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๐Ÿงต Houdini General

Anonymous No. 918181

Houdini is built from the ground up to be a procedural system that empowers artists to create great footwear commercials.

Get started for free - it's is fun and easy:



Anonymous No. 918183

or not?

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Anonymous No. 918205

Or yes

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918613

wtf is this trash op? why is there a fucking ad in my 4skin? reported

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Houdini Pasta.jpg

Anonymous No. 918659

Is it worth learning?
C4D has cloth system that rivals Vellum.
Xparticles is GPU now.
Why go through the pain when click and point solutions are released every few months?

Anonymous No. 918703

>C4D has cloth system that rivals Vellum


Anonymous No. 918709

houdini old as fuck

Anonymous No. 918743


keep learning the complicated way

Anonymous No. 918744

doesnt even hold a candle to vellum. lol

Anonymous No. 918749

what that shit is fucking awesome

Anonymous No. 918773

show a better example then

Anonymous No. 918774

no, the burden of proof is squarely on you

Anonymous No. 918783

this is just a bad copy of extraweg's FEM faces from years ago

Anonymous No. 918784

>bro why have a simple push button solution when you could have 1000 nodes and a giant spaghetti map of nonsense to drive your sims?
>yea bu-
as always, slowdini is for insufferable autists. c4d is for people actually getting work done

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Anonymous No. 918785

you seem upset

Anonymous No. 918789

>brainlet's lament

Anonymous No. 918796

as they say, people will get angry about things they dont understand.

why are you upset coming here and trying to trash users that use better software than C4D?
what is Your point?
do you not have more projects to do becasue You are so fast?

Anonymous No. 918798

>w-what? you dont like doing the same thing, but slower?
cringe cope alert

Anonymous No. 918801

>c4d is for people actually getting work done
c4d people work in advertising doing motion graphics and stuff....
Houdini artists work in every field, TV and Movie VFX the most obvious.
Apples and Oranges, despite there being an obvious overlap, the overlap exists only in one direction.
Otherwise show me the thousands of movies and TV shows with VFX done by C4d artists - you can't because they don't exist - reality proves you a retard.
Same applies to video games - show me the hundreds of games made with C4d...
C4d is for simple stuff and point and click solutions are for low hanging fruit problems, both fail the moment shit gets serious and complex.

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Anonymous No. 918819

Is Houdini the whitest 3D software?

Anonymous No. 918839


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Anonymous No. 918874

>mfw every time i deal with sop level for loops with multiple inputs and merging feedback

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Anonymous No. 918876

>mfw sop level for loop
t. performance monitor

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Anonymous No. 918880

>mfw performance monitor

Anonymous No. 918891

>You dont like getting mediocre result and calling it done!?
The cringe cope is You refusing to acknowledge he fact that C4D VFX is training wheels mode.

now go cry about it in C4D thread faggot.

Anonymous No. 918908

i make more money from single c4d contract than youll ever see in your life

Anonymous No. 918909

sure you do.
but as a wise person said before
noone asked, and noone cared.

Anonymous No. 918915

show your work then

Anonymous No. 919023

Cmon anon
You are big boy who earns more money from a single contract
if you try to pull
>Muh NDA
that means you havent worked on any previous contract that has been released. ergo
you are a larping faggot.

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Houdini x Stable ....jpg

Anonymous No. 919100

The best "Getting Started with Houdini" ever made

you got no excuses anymore
happy learning
pic unrelated

Anonymous No. 919174

trash and unimportant, go kys ainigger

Anonymous No. 919370

am i missing something or is karma xpu's subsurface really slow and noisy? when compared with the rest of xpu's perf i.e. which is pretty impressive. this is just real noisy, but i'm just getting started with it.

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The Fuck?.jpg

Anonymous No. 919378

what do I need to do to get on xk studio's level?

Anonymous No. 919433

SSS in nature is really noisy depending on Your mesh structure ( it tries to calculate depth of the surface between each spot for light pass through)

The thing You ar emissing is probably increased sample rates for it.

Anonymous No. 919435

nah i'm aware SSS is going to be slower than non-SSS surfaces, it's just that Karma's performance with non-SSS materials is so good (compared with arnold or even redshift) i was a little surprised SSS felt slower than even arnold.
but yeah, just getting started so probably just need to figure out where to optimise.
it's a little strange that the SSS bounce limit is set to 0 by default as well on karma render settings.

Anonymous No. 919497

Is it possible to import an Unreal scene into Houdini?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 919582

19.5 has changed something about RBD emission and I'm not totally sure what's going on:

This set up (and one of my older ones) is completely broken on 19.5 due to this change.
Removing the "lift_on_y" transform makes it behave somewhat normally, but that's not a fix.

