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🧵 Untitled Thread

Orkynoid No. 917763

Working on this model. Would love some honest feedback.

Still sculpting the body.

Anonymous No. 917764

why is she black

Anonymous No. 917766

is mermaid

Anonymous No. 917767

mermaid aren't black...

Anonymous No. 917771

Oh dios mio, what the fuck is that?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 917773

here is my feedback: use the catalog and in particular the WIP thread, you are not special enough to warrant your own thread. your nigger troll woman is a reflection of your niggerish mind.

Anonymous No. 917774

>are not special enough to warrant your own thread.
if cris can make 15 threads then I can make one you backseat janny

Anonymous No. 917781

Looks like an Oompa Loompa

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 917791

>if niggers can steal cars then I can steal some booze
no. your thread is garbage, your art is garbage and you as a person are garbage.

Anonymous No. 917794

She's perfect. Teach me, master.

Anonymous No. 917795

post your work or your opinion on anything is completely irrelevant :)

Orkynoid No. 917797

Such a 180 from all the other comments so far XD

No idea who this Chris fella is. Only know chris chan but "HE" in jail XD

Two questions.
Who hurt you?
Can I get their number?
Think we could be friends ^^

Anonymous No. 917800

Why did you think you could get away with NOT censoring the culo? This is a BLUE board!

Orkynoid No. 917802

Must have missed the "culo" in anatomy class.

Anonymous No. 917803

stop breaking the global rules you coomer

Orkynoid No. 917804

Again no idea what a "culo" is XD

Orkynoid No. 917805

I'm a trans lesbian PoC, pronouns she/they btw xD

Anonymous No. 917807


Anonymous No. 917808

This. If everybody made a thread for basic shit like this the catalog would be crap. Personal threads should only be allowed when you have something quite substantial to share. Is this a discussion that should be raised on the meta board? Does the meta board even still exist?

Orkynoid No. 917809


Well at least I am not gay I guess :P

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Orkynoid No. 917811

Anyone got any ideas for a fun dress design for the char?

Anonymous No. 917813

>those arms, that male muscle definition
It looks like a man in a dress...

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Anonymous No. 917814

>the catalog would be crap
>would be
The board is browsed by around 20 people. Worrying about quality doesn't matter anymore.

Anonymous No. 917815

if you don like what you see, hide the threads and posts you dont like. Simple as. I have 74 hidden threads.

Anonymous No. 917824

the head is fucking huge

Orkynoid No. 917831

Never mind this then >>917809
I must be gay XD

Yes, yes it is.

I know you don't give a shit but she is 4-heads tall ^^

Anonymous No. 917865

The green eyebrows and lashes are weird and jarring & I don't like the hairstyle

As a sculpt its pretty good for what you're doing. The neck maybe could use a little more detail, going by the level of detail on the rest of the body.

The lips would look better if you pushed in that line where top and bottom meet, and build that into a basic mouth cavity. Even if you don't intend to do any facial animation, lips just tend to look better if they present as separate from each other

I don't really like it, but it's not done badly
good job anon

🗑️ Anonymous No. 917869

if i trained an AI on "blasphemy against god" and "as unaesthetic as it gets", this would be the result. imagine unironically fishing for likes on an anonymous site with a stylized nigger bimbo.

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Anonymous No. 917881

>Shade smooth on the eyes.
>Add hair to the front to hide the hairline
and next time post in the work-in-progress thread. You'll likely get less backlash and actual advice.
Think again, chud.

Anonymous No. 917887

La creatura...

Anonymous No. 917910

It looks mostly solid, but I'm thinking you could ease and soften some of the features on the body. Then again, that might just be a personal preference since I'm not quite sure what the end goal should look like.

Proportionally, her shoulders are too big. Same with the head. You also gonna wanna push the inner eyelid corner further

Separately, each part looks fine, but it doesn't really feel harmonious together. Got a side view?

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Orkynoid No. 917991

I am in the process of smoothing out detail instead, Should be a bit cartoony in feel.
The mouth will be fixed when do Retopo.

Sure here is a side.
Ignore the feet for now, going to try something stylized here but right now they look ugly ^^

Anonymous No. 917992

what's the secret to sculpting arms like that? When I do it, my arms look like a blob of mess.

Orkynoid No. 917994

Study anatomy.

Anonymous No. 917998

The feet and lower leg are fubar.

Anonymous No. 918002

why would you want to study anatomy if the resulting arm looks like a mans arm like >>917811


Orkynoid No. 918006

"why would you want to study anatomy"
I take it you are not an artist ^^

When you block out anatomy characters often appear more ripped then you need to tone it back down. But you still need those landmarks in there.

