This software is not being designed by anyone who actually works as an artist and for that reason it's a clever toy but only this. And no, that's not the same argument painters used against photographers.
We are looking at something that has to be much better and more sophisticated than data scientists are willing to build. It will likely be integrated into smarter products that still require creative guidance.

Anonymous No. 920347

>analogy is a method of proof!
ONE year ago it looked like Lovecraftian horrors. The issue isn't canny/uncanny fidelity in an individual image, it's the AI being capable of KNOWING a custom character in a custom outfit in a custom environment and only rendering content that's consistent with those models, plus having to have a fine grained, reliable descriptive language for expressions and poses that isn't just an adjective with stacked parentheses.
Unless and until you've actually tried to use 3D tools to make more than a single render of a subject, this is going over your head and THING BAD THEN BUT THING GOOD NOW aren't actual promises.

Anonymous No. 920348

What I'd like to see is the ability to submit a 3D render to SD or similar and have it inpaint-replace all the textures with photorealistic ones that have the correct specular values location by location, subsurface scattering, etc. but not alter the pose. Sadly I think the tech is already in there somewhere but there's no prompt syntax for it.

Anonymous No. 920368

You dont need to be creative or anything, the machine will do the creative work for you. You want new ideas? Algorithm will make them for you. Its over for human creativity as a whole, you are useless, go die.

Anonymous No. 920372

Is there a thread where I can request a prompt to be generated? I see a lot of cool stuff like beautiful women and more but I would like to see things that are given little attention from the artistic types like a Roman legion fighting demons or a nazified London being invaded by martian tripods.

Anonymous No. 920395

AIfags hate the idea of taking requests that aren't from other shills because it shows how bad these AI programs are at basic instructions and compositions.

Anonymous No. 920559

>each image completely different
Based retard

Anonymous No. 920678

>This won't be considered allowable in a pipeline
adobe is gonna make software for this

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Anonymous No. 920689

It's over guys...

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Anonymous No. 920690

Can humans compete?

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Anonymous No. 920691

Anonymous No. 920988

The actual issue is AI is going to get good enough that you won't even need 3DCG as a workflow, at all. There will be no need for artists or for the AI to be a "tool" in the 3D workspace because the entire product will be generated by AI. Why fine-tune shit to the whims of the goyim marketing advisors when it's already a perfectly horrible goyburger. AI is extremely good at making goyburgers. Movies and entertainment are going to be completely overtaken by AI so fucking quick, just you watch. Video games and VR will take longer but that's just a matter of handing the AI some Unity projects or whatever the current niggerdev engine of the week is. Then it's officially over for wagecucks.

Anonymous No. 920998

I still think corporations will want to manage expectations. I think the first port of call will be having AI remaster games from the last ten years.

Anonymous No. 921001

Lol remember when everyone thought ai will replace all the boring menial and physically taxing work? Now we will be used as a cattle while the ai performes actual interesting and creative work. I wouldn't be surprised if we will see major riots in the future

Anonymous No. 921010

Well there's already a SD plugin for Blender that is working perfectly.

Anonymous No. 921716

Oh boy we can use traditional art mediums to manipulate the image? wowie zowie that sounds like the exact thing that you were arguing against with extra steps.
whatever point I was willing to concede to you has been routinely ass slapped out of you by the guy that's replying to you and your cowardly changing of goal posts from right now to 3 years from now
no traditional steps required to
actually you change your mind

Is the reason along with all the other retards here who think artificial intelligence and machine learning are the same thing is why I'm so glad that I have never come back to this board except for today and never will return again none of you are artists or will ever be artists etc.

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Anonymous No. 921769

I had some fun dropping renders of a custom character of mine into but it's really resistant to prompts suggesting O faces. Plus after about 8 prompts it tells you it wants $5/week or $15/month to go further, but the point is it only takes about 6 hours to train from 8 renders then it's about 45 seconds to crank out 4 versions of your prompt.