15 minutes later:
worked out a fix, but i'm not actually sure what's causing the problem:

1. in the pop source inside the dopnet:
attributes tab > inherit attributes change to > "v name"

the output from the dopnet itself is still fucked

2. dopimport > pic related
3. attrib delete > pt attrib > "pivot"
4. copytopoints enable piece attrib

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Anonymous No. 920143

>mfw looking at my own python code 6 months after writing no python

Anonymous No. 920175

learn to write comments, thats basic code 101 shit.

Anonymous No. 920178

no, that's like trying to eat by shoving food up your ass

Anonymous No. 920309

is less the the specific code i'm looking at confuses me, it's more that i relearn python every 6 months because i don't use it often enough.

Anonymous No. 920315

what do you do with python in houdini?

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Anonymous No. 920317

pic-related is my most elaborate project.
it'll quickly spit out arnold materials/hook up imperfection maps for libraries i have. similar thing for hdri's. i need to port these over to redshift and karma now though.

other stuff is also shading centric. linking uv parameters for all selected image nodes. placing triplanar nodes between all selected image nodes.

last thing, when i made that confused post, was importing X number of images in at the same time because i've been doing some stuff where textures are switched based on attrib and need to bring in 50 images at a time.

i do eventually want to look at some of the fancy entagma stuff and data vis as well.

Anonymous No. 920318

i know you are a larp know it all faggot, becasue it is possible, it requires specific knowledge of typing and using search engine known as google to find out.

Anonymous No. 920349

>this was the software used to make Jimmy Neutron
There has to be a story behind that decision

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Anonymous No. 920468

alright boys, let's crack this shot:

how are we going from this

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Anonymous No. 920469

to this. noise seems "stuck" to geo - how would you get a rest position for a sim like this? or it something else?

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Anonymous No. 921106

finally had a shot at this. noise sticks.
now to work on emission and expansion.
this is just vellum with a single pop wind.

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Anonymous No. 921107

>i make more money from single c4d contract than youll ever see in your life

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I know Houdini.jpg

Anonymous No. 921387


Houdini - Stable Diffusion Integration

Anonymous No. 921775

But why?

Anonymous No. 921779

Technical Director.
Researcher and Developer.

Now also
AI Engineer.

Anonymous No. 922211

Anonymous No. 922265

My gpu weeps watching this.

Anonymous No. 922279

Can it do cum?

Anonymous No. 922301

good stuff. better than the oriented bbox from bounds sop.

Anonymous No. 922446

This was a serious question btw.

Anonymous No. 922457

Anonymous No. 922461

fluid sim with some viscosity? sure. more than one way to do it.

Anonymous No. 922462

Not that simple. Cum behaves as a mixture of three different liquids, and those liquids visibly decompose and change consistency with time. Can Houdini do simulations with multiple interacting liquids? Can it preserve volume & generally look nice transforming one into another? Can liquid properties vary spatially and temporally? I'm very serious about my cum.

Anonymous No. 922463

>Can Houdini do simulations with multiple interacting liquids?
sure. you can set properties on a per point basis if you really want to.

>Can it preserve volume
the flip solver has reseeding options.

>generally look nice transforming one into another
not sure what you mean, but if it's connected to:

>Can liquid properties vary spatially and temporally
then yes, you can vary properties mid-simulation based on any number of conditions or you can keyframe them if you're a neanderthal.

Anonymous No. 922465

Damn, that's honestly impressive if it actually works well.

Anonymous No. 922466

>Cum behaves as a mixture of three different liquids, and those liquids visibly decompose and change consistency with time.
It's evident that you have given that topic some thought, your seriousness is acknowledged.....(btw. other anon here).
>Can Houdini do simulations with multiple interacting liquids?
of course it can. What type of question is that?
Houdini does simulations with multiple interacting forms of anything no matter the state of aggregation and physical properties.
>Can it preserve volume & generally look nice transforming one into another?
>Can liquid properties vary spatially and temporally?
yes, yes, I lack the knowledge of how to do it, but I know for certain that it'll work.
You'll jizz all over the place once you find out how...

Anonymous No. 922467

The issue is that SPH isn't just particles bouncing around. To make something liquid, you have to express the invariants that make it so IRL. Shit like incompressibility is essential and tricky to get right IMO. It's impressive if Houdini has a general solver that handles really unusual situations like cum well, because the fewer constants you have to work with, the trickier solving the equations gets. And this isn't necessarily a problem of convergence, but accuracy in the solver. Naive SPH implementations tend to look uncanny or lacking compared to eulerian methods.

Anonymous No. 922470

while i think there's an sph solver still buried in houdini somewhere, the current methods for fluids are FLIP and vellum (xpbd)

Anonymous No. 922471

oh there's also another psuedo-fluid thing in pop networks, but i have no idea what they're doing to solve that.

