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🧡 /GG/ - Gunt General

Gunt Worshipper No. 918176

Post anything Gunt related or of a Guntish nature

>I want to use the Gunt model

Gunt's model should be here:

Gunt Worshipper No. 918178

Forgot to mention,
Here's the old thread:

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Anonymous No. 918186

Evil, toon gunt

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Anonymous No. 918194

Do not inject gunts into your bloodstream

Anonymous No. 918214

>patient has a gunteremia
>hit them with IV TNUGcillin

Anonymous No. 918247


Anonymous No. 918354

Gunt is such a nigger I love him so much.

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presenting to the....jpg

Anonymous No. 918372

At 3am on a Monday, Anon is rushed to the hospital, presenting to the emergency room with abdominal cramps, twitchy movements, and hysterical laughing that won't stop no matter how much his sides hurt.
But how did Anon get this way?

Anon was your typical 4chan poster. He always posted funny greentext stories (>be me), always called out dubs and trips, and always responded to posts that claimed he would get good luck and dubs if he responded to those posts with "good night pupper".

But that wasn't enough for him. Eventually he found his way onto /3/, a subsection of 4chan's website focused on 3d modelling and Blender shitposting. While having an entertaining night shitposting about Blender, Max, and Maya, programs he knows nothing about, he came upon a peculiar thread that piqued his interest "Gunt General".
"What a great 3d character" he thought to himself, as he started lurking the thread. Completely engrossed in this novel character, despite having no real reason to be.

Eventually, lurking the Gunt General wasn't enough, and soon he started posting. It started small at first, with simple posts reacting to other original Gunt images, but it soon spiraled into creating 3d Gunt images of his own, despite swearing not to learn how to use 3d programs. Gunt had taken over Anon's life, and soon he was spending as much as 18 hours a day posting on Gunt General, reacting to posts, saving rare gunts, and posting his own original "Guntworks" as he called them.

The high was a rush, but as addictions often go, posting his Gunts wasn't enough of a rush for him anymore. The highs weren't as high, and the lows kept going lower. Unsure of what to do, he posted his feelings on /3/'s Gunt General, in hopes of finding a solution. He was met with a multitude of shitposts, but one stuck out to him "Inject Gunt into your bloodstream". It was in that moment he knew what he had to do.

Anonymous No. 918373

Hours later Anon had gathered up all the rare Gunts he had stockpiled, and liquified them in his Blender into a concentrated solution of Gunt-Juice. As he poured the juice into his syringe, he thought to himself "This was it", and he plunged the needle into his arm, flooding his bloodstream with Gunt. At first, Anon was feeling fine, great in fact. The rush of Gunt posting had returned in full force, and then some. He was posting Gunts non stop, until he found a particular post he found funny. Anon started laughing and laughing, truly this was the greatest Gunt post of all time. But then Anon noticed something wrong, he couldn't stop laughing. Anon rushed to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, but hours later his parents find him lying on the bathroom floor, convulsing and laughing hysterically.

His parents immediately call 911 and he's brought to the emergency room, where we are now.

As he presents to the emergency room, the doctors aren't sure what to make of the situation. Anon's pupils are dialated, and he's responding to stimulus, but he's unable to stop laughing. Doctors take blood samples to hopefully determine the cause of his affliction and as the results come back, the doctors know immediately what's wrong with Anon. Due to injecting Gunt-Juice into his bloodstream, Anon is suffering from Hyperguntemia.

HYPER; Meaining high.
GUNT; Referring to the popular character found on 4Chan's 3d focused image board, /3/.
And EMIA; meaning presence in blood.
High Gunt Presence in Blood

Anonymous No. 918374

Now that the doctors know what Anon's problem is, they can work towards reducing the high concentration of Gunt in his blood. Immediately he's taken to intensive care and put on a strict regiment of Antiguntotics to hopefully remove the Gunts already present in his bloodstream. As the hours pass Anon shows little to no change in his condition, he's still laughing uncontrolably, and his sides are completely obliterated, no doubt in orbit around the Earth. As doctors try their best to help Anon, his condition starts to worsen and his kidneys start shut down due to the intense force of Anon's hysteric laughing.

Unsure of what to do, Anon's doctors watch as his condition deteriorates. As Anon's life slowly slips away, and he says his goodbyes on 4chan's /3/ board, he's soon met with a post that makes him stop laughing, if only for a moment before he quickly picks up again. Seeing this sudden development, doctors rush to see what had made such an impact on his condition, before being met with a post that HAD to be ironic but evidently was not.