Anonymous No. 922010

That... is looking worse than a normal Daz render would have looked. Don't use shitty AI sites like that

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Anonymous No. 922015


this conversation will seem insane 2 years from now, let them cope with impending obsolescence

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Anonymous No. 922057

>Heat: an intimate anthro game

Anonymous No. 923841

Daz team is probably too incompetent to drop something like that into Studio

Anonymous No. 924007

Not to sound like a coping artist who's about to live a life of misery under a bridge but all we seem to be training these models on is copious amounts of portraits of busty women.
I mean, those are some fairly convincing portraits of busty women the AI is spitting out as a result but... is that all there is to this technology? A factory of portraits of women?

Anonymous No. 924008

Where's the pregnant belly?

Anonymous No. 924200

Personally I'd prefer it if it were portraits of Hitler doing things but I see the appeal of busty women.

Anonymous No. 924905

Actual state of this

Daz company and their software dove into pavement as of 3 months ago

The program runs like shit even on overkill hardware, and its pointless to use unless you have no easy way to get rid of stockholm syndrome to learn something like Maya. No, not Blender, blender is for pedos.

AI as it stands won't change things, but alot of daz users are fed up with the state of daz I know for a fact they will be relying on this going forward.

Anonymous No. 924906

>AI as it stands.
Are you retarded?
AI will flood everything with "art", trained on user interaction and information, sucked from social media.
There will be no art, if absolutely everything is generated automatically all the time, forever.

Anonymous No. 925297

is this even the deep learning "AI" that's popular nowadays?

the anime style is just so simple and uniform I'm sure any decent programmer could implement it with a simple conditional algorithm. The gimmick here is the hand writing/drawing recognition and that isn't hard either.

Anonymous No. 925301

>as of 3 months ago

Anonymous No. 925781

can't believe people are still giving dark kike money

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Anonymous No. 926082

you dont have to recreate the pic each time. You can use photoshop to change the hue of things and then do inpainting over the clothing only and lower the denoise so it doesnt change it dramatically. It can be done in less than 10 minutes by going back and forth between photoshop and stable diffusion webui.

Anonymous No. 926092

Not that guy, but I think you're missing the point a bit, friend. A pro won't ever need to use a tool like this, while an amateur who has no experience besides shuffling some sliders on SD and playing with filters on photoshop won't ever *be able* to make any meaningful alterations to the piece he generated. He can't do a paint-over to fix the glaring issues with generated content (not a trivial amount of work to paint something in/out whist matching the existing scene's lighting and shading btw). He just doesn't know how, he has no artistic experience, all he can do is proompt some more and hope it works out.
I think you're seriously underestimating how difficult it would be to clean some of these AI blemishes out. Even on the most basic bitch coomer prompts, it would be difficult to get rid of multiple limbs or redraw the hands from scratch, let alone, in your pic for example, to fix whatever the fresh hell is going on with that cat or that picturebook, to get rid of that double-ear, to change the color of the book covers or some of the fish, etc.

Anonymous No. 926099

Oh sorry I didn't know you were completely fucking retarded.

Anonymous No. 926104

>Non sequitor

Anonymous No. 926106

I don't totally disagree but the technology will get better of course. Ai will go mainstream and will be put in things like Photoshop too.

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Anonymous No. 926107

>A pro won't ever need to use a tool like this
This is actually part of the reason why the technology exists. Its making the ability to create high quality art more accessible to the everyday person rather than somebody who has spent most of their life refining that skill. That of course is a very controversial subject.

>I think you're seriously underestimating how difficult it would be to clean some of these AI blemishes out.
I promise you I'm familiar with this process and have quite a bit of experience with it. You guys are not wrong that it does require effort to fix the AI issues and its luck based. For fixing hands and feet you can use inpaint. Paint over only the object and make a batch of 10 then sort through 10 different generations of just the foot being changed (picrel) and pick the best one rinse repeat. For something more drastic like changing a red shirt blue you can mask the shirt and do a lazy hue change in photoshop then do the same process as above. only inpaint the shirt and run a batch with around 0.45ish denoise and pick the best result, because the AI's starting noise sees a red shirt it will make it easier to spit out results that look like the original while fixing the lazy shit you do in photoshop. imo AI isnt replacing anything its just another tool.