Anonymous No. 922475

XPBD uses SPH and FLIP is a hybrid approach IIRC. SPH just means that you use a kernel over your particles (smoothed particles) and the apply constraints (hydrodynamics) based on the integration of these kernels.

Anonymous No. 922549

'The Flash' Slow Motion Lightning in Houdini | Pro Houdini Tutorial

Anonymous No. 922562

props to rebelway for doing these free tuts more regularly t bh.
i wonder if it's because the chinese have been mercilessly pirating their courses.

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Anonymous No. 922570

Is Houdini Indie 2 year worth it ?

Anonymous No. 922973

Wrong phrasing. Are you worthy?
Everybody can buy a license, not everybody can use Houdini - does your ability to use it stand in healthy relationship to the investment?

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Anonymous No. 922986

how do you jump from tutorials to actual production work?
I seem to forget everything without hand holding.

Anonymous No. 923158

keep notes.
do more test projects, fewer tutorials.

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Anonymous No. 923159

in solaris, adding a light, importing two simple primitives, suuzanne and a grid from /obj/ then trying to create a material library with a red material and selectively assign it to one (1) object. It doesnt work. If i type in /obj/grid1 in primitives it doesnt assign the red material. The only way it works is if i assign to all primitives with /* .......but, I dont want this.

What do I do?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 923160

doesnt matter if i use prman or karma, the result is the same btw. Using prman for lama

Anonymous No. 923162

doesnt matter if i use prman or karma, the result is the same btw. Using prman for lama

Also, how do I get my /obj/ transform edits to carry over when i use the sop import node? For example, I moved suzanne up a few units in order to make her sit entirely above the grid, but it doesnt carry over

Anonymous No. 923181

i figured it out. Had to export an alembic instead of obj and use the scene import lop

Anonymous No. 923212

m8, you can literally just drag and drop the primitive from the scene graph tree to assign box

the path wouldn't have /obj/ in it at all iirc. paths are reconstructed for solaris and the scene graph tree is the path hierarchy

Anonymous No. 923213

fyi, you can turn the hdri in the viewport off by hitting d on the viewport, it's in the background tab. drove me nuts.

Anonymous No. 923219

>m8, you can literally just drag and drop the primitive from the scene graph tree to assign box
the tutorial i was following had me type everything in. You should blame them.

Am I supposed to build anything up in /obj/? I am doing a test project of a simple sci fi vehicle, textured to the 9s with painter and mtlx lama, starting with some still renders and if that goes well some animation. I know, i know, its cpu only, but I have 12900k and what i have seen with lama has truly been next gen.

Anonymous No. 923223

the only thing putting me off this mtlx lama quest is that prman in houdini is really really unstable. This makes me think twice and say that maybe I should just sacrifice some visual fidelity and just swim downstream with karma and karma xpu

Anonymous No. 923228

>Am I supposed to build anything up in /obj/?
t bh i have very limited experience with solaris so i really have no idea what you're "supposed" to be doing. i'm guessing in a production scenario you'd just ingest the usd of the model from a different department.

i haven't used lama at all but am curious about it. in no rush though since i have no idea when others are going to start adopting it / if ever.

Anonymous No. 923234

Hey Anon,
Solaris is used to prep the scene using your usd/obj/fbx we to prep the scene for rendering.

Its basically layout to render part of the process

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Anonymous No. 923241

I have a great need for variations within solaris but I cant get them working. I'm following

I can't get my setvariant node to work. People say I need to create a duplicate reference of my material, but that reference doesnt show up in the scene graph. In my pic rel, variant edit_pxrsurface 1 / 2 are Green / cyan. However, setvariant only shows the original red.

How do I properly reference and assign that reference so i can use setvariant?

Anonymous No. 923316

Hey Anon,

Double check, you should set your reference layer prior to variant and make sure you inherit from first input and give it a path

You dont really need duplicate reference I think, just use edit parameters on your og shader and plug it inbetween the begin and end block, like you did.

Cant tell much from the setup but it looks like you have done everything okay.
I just followed the tutorial as well and managed to get same results, retrace your steps.

Anonymous No. 923321

how do i go from intermediate-level, know how to work with quaternions and matrices, to big-brain level like:

Anonymous No. 923325

work with bigger matrices

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Anonymous No. 923409

Still not working...I have it set up like this now and its close to what I see at 12:45 in the renderman video. I switched over to 19.5 and still cant use setvariant. I think I'm getting confused with assigning the original material from the material library because it doesnt show up as an option. I've also heard that you need to deactivate that og material in order to lower its level, but it just removes the material entirely.

I have uploaded my 19.5 hip to the location in the pic rel

Anonymous No. 923439

fuck man, my IQ is not high enough to understand that website, might as well get back to blender

Anonymous No. 923442

I need to assemble my scenes and I'm kinda tired of Maya lagging. Does Houdini handle geometry better than Maya? And should I use Solaris?