Another user of /3/ had been posting his "work", much to the chagrin of his fellow /3/ posters. Unlike other anonymous posters, this one was known as cris, and through his schizophrenic ramblings, had drawn much of the ire of the browsers of /3/. Somehow this user's posts were enough to stop Anon's laughing and kick off a schizo response to counteract the Hyperguntemia's effect on his system.
Seeing an opportunity, Anon's doctors quickly amass and concoct a solution to combat Anon's hysteria, made from concentrated cris-postings.

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science experiment.jpg

Anonymous No. 918375

As we can see in this science experiement, I fill this semi-permeable membrane with concentrated Gunt-posts, and submerge it in a bath of cris-posts. Over time, the cris-posts cross and permeate through the membrane and neutrilize the Gunt-posts, creating a neutral solution inside the membrane.

As the doctors slowly introduce cris-posts into Anon's system, his laughter slowly stopped and he slowly returned to a stable state. Thanks to the counteracting effects of the cris-posts, Anon was able to make -A- recovery.

As Gunt slowly leaks onto other 4chan boards and out onto the internet at large, cases like this might become more common. I shouldn't have to say this, but don't inject funny internet characters into your bloodstream. Hyperguntemia is a very serious condition, and no matter how funny, and how much you love the character, injecting him isn't a healthy way to enjoy him. Stick to posting about him and creating original images. And while cris-posts were a solution in this case, it's not a be-all end-all solution, and has toxic and ill effects on its own, so cris-posts should be avoided.

That's all for today. Take care of yourself and be well.

Anonymous No. 918396

not sure if based or cringe. Crased? Bringe?

Anonymous No. 918430


Anonymous No. 919813


Gunt Worshipper No. 919815


Gunt Worshipper No. 919816

ty for the new wallpaper

Gunt Worshipper No. 919817

very nice, is this story based on personal experience?

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Anonymous No. 920113

New species of Gunt?

Anonymous No. 921796

May I ask when was goont born?
Was that one thread a few months back the inception of Gunt and Guntism?
I think I witnessed that and I want to be sure.
To know I was there, at the beggining of an era.

Gunt Worshipper No. 921817

Gaunt and Gernt

Gunt Worshipper No. 921818

I think it was either beginning last year or even in 2020. It started with hunt guy uploading a few models he made

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 921859

gunt guy here, iirc the first thread with gunt in it was actually a blender general thread. people expressed that they liked it so after that thread died i think i made another one just for him. the rest is history

Anonymous No. 921908

post more gunt

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 921914

i can make more 3d models if that's what you're asking

Gunt Worshipper No. 921957

yeah that sounds right
can you place him in different environments?

Gunt Worshipper No. 921958

wind waker edition

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 921968

not very experienced desu, it could be fun to learn though. basically all I've done is make silly lil characters like gunt

Anonymous No. 924005

understandable, you could even photoshop him in somewhere

Anonymous No. 924334

When is the official gunt tie in videogame coming out?

Anonymous No. 926068

Hopefully soon, he's already got merch

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Anonymous No. 926180

I just want to take the time to thank whoever made this
Use it all the time on other boards

Anonymous No. 926204

hitman 3 berlin?

Anonymous No. 926225

Melbourne, Australia.

gunt guy !5d96E3fo3k No. 926547

this was the first edit anyone made with gunt. still one of my favorites

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lego gunt.jpg

Anonymous No. 927605

lego gunt

Anonymous No. 927621

Ethan Ralph thread

Anonymous No. 927624


Anonymous No. 927805

Very nice

Anonymous No. 928124

According to the date on your post, you posted this DURING NoRalphNovember
shame on you anon

Anonymous No. 928759

why would you spend time on making this

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Anonymous No. 928762

have you seen the french Olympic mascots

Anonymous No. 928767

>that Hyperguntemia description
>make -A- recovery
Great chubbyemu details kek

Anonymous No. 928793

we should sue

Anonymous No. 928828

Thanks anon.
Honestly wouldn't be too far off considering he just makes shit up for content now. Last few vids have all just been made up stories instead of shit that actually happened.
Kinda makes the situations and consequences pretty lackluster.
Guess that's kinda what happens when you're a one trick pony that only focuses on shit that happens when someone ingests something. There's plenty of interesting medical stories to be had if he diversified into shit that wasn't just poisoning.

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Anonymous No. 928836

Can you find the two references to the Guntster?

Anonymous No. 928847

I got a brick script, 30min job

Anonymous No. 928867

>tfw when gunt

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Anonymous No. 928917

Festive Gunt

Anonymous No. 928942

I love the look of those designs, very nice chunky feel. The keys look so clean, I just really want to touch this object irl.
Also 'mirin that stylized gunt icon ofc

Anonymous No. 930078

He's so retarded.

I love him.

