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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 917959

is blender as bad as they say?

Anonymous No. 917960

This board really needs the
>Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
rule from /g/.

Anonymous No. 917962

>This board really needs the
>>Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
>rule from /g/.

Anonymous No. 917963


Anonymous No. 917964

ive never learned blnder in all my time doing arch viz, because u never had the time to get into the interface - the feeling was never that it was bad, but that the entry curve barrier was just steep.

Anonymous No. 917966

Can someone send a discord invite. This board is fucking cancer.

Anonymous No. 917971

as if the rule meant something, /g/ is full of apple faggots vs freetards vs windows 'jeets flamewar
this board would have been even more dead

Anonymous No. 917974

to what channel?

Anonymous No. 917996


Anonymous No. 918000

we're discussing tools, easily rustled little kid

Anonymous No. 918022

Nope, u just didn't want to learn something unfamiliar, i happens to everyone. You get used to it later... you cannot switch in 1 day with that mentality... blender is just a tool like any other tool, its up to you to learn it not the other way around.

Anonymous No. 918024

Someone should pitch it to one of the mods on IRC and see if it will look into it.

Anonymous No. 918060

bitch you dont know me.
the standard line one blender for years has been, not that its bad, but that its very different, thats my point. now apologize and eat my ass.

Anonymous No. 918125

Take ur pills shizo. Blender became good 3 years ago. And its fair to say that until then there was no reason to use it.

Anonymous No. 918246

except for the pills nonsense, interesting take

Anonymous No. 918333

it’s a gay old time
still use substance for texturing though

Anonymous No. 918434

While waiting on my other post to get a response I guess I'll respond to a bunch of other threads, as for this one: I don't thing so, blender can do just about anything. I personally like it, but then again I haven't really tried anything else honestly. My selling points were that I could afford it (free) and it could be used for a lot of things. I'm slow to learn so if I can use the same program for everything graphics that would be amazing. I have speed with the very, very basic stuff in object mode but not a lot of precision or anything beyond that. I do try though and once I finally get something down and hone it to the extreme I'm way better than pretty much anyone else. I've been burning through super simple animations like those super Mario 64 speedrunners lol. my sheer wpm should be proof I can get pretty out there speed-wise when I try and learn something in earnest. it took me a whole year to get to 20 wpm casual typing but only 2 months of honing for a casual 140. soon I'll break 160. If I want to sweat I can break 260. blender will probably take me a year or two more before I can even get to average but eh. yeah honestly blender does what you want, using precise units has been a bit of a struggle for me, along with edit mode. I'll push past those two soon. you can do CGI and cad with blender too. also 2d stuff but I'm already great with photoshop and decent with gimp personally.

Anonymous No. 918495

furry porn

Anonymous No. 918496

must have been before 2.8 because blender now has the easiest ui to learn out of all the software. maybe cinema is on par
the first place for most nightmarish ui got stolen by zbrush

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Anonymous No. 918500

Free Blender Burger

Anonymous No. 918571

I like blender but I don't make animations or tutorials for Youtube, everything I make gets used on a game engine so I don't make use of most of its features

Anonymous No. 918576


is this jack horner?

Anonymous No. 918591


I am now two days in trying to figure out how I can make shape keyframes act like a regular action, so I can export that shit to Unity properly. It's absurd that shape keys are treated differently. If anyone knows, please respond.

Anonymous No. 918818

discussing whether something is objectively good or bad ≠ flamewar. Retard.

Anonymous No. 918910

>blender (german); noun; a pretender. someone who fakes positive traits.

Anonymous No. 918912

I already replied in the other thread you fucking dumbass stop spamming

Anonymous No. 918916

What are must have plugins for Blender?
Is it better to learn Blender without plugins?

Anonymous No. 918965

This question has been asked to death and there's nothing new about it to discuss. Even the sticky says it's ultimately up to the skill of the artist.
Don't sign your posts.

Anonymous No. 918980

not enough bullet points.
is that you prince?

Anonymous No. 918994

no.. blender has become great

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Anonymous No. 919259

honestly /g/ barely enforces that rule...

Anonymous No. 919293

>Don't sign your posts.

Anonymous No. 919700

talk american u homo