Anonymous No. 923446

Can I ask, why not just use the component builder workflow to make your variants?

What's making your Maya scenes lag? Using USD/Solaris *can* make your scenes a lot more responsive, depending on where your bottlenecks are. At work we use Maya/VRay. We have some complex-ish environment layouts that are a bitch to work with because we don't or can't optimize a lot of the scene content with instances or proxies. I would love to be using Solaris for those projects because of how well instancing and proxies work in USD.

Unfortunately USD in Maya/Bifrost is still SHIT. I don't know wtf Autodesk has been doing all this time but it's still nowhere near usable for real work. Without dedicated technical directors you won't get far. Matt Estela said it best when he called every USD authoring tool outside of Solars glorified kitchen.usd viewers.

But yeah, use Solaris. Some of it is still painful, because it is exposing so much of USD to the user and also because it still needs more polish, but I'd say it's worth it for them workflow gains.

Anonymous No. 923455

>Can I ask, why not just use the component builder workflow to make your variants?

Because I'm following the official tutorial from Pixar, another tutorial from CG Forge, and the big dog, Matt Estela's wiki. I've made my hip as clean as possible, and its still cant get it to work. MEstela doesnt even mention the component builder workflow nor does that link you gave me include any hip. To add insult to injury, I posted this question on sidefx board, detailing my steps, but they didnt approve my post because everything needs to be moderated over there, despite me being a paying customer who just reupped sub and the post being very nice in tone

Anonymous No. 923459

I finally figured it out thanks to CG variantblock_end1 was pointing to the grid instead of the shader. Now I can go back to 19.0

Anonymous No. 923462

and my final post on this is that the pixar tut i first mentioned, at 14:47 is actually doing what i first did and didnt work ie have the primitive geo in the primitive path and not the shader. And, it works for them. So, this is why it was so confusing and frustrating since nobody includes hip. Im sure you all think im just an idiot. Well, pixar did it the way that definetly no longer works any more

Anonymous No. 923464

I use o lot of heavy unique geometry and have it being displayed at same time. Even scattering sometimes is painful and I need to hide the bounding boxes.
I really just want to be able to assemble my scenes without having to look at a bunch of boxes.

Anonymous No. 923481


hey anon,
Sorry, i was busy with work.

Glad You got it figured out with the veriant end pointing to the shader.

What alot of those tutorials fail to mention is that they are using assembly usda files (which brings 'Asset and Lookfile' under same umbrella, whcih makes the asset tree combined, which was probably what threw You off.

for Renderman users, and if they only use Maya - USD scene files are unrenderable, unless you use Arnold( dont know about RS)
Vray needs update for autodesk' usd0.19

in our pipeline, we use Maya for animation only, and then send the stuff into both Katana/Houdini, depending what else the VFX folk need to do for the asset.

Anonymous No. 923538

Going from Maya where I did uv mapping to Houdini with alembic my UVs dont show up and I get error

>houdini alembic import invalid attribute specification: "uv"

when trying to use uvlayoutnode.

I hear that this is because hou wants uvw and maya exports uv. But, I dont know how to correct this nor where to correct this. What should I do?

Anonymous No. 923581

exported a cylinder from maya 2020.4 as abc
only option i selected was "uv write".
came into houdini fine.
convert node to actually manipulate them, otherwise they're primintrinsics.

Anonymous No. 923585

It opens in houdini fine but with the invalid parameter uv. According to reddit this is a real problem. Try 2023.

What did you mean by "convert node" ?

Anonymous No. 923586

Also, i am not just importing one cylinder in my abc, but multiple because i have a character with multiple parts that belong together that i UVed

Anonymous No. 923590


Anonymous No. 923603

1. i am not updating my maya. don't ask people to do this, it's rude.
2. i used the cylinder as test geo. maybe you should too.
3. if you can't manage to get a cylinder over without issues maybe tell us what you're doing
4. according to reddit i have 16 inch penis
5. i mean use the convert node

Anonymous No. 923668

How do I get Houdini's camera to behave like it was made in the modern age of computing?

Anonymous No. 923702

In the operation toolbar (above the viewer), turn on First Person Navigation mode, or press M or Alt-M.

Use WASD to navigate

Anonymous No. 923705

how do I make the WASD inputs move slower?