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Gunt animated big.gif

Anonymous No. 930092

Gunt kick

Anonymous No. 930128

Cute. Retarded but cute

Anonymous No. 930177

Very cute!

Anonymous No. 930214


Anonymous No. 930262


Anonymous No. 930737

hell yeah dude

Anonymous No. 932994

jesus christ

Anonymous No. 933232


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Anonymous No. 933251

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Anonymous No. 933274

why on earth is there a california grip on that second AR

Anonymous No. 933276

gunt is armed and dangerous

Anonymous No. 934647

Gun t

Anonymous No. 935532

we should make a gunt gmod playermodel

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Anonymous No. 935576


Anonymous No. 935592

More like picoCHAD

Anonymous No. 935770

i'm gonna 3d print the gunt with quantum pla as a test for it

Anonymous No. 936005

so erotic...

Gunt Worshipper No. 936161

Heavily based

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Anonymous No. 936407

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 936408

new gunt dropped
forgot to trip

Anonymous No. 936409

creepypasta gunt

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 936410

tripped wrong too sorry im high

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Anonymous No. 936476

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 936482


Anonymous No. 936496

you can't do this to me

Anonymous No. 936499


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πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 936509

It's great to waste server time.

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Anonymous No. 936521

fuck it, fully modeled her

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πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 936525


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Anonymous No. 936532


Anonymous No. 936559

This forced meme is stale.

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Anonymous No. 936585


Anonymous No. 936586

>fuck it
Don't mind if I do

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πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 936806

Anonymous No. 937134


Anonymous No. 939199


πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 939201

Checked. 00 get

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 939202


Anonymous No. 939970


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Anonymous No. 940583

Forgot to post this little guy a while back

Anonymous No. 940799

T... Taofledermaus?

Anonymous No. 941403


Anonymous No. 943592


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Gunt Water Pipe.png

Anonymous No. 944571

Anonymous No. 944573

I'd be lying if I wrote I am not attracted to this.

Anonymous No. 944577


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Anonymous No. 944818

Absolutely gunted by the latest news

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 944828


Anonymous No. 945177


Anonymous No. 945229

>latest news

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Anonymous No. 945670

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Tolkien Estate No. 945842

worthy of being a workplace wallpaper

Anonymous No. 945994

nice lighting

Gunt Worshipper No. 946047

Glad to see the gunt worshipping continues strong

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Anonymous No. 947521

>Page 10

Anonymous No. 948012

Beautiful image

Anonymous No. 949351

bumping because we're on page 9 and I have something I'm working on to post here

the chair nerd No. 949352

>Page 9. Don't worry thats like 2 months. Or a single week for Chris.

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 949954

something you're working on? i wanna c it hurry up bbg xoxo

Anonymous No. 950792


Anonymous No. 950839

Those must be gunt's french cousins.

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Anonymous No. 951731

This Drywall I made

Anonymous No. 951766

Nice Sks, What flavor is it?

Anonymous No. 952496


Anonymous No. 954799

executive decision to save gunt from the void bump

Anonymous No. 954801

Thank you for your service

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Stand Vista 360.jpg

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 954827

Oh no Gunt made a great purchase.

You can see him in action here:

Anonymous No. 957025

>page 10
emergency bump.

Anonymous No. 959080

Le bumperino

Anonymous No. 959484

does anyone have a decently rigged gunt

Gunt Worshipper No. 959878

would anyone be interested in having a website that archives all (or as much as possible) gunt related things?

Anonymous No. 959882


Anonymous No. 960169


πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 960220

guess I just have to take the Eric Barone pill and learn 3D modeling as well.

Anonymous No. 961049

This entire post succession is fucking great, I wish I could keep a screencap of It

Anonymous No. 961254

my boy dressing nice

Anonymous No. 961660

sorry it was me browsing chan for ideas, it was supposed to be a sketch on the side but the board love it and my team decided to expand on it.

Anonymous No. 962482

I love niggers.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 962521

You'll never be a woman.

Anonymous No. 963250

peace and love

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Scn 32.png

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 963768

Making a living room with my fav 'human scale'

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gunt a.png

Anonymous No. 963992

gunt fumo

thunder thighs !CaaGIhknFg No. 964019

absolutely basado my guy

thunder thighs !CaaGIhknFg No. 964020

fuck forgot to write the captcha


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Anonymous No. 964057


retopologized gunt
now his belly may speak

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 964357

This is a sign
Fuck yes. If I had the time I'd code a gunt primitive because meta.

Anonymous No. 964509

Is that an Indian dish or something?

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Anonymous No. 964584

I got a whole container of them, who's buyin

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Anonymous No. 964593

Can you do the toystory 2 Gunt isle?