But I know this won't help you get better ;)

Anonymous No. 918007

>acting this smug while making hideous goblins
Whatever you say, tranny.

Anonymous No. 918008

I am a 3d artist. When I sculpt females, they actually look female at all stages. I advise you to perhaps learn anatomy.

Orkynoid No. 918009

Share your work?

Anonymous No. 918010

I only post on artstation, baiter

Orkynoid No. 918011

Wow on artstasion!?

Anonymous No. 918016

The rectus abdominis and the external obliques from the front are of equal width. Your rectus abdominis is kinda too wide.

ASIS is missing from the back.

For the feet, the ball at the back is in the shape of a pear, yours looks squashed.

The inside angle is more higher than the outer one.

The width of the thigh at the widest point, ie groin area when compared to the thigh just above the knee comes at a ratio of 4:2.5

The inner thigh just below the groin needs to be more fleshier than the area above the knee.

Serratus anterios is missing.

Scapula looks very weird. In the scapula, only the spine is visible, other than that, the rhomboid muscles are visible which go at the top end of the humerus.

Latismus dorsi should be mildly visible. Needs to be shown.

The rhomboid fat just above the butt is missing.

The obliques at the back need to be more curved, they look flat.

The calf muscles from the front view need to be rounder. From the side view also they need to be evenly rounded.

The ulna bone causes a separation at the back of the fore arm.

Overall, first make a realistic anatomical character from a sphere multiple times and then proceed to cartoonish ones.

Anonymous No. 918032

>rectus abdominis, Serratus anterios, Scapula, Latismus dorsi, ulna, alea jacta est, annus horribilis, sola scriptura, casus belli, expelliarmus, etc
This is a thread about 3D modeling, not latin. Speak English please.

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Anonymous No. 918041

maybe a stylistic choice but IMO the harsh transitions under the red lines ought to be softer. Maybe so soft they're invisible. Under the blue line the transition is too soft and should be sharper.

Anonymous No. 918044

Ah, so I see this is what happens when someone decides to be an anatomychud. I'll stick to making low poly, thanks.

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Anonymous No. 918053

looking good

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Orkynoid No. 918824

Started a pallet cleanse character, going to finish the green girl commission next.

But this will be made in to Sareena from Mortal Kombat. Hair and undies are temp and she looks wonkie, need to work a lot more on her.

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Anonymous No. 918836

yeah her proportions are not like the very tall athletic women of MC.

Anonymous No. 918843

horrible sculpting and proportions

Anonymous No. 918844


Anonymous No. 918861

people don't care about that when they're faoping

Anonymous No. 918927

i think thats when they care the most

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Orkynoid No. 919055

Your guide puts the crotch in the wrong place but I take your point. Notice she is wearing heels in that render to.

Thank you for caring!

Worked more on this now, just need to keep refining. But I am taking a break from this now and finished the little Troll that got all the love.

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unknown (1).png

Orkynoid No. 919087

More progress

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Anonymous No. 919120

This is a professional fighting woman. She definitely does squats.

Orkynoid No. 919163

Good point!

Anonymous No. 919541

Aprende hablar español idiota

Orkynoid No. 919885

Tror ikke du er personen som bør kritisere folk for og ikke snakke språket ditt. Og jeg setter ikke pris på og bli kalt idiot din anemiske cerebral parese ape ^^

Anonymous No. 921797

>pic rel
When will they make Donald Duck black??

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Anonymous No. 922444

Oh my gawd!
U psychic!

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Anonymous No. 923737

This. I've been there trying to play backseat quality control on this board, telling people to shove off to the /wip/ thread and that a thread died for this and all that. Chris really made me realize though that the catalogue really is mostly filled with crap with a gem or two sprinkled in every once in a while, and the board has such an abnormally sluggish level of activity that there's no sense in worrying about quality control in the first place, you scavenge for your daily crumbs of posting and if there's any troublemakers spamming threads, you hope a mod from some other board will come here once a month to sweep them out.
So don't do this. It's not worth it. Anon wants to make a thread asking for feedback on his chlorophyllic negresse? Let him have his thread, it's okay. The board isn't any better without it and it isn't any worse with it.

Anonymous No. 923975

yeah for sure im glad youve seen the light. we need to let people working on big projects make threads without getting tons of hate.
Modelling a glock? WIP thread
Modelling 20 guns for your animation? new thread.