Anonymous No. 923711

mouse wheel up and down to adjust speed

Anonymous No. 923717

how did you guys get started on houdini? suggestions for a beginner project?
By the way, I'm using apprentice and I don't like to pirate. How fucked am I? Will I melt my CPU trying to render since there's no native GPU support and apprentice disallows 3rd party rendering engines?

didn't open the image or click the link but you should kill yourself NOW

my guess, just based on the nature of the show they probably thought that they'd rather be safe than sorry if they ever needed simulations for some episode script. well, if you're correct. I can't find anything articles confirming that though, only that the studio that made jimmy neutron started using sidefx software for later features (ant bully, specifically)

Anonymous No. 923718


Anonymous No. 923720

>how did you guys get started on houdini? suggestions for a beginner project?
to get started you do a series of tests and save those tests into HDAs and then string them together and build a library. Wa-la 6 months later you're making 100k+

Anonymous No. 923721

Just test random shit or do you have a suggestion for neat effects a beginner can do? I do compositing with Natron and Vegas and such so anything I can slot into the background of a video is cool even if it would look lame on its own.

Anonymous No. 923727

i cant hold your hand, you'll just have to use your imagination. If you cant self motivate you'll give up very very quickly.

Anonymous No. 923728

I was just asking for suggestions, faggot. If I couldn't self-motivate I wouldn't be doing vfx at all.

Anonymous No. 923730

you wont get very far with that attitude and like you say, you are a beg

Anonymous No. 923761

your first project would be to find out about karma xpu

project 1: sops based. some sort of procedural model of a prop.
project 2: pops based. i dunno magic or some shit.
project 3: vellum based. cloth. strings. stuff.
project 4: pyro. make ze explosion.
project 5: rbd. make something fall down cuz you made ze explosion
project 6: flips. spend 3 weeks waiting for cache.
project 7: terrain tools.

congratulations you've now touched a lot of houdini and understand almost none of it. you're on your way.

Anonymous No. 923769

What renderer do you use anon? If that's the only issue then maybe just take advantage of your renderer's proxy workflow, ie: V-Ray Proxies, Redshift Proxies. They allow to have a lightweight, decimated mesh as a viewport representation.

I still think learning Solaris is good, but it is almost like learning another DCC on top of Houdini, so maybe it's overkill here.

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Anonymous No. 924353

For anyone doubting if Houdini is worth learning:

Henning Sanden

Sidenote: While film and commericals IS moving away from Maya, it's not moving towards Blender but instead Houdini. If I was a student today, I'd 100% be learning Houdini.

If you want a future-proof tool, this is it.

Stay the course brothers.

Anonymous No. 924360

y'know i don't hate the flippednormals boys or anything, but the industry experience they always talk about is working on one of the pacific rim movies - but a lot of their non-intro tutorials are about human-esque character sculpting and, like the results just aren't that impressive.

also lol, kinefx is never going to replace maya.

Anonymous No. 924361

actually i'll add that houdini can't even reach maya's mediocre modelling and uv'ing abilities for traditional modelling. you make your modellers and animators work in houdini for a week half your workforce will an hero.

Anonymous No. 924364

>one of the pacific rim movies
there's only one movie

Anonymous No. 924365

there are two movies dude

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Anonymous No. 924368

mandela effect. i remember there was talk of a sequel with boyega cosplaying a jaeger pilot in a padded diving suit but thankfully it was never made.

Anonymous No. 924370

>thankfully it was never made.
my brother in christ, i think you may have jumped realities to the bad one:

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Anonymous No. 924372

some overseas title

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Anonymous No. 924521

Beginner here looking for some tips. I've been working on a simple scene in Blender geonodes that I started to think would be a better fit for houdini:
Basically I have two metal pipes (A) which are part of a biomechanical limb, with one pipe nested inside the other, moving up and down like a piston. Then I'll have muscle fibers wrap around the limb (B).
Simple enough, right? So here's my problem: I'm making the larger of the two metal pipes with two cylinders, one (the wider of the two) being the material, and the other being used to cut the middle out via a boolean operation. The boolean operation doesn't work. There is no change to the wider cylinder. I have both cylinders set to mesh mode, endcaps on, and the boolean is set to subtract. I have the boolean node selected for view. Why isn't it cutting?
Sorry for the basic question, I'm very new and may have bitten off more than I can chew for a first project. Any links to relevant tutorials would be nice though.

Anonymous No. 924524

Okay just realized I can turn endcaps off and extrude outward, but I would still like to know why I cant cut a hole in the endcaps with a boolean node if anyone could tell me.

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Anonymous No. 924527

works on my machine, if this is what you wanted.
thanks for the useless diagram tho.

Anonymous No. 924528

consider doing stuff like sparks, rbd bullet hits, smoke trails, chimney smoke, simple realistic looking fire. this is the kind of stuff juniors are given at least in our mid size studio

Anonymous No. 924529

>works on my machine, if this is what you wanted.
what the f? I guess I should've played around with the settings a little more or something
>thanks for the useless diagram tho.

Anonymous No. 924532

i changed no settings on boolean, big cylinder just has end caps on. small probably should, but since boolean is treating it like a solid it just adds them it itself
use polyfill is you want better endcaps btw.