Anonymous No. 964606

aisle sorry

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Anonymous No. 965395

This retard frog in Gunt cosplay? I'm suck at 3D modelling. I'll post it once I 3D print it.

Anonymous No. 967744

>gunt thread on page 10
/3/ has fallen

Anonymous No. 967987

gunt is going to rise again.

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 968055


even if gunt threads "die" someday he's gonna live on in my heart forever -- not being sarcastic here. seeing people make such incredible stuff with some shitty model i made 4 years ago with zero experience is so fucking cool. can't stress that enough

Anonymous No. 969932

Post some of your recent work. Gunt-like or not.

Anonymous No. 969933


Anonymous No. 969934

What does Gunt sound like?

πŸ—‘οΈ the chair nerd No. 969942

I've always imagined it sounded like this.

Anonymous No. 969994


to be honest i don't really do 3d anymore. it was a fun thing to explore at the very least but i don't feel devoted enough to it to really get hands-deep into it.

Anonymous No. 971168

I'll take your entire stock

Anonymous No. 971395


Anonymous No. 973320

You're breaking my heart man

Anonymous No. 973354

tell me about the gunt. who is this lil fella

Anonymous No. 973650

is this gunt fuckhead made by that weird pseud russian youtube cult channel guy that posts on /x/ sometimes

he has a pfp that uses him

Anonymous No. 975609

Got a link?

Anonymous No. 976483

no sorry

gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 977620


Anonymous No. 977623

quite verbatim what i said is what i meant
if you dont know then dont worry

Anonymous No. 978692


Anonymous No. 978701

we will never know

Anonymous No. 982466

I dont need to, was born Gunt'd already.

Anonymous No. 982488

she cute

Anonymous No. 984224

sexo with the Gunt

the chair nerd No. 984277


Anonymous No. 987484

hey friends, any new gunt featurings cookin?

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giant gunt.jpg

the chair nerd No. 987668


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the chair nerd No. 987671

Captured using lidar from a jet.

Anonymous No. 989405


Anonymous No. 991371

Please get back into it. Make more Gunt variations, Gunt-related content, anything. THE BOARD NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous No. 991396

Based chubbyemu enjoyer

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gunt guy !hFwjRJA3/c No. 991630

here's a dude

Anonymous No. 991702

how to guntpill myself? I don't care about the consequences.

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the chair nerd No. 991705

Gunt Pill Taking Schedule

Morning (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM):

Gunt Burst: Take 1 pill with a hearty breakfast. Start your day with a burst of energy and creativity. Perfect for tackling morning tasks with a fresh mindset.

Midday (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM):

Gunt Boost: Take 1 pill with your lunch. This dose will keep you motivated and sharp for the rest of the day, making your afternoon productive and engaging.

Afternoon (3:00 PM - 4:00 PM):

Gunt Glow: Take 1 pill with a light snack or tea. This will help you maintain your "dank" status, keeping your mood elevated and your creativity flowing.

Evening (7:00 PM - 8:00 PM):

Gunt Chill: Take 1 pill after dinner. This will help you wind down and maintain that cool, laid-back vibe as you relax and unwind.

Before Bed (10:00 PM - 11:00 PM):

Gunt Dream: Take 1 pill with a light drink or herbal tea. This helps with relaxation and prepares you for some β€œdank” dreams, making your sleep both refreshing and inspiring.

Tips for Optimal Dankness:

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to enhance the effects of Gunt.
Healthy Snacks: Opt for nutritious snacks to maintain energy levels and support the effects of Gunt.
Physical Activity: Incorporate some light exercise or stretching to keep your vibe lively and fresh.
Relaxation Time: Don’t forget to set aside time for relaxation and hobbies to fully embrace your dank status.

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the chair nerd No. 991718

Anonymous No. 991720

I would gladly take a bullet for 2024 Presiguntial Candidate Guntald Guntpf, would (You)?

Anonymous No. 991731

Ayy, I'm thinking of including a Gunt easter egg in an animation I'm working on. He's gonna be in a hologram advertisement in a cyberpunk setting.
Any ideas what the brand should be?
Maybe something like "Gunt Flakes", or "Can't Stop the Gunt", or something better (which is why I'm asking for ideas).
He won't be front and center, but he'll be visible for that "if you know, you know" type deal.

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Anonymous No. 991765

Now we can generate infinite gunts at the click of a button.

Anonymous No. 991890

This thread is still up? jesus

Anonymous No. 992301

Thank you so much

Anonymous No. 992309

Lets all protect our Presigunt with our lives.

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Anonymous No. 992598

something like this would be funny

Anonymous No. 992612

Not really sure how that would work as a building-sized 3d hologram, but I appreciate the submission. Maybe I'll put something like that on a billboard.