Anonymous No. 926109

>This is actually part of the reason why the technology exists. Its making the ability to create high quality art more accessible to the everyday person

the thing is, literally shuffling pre-existing art "literally" on your GPU isnt doing or creating art much the same as you can't play the piano if you program in a few midi notes in FL

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Anonymous No. 926114

>literally shuffling pre-existing art "literally" on your GPU

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1663995844119154 ....webm

Anonymous No. 926115


Anonymous No. 926117

Nice booba

Anonymous No. 926119

>idiot that doesnt realize how many paparazi pictures of celebs exist


Anonymous No. 926151


Anonymous No. 926187

but who will make the model sheets

Anonymous No. 926188

>banana duct taped to a wall makes me a artist and rich
Fine Artists are going to be completely unaffected by this.

Anonymous No. 926191

Yeah I've unironically quit art as a potential future career because of this. It's fucking over. Jobs for concept artists are already falling. In 2 years tops these things will be churning out perfect topography and CG modeller will be a dead job. The writing is on the fucking wall, time to get into trades. GG no re.

Anonymous No. 926276

>Jobs for concept artists are already falling.

Anonymous No. 926277

>In 2 years tops these things will be churning out perfect topography and CG modeller will be a dead job.
Oh look, we have a singularity faggot here.

Anonymous No. 928498


Anonymous No. 929897


*It is the input that is inherently flawed. Anyone who ever created anything worth a damn will tell you that what is inside your head, in your fantasy, is like an iceberg. No matter how well-spoken or linguistically gifted you are, what you can depict with language is extremely limited. What I can define with words is very limited, and I come from a family of linguists. What I can create is a whole other thing.

With this in mind, it is clear to me that AI can be a fantastic tool (it already is), but it is inherently unable to "replace" human fantasy/art.

Obviously, you can argue that most people are also dull shitters who have no fantasy either, and you would be correct, but these are not people whose names are being used in prompts or as your conscious or subconscious inspiration, aren't they? I think this also points out that AI-generated art might replace the lowest-tier subpar "artists," but that is as far as I believe it will really ever go. At least for as long as the inherent limitations of language-based prompting are the only way of input.

Anonymous No. 929901

and they don't, riding a horse is a different kind of fun compared to riding a bike or driving a car.

Anonymous No. 929912

And the CEOs WILL like it

Anonymous No. 929924

Poser and Daz are actually great with ai, iv been getting into SD. You can make poses and models with those programs then take those shots into SD to turn them into waifu pics

Anonymous No. 930296

Is this even AI? As in deep learning based algorithm.

It's just a basic face recognition software that uses the input to automatically select the appropriated primitive for each face element(hair, eyes, mouth, etc) and slightly customize it. Like a character creator in a videogame, but instead of using sliders you draw a simple smiley.

Anonymous No. 930317

Ah, the creat creativity boost of pushing vertex for 4 days on a grey blob

Anonymous No. 930318

Who does ortho viw in 2020 lmao get better 3d artist

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Anonymous No. 930319

Wrong, next

Anonymous No. 930449

>Summertime saga

My god does people really find that hideous game hot? fck they really deserve to be robbed of their money

Anonymous No. 930458

I would kill to watch this movie

Anonymous No. 930464

>AI pajeets still bumping this shit.

Anonymous No. 931216

Fuckin sick

Anonymous No. 931615

Yfw chrome lords made it to 3

Anonymous No. 932345

>Fine Artists are going to be completely unaffected by this.

They'll be the first to get ass raped after the digital artists. You can print images on canvas and then retouch to add some more brush strokes/paint build up. kek art is over.

Anonymous No. 932346

Fuck okay, I've seen enough, how do I generate images like this, I can make my own fucking web comic with this shit.

Anonymous No. 932881

At the current stage all it can do is resting bitchfaces so unless you want to make a comic about completely emotionless androids you do need to do extensive manual editing or it's absolutely useless for comics.

Anonymous No. 933166

I was on Kemono looking through this one dude's Patreon content. He'd started in Daz, but was recently started uploading AI content. Each of his Daz posts had about five images in, while his AI posts had dozens, for the obvious reasons. A sizeable minority of those AI images had blatant errors in them, connected arms and shit like that. Why did he include them? Was he not proofreading the images he was posting? Even if he'd tossed the defectives, he'd still have plenty of content to sell. Why so lazy?

Anonymous No. 933396

Local install of InvokeAI. Easy peasy.

Anonymous No. 933397

Try harder.