Anonymous No. 924544

>use polyfill is you want better endcaps btw.
thanks for the tip my man

Anonymous No. 924566

okay so I have the pipes done, can anyone give me some pointers on how I might wrap a vine like object about this piston? I'm guessing that I would use vellum if I want the vine/tendril/muscle to flexibly move with the piston, but how do I get it to contour about the surface? Will I have to shape it manually and then choose points of contact where it sticks, or is there a procedural way to set the contour?

Anonymous No. 924610

m8, you maybe need to do some more tutorials and learn about the options at your disposal.
there are bunch of way you could do what you want, but here:

simple vine generation set up.
i'm not going to spoonfeed you a solution to the simulation part because it's something really basic that an intro to the types of vellum constraints would cover (or like look at the manual)

Anonymous No. 924685

Sorry, my bad, I suppose I need to get used to the fact that Houdini has more detailed general guides and less hands-on beginner tutorials compared to Blender, so I'm struggling to adjust. I'll stop with the dumb questions. But thank you for the link.

Anonymous No. 924688

there is too many options in houdini to approach procedual stuff, learn the tools like anon before told You, nad eventually you'll be figuring stuff out yourself quicker.

Anonymous No. 924868

Does houdini have any addon like Maya's Animbot in tools for animation managment?

Anonymous No. 924964

2022 Houdini Student Reel

Anonymous No. 925446

it's taken me several years to realise that houdini does not have selection symmetry at all

had to paint an attribute with symmetry and create a group from that

really wild that really basic, modelling stuff like that still isn't in there

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Anonymous No. 925486

>following Entagma Houdini Donut tutorial in quest to create a more advanced donut
>he says to create a Group SOP node and set it to "keep in bounding region" to grab the middle strip of verts
>nothing selects for me despite how big I make it
>view official SideFX tuts of the group SOP and they have it working with no issues.
>try in 19 and 19.5, same thing

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Anonymous No. 925490

it is working. click this.

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Anonymous No. 925856

Anonymous No. 925948

rebelway's vex course seems to have been dumped here. videos aren't uploaded in order so it's a bit of a mess, but it's there if anyone wants to have a look or mirror to cgp

Anonymous No. 925960

man bilibili is amazing, thanks mate

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Anonymous No. 925984

How's the new C4D Pyro?

Anonymous No. 926011

I went down a rabbit hole trying to figure out how to rip 1080p video from there and I still haven't found anything that works.

Anonymous No. 926046

pay for the course.

Anonymous No. 926048

you can try this:
it only gives flv files, and my browser gives a warning about unsecured connection, but they'll work fine (I use VLC player so I don't have to install adobe crap on my machine).

Anonymous No. 926051

very professional, I hope you put this in your portfolio

Anonymous No. 926054

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 926055

just saw a houdini tutorial the other day running on IRIX, and the fluid sims looked better than I can get on blender right now LOL. would be nice if they could finally get that SGI Indy emulator running at full speed so I could try it out.

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Anonymous No. 926085

Looking for pic related CG World 292

Akira Saito x Procedural Hard Surface Design with Houdini

he's usually very secretive about his process

Anonymous No. 926091

Found it but it's in Japanese

Anonymous No. 926193

firefox throws up a warning about this being a virus which is really odd. virustotal results are completely clean.

Anonymous No. 926230

zip file with jpgs

Anonymous No. 926244

I feel like I asked this in this thread but can't find my post so I guess I'm crazy but here we go:

Can anyone here tell me if this is possible: I'm searching for a way to automate the way the clothes of a character for a game moves during some attack animations. Do you think I can bake clothe animation from the cloth simulation from Houdini into bones that are going to be in the long vest or whatever piece of clothing my character will wear. I don't know if you understand what I'm trying to say.

Anonymous No. 926262

something like:


go ask in the thinking procedural discord. someone in the rigging channel will know.

Anonymous No. 926284

tranny alert!

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Anonymous No. 926318

give it a rest

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Anonymous No. 926363

>i'm too socially anxious to post a greeting in the houdini discord to obtain lurking privileges
this is as far as i go, you guys must carry on without me. sayonara friends.

Anonymous No. 926410

no one even looks at those.
be more like the autists who post a new question every 30 minutes

Anonymous No. 926434

Stable Diffusion Mocap Visualizer | Houdini

Anonymous No. 926821

was about to come here and post about how much i'm enjoying the groom tools when compared with xgen, but fuck me, the do cause a fair few random crashes.
still, xgen feels like i'm going to break the groom if i look at it wrong so this is still an improvement.

Anonymous No. 926853

Do I need formal education or background in programming to learn this software? I have no prior experience/knowledge in 3D but I'm a fine artist and I intend to explore various tools for reference in my work. I aim mostly those exploding, decaying, and desctruction effects that's hard to do in real life.

Anonymous No. 926859

>Do I need formal education or background in programming to learn this software?

>I have no prior experience/knowledge in 3D
much bigger problem. learn something else for 6-12 months.

>I aim mostly those exploding, decaying, and desctruction effects that's hard to do in real life.
houdini is the ideal package for this, but see above.

Anonymous No. 926861

>something else for 6-12 months
what would you recommend? Like Blender? Blender is completely free so I can do that. If there's something else you would recommend let me know.

Anonymous No. 926864

blender's fine. don't spend too much of your time focusing on any one discipline (modelling/sculpting/animation etc) for the first few months.
do tutorials and very small projects and move through stuff quickly so you get a flavour of things.
all those skills will transfer over; plus houdini is bad at a lot of traditional /3/ stuff and blender complements it quite well.
you'll be using both in the future. glhf.

Anonymous No. 926865

Thank you!

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Anonymous No. 926887

Come on /3/. Post some cool stuff you've made with Houdini to motivate beginners like me.

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Anonymous No. 926902

showed this to someone at pixar and they hired me as a senior animator

Anonymous No. 926922

>rest position at timeshifted final frame
>attribute copy back to the points by id

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Anonymous No. 927005

>the tasteful thickness of it

Anonymous No. 927007

If you need motivation to do stuff, and now your own drive - give up, and do something you are passionate about

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Anonymous No. 927506

what courses did anons buy this black friday ?

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cg log.jpg

Anonymous No. 927762

Do you guys keep a CG LOG like pic related?

more here stars around at 27:00

using notion and obsidian

Anonymous No. 927765

i'm bad at it, but i'll take notes sometimes.
imo for most things it's better to just build an example hip file and take notes inside houdini.

Anonymous No. 927775

None I'm fucking poor or I would have grabbed that BorisFX 25% off. Easymode is so expensive.

Anonymous No. 927776

>I have no prior experience/knowledge in 3D but I'm a fine artist and I intend to explore various tools for reference in my work. I aim mostly those exploding, decaying, and desctruction effects that's hard to do in real life.
HOLY HELL dude do NOT do this. To get a sim high-quality enough to use as an accurate drawing ref will take you longer than just practicing the drawing 20 times over.

Anonymous No. 927777

There's an interview on the SideFX Youtube channel, but it's also in Japanese. Untranslated as of now. Unfortunate.

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Anonymous No. 927981

This is pretty insane. I am asking it how to do things in Houdini and it is being really helpful. It is writing vex code and stuff and explaining how nodes work. (not everything is perfect but it gives damn plausible answers)

We are all surplus humans soon.

Anonymous No. 927986

Neat! Got any examples of problems where it fails?

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Anonymous No. 928002

it's pretty fragile. here it's declared both functions improperly, tried to return an array in the second function and funnily tried to use python syntax to append a value to an array.

i would be laughing at how dumb the robot is, expect it took me 2 minutes to fix the code and it works.

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Anonymous No. 928006

Idk, the result is pretty but certainly not VEX, probably not even novel as Github returns 22 results for "torus knot".

I'd still use it as an algorithm search engine, I wonder if it can digest papers into pseudocode.

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Anonymous No. 928008

yeah i hit try again a couple of times on the same question and got nonsense-code

it definitely doesn't 'know' what VEX is, but i think it has some sense that it's a c-style language so it's probably borrowing stuff from thinks like c and javascript.

i asked it to write code for a mycelium network and it just flat out said no, can't do it, too complex lol

Anonymous No. 928025

if( length(@Cd) >0.5) removepoint(0, @ptnum);

Anonymous No. 928030

>We are all surplus humans soon.
kill yourself, you already are a surplus human

Anonymous No. 928045

Why are there so many women getting into Houdini?

Anonymous No. 928076

because about 70% of uni goes are women, and now you see more and more women in professional standing positions.

Anonymous No. 928151

>This is the software they made and animated Jimmy Neutron in
This has never stopped being funny, they must have used 0.01% of its capabilities

Anonymous No. 928187

The Pros And Cons of Houdini

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Anonymous No. 928190

>new animatrix talk
one day i will be as clever as that man

Anonymous No. 928706

>spend several days building a procedural set up
>use it once

Anonymous No. 929170

Blow Shit Up

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Anonymous No. 929173

Very interesting lighting setup in solaris @2:24

Anonymous No. 929398

...why doesnt Karma have SSS on gpu? Even blender can do it, for almost 10 years now. What gives?

Anonymous No. 929402

? Karma XPU supports randomwalk SSS in 19.5

It's also worth remembering that it's a beta renderer at this point. Renderers take a few years to develop and many more years to mature. They don't just pop up full-featured overnight.

Anonymous No. 929747

is there a way to make a for loop skip to the next iteration if a node inside the loop is taking too long? i.e. set a timeout condition.

working with a large osm data set and trying to use labs osm building tool, to extrude out building geo, but boolean gets stuck finding non-trivial crossings on some buildings. i don't mind just losing those.

Anonymous No. 929750

A "cook with timeout" SOP was added to Labs recently, maybe you should look inside and see how they did it?

Anonymous No. 929751



Anonymous No. 929807

How to learn Houdini

The Continuity of Splines

Anonymous No. 930546

How does Houdini compare to ziva vfx for muscle and fat simulation?

Anonymous No. 930578

Houdini is Training wheels off .
Ziva is training wheels on.

Anonymous No. 930584

Dont listen to this guy

Ziva fx is extremely difficult, even with 10+ years experience. You will need to be an expert in multiple areas to use it properly. Hollywood puts their brains together in meetings and choose to use it in big blockbusters including Godzilla vs Kong.

Anonymous No. 930590

Brainlet take.

Anonymous No. 930611

Fuck off. It takes weeks to prep a single character using ziva. Its been determined to be a better fit since it has industry leading tools built specifically for muscle simulation. If you dont use it you dont get the tools. You look at examples from many years ago (zeke the lion) and they are tar beyond what has been achieved with houdini. Some of the people who wrote ziva are ex.weta. They are proven in the biggest productions

Anonymous No. 930613

Kek, what a lying rat you are. Stop spreading this shit, you faggot. It's clear that you don't work in the industry and are just lying and parroting shit from others.
Just shut the fuck up.
Incredible what kind of absolute genetic shite is crawling around here. Fucking shithead and he pretends to know. Holy shit, you are the reason why people have no clue about anything and are spreading shit.

Anonymous No. 930618

Fuck off

Anonymous No. 930622

lol even

GTFO from houdini thread glowtard, its clear You want to use training wheels atall times, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 930624

>training wheels
the court rests

Anonymous No. 930625

Be careful using the Z word on this board. It summons the schiz.

Anonymous No. 930627

>ziva, the brainchild of multiple weta digital employees summons "___" as their claims of what the plugin can do cannot be refuted, instead just insulted with "training wheels" etc, despite rigs taking weeks to months to build and being used in multiple blockbuster films with major action


Anonymous No. 930628

whatever ziva can do, houdini can do better. simple as
now go back to your own thread faggot.

Anonymous No. 930629

dude, i use houdini daily. This is my thread. Houdini does not do it better. It has the same solver, but does not have the tools for muscle simulation built in, as previously mentioned. Fuck off back to learning

Anonymous No. 930630

>I use houdini daily
>It cant do it better
I rest my case, go back to learning.

Anonymous No. 930631

The solver is exactly the same and they are missing muscle simulation specific tools. Are you retarded

Anonymous No. 930635

>works in the industry
>doesnt have custom made tools by industry
lol even

Anonymous No. 930673

You think being in "the industry" means you get xy and z for free and you can use them at home and take them with you when you leave, huh, dumbass?

Heres a protip: you can extend ziva. It has an api. You can make new nodes. People in hollywood cinema choose it for a reason. It is a custom tool in itself

Anonymous No. 930697

They solvers are not the same. Ziva uses proper FEM, Houdini's muscles use a XPBD approximation (vellum),

Anonymous No. 930702

noone said anything about bringing it to home, fucko - doesnt change the fact that houdini is better, and You know it - go and suck some of tha Ziva cock , make sure the skin goes with your sucking force.

he already outed himself as an idiot, no need to point it out.

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Anonymous No. 930706

>noone said anything about bringing it to home, fucko
so you admit you cant bring your tools home, you cant bring your tools to the next job and now you're admitting that you're not even using a proper FEM solver? And even Sidefx themselves, with their finger on the heart of the industry cant muster anything more than sloppily controlled, slop looking demos while Z has for years had incredibly real looking demos?

gg ez

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Anonymous No. 930709

I think both of you are retards.

Anonymous No. 930721

Keklmao, tell me that you don't use houdini, without telling me that you don't use houdini.

Anonymous No. 930724

i use it for its main feature - solaris with redshift

Anonymous No. 930741

>main feature
>lists beta features and 3rd party renderer

lmao i fucking knew the glowtard doesnt know shit.

Question was, pajeet - whats the difference, the difference is - you are retarded and fail to see it, stop turning argument points around

gg ez

Anonymous No. 930746

All you can spew is hate. I fucking knew it! I am a payong houdini user for many years as much as you! Fuck right off, kid!

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Anonymous No. 930804

Come on, don't get pissed at some shitty software argument.
If you can do great stuff with Houdini, that's great.
Take it easy and don't lose your calm.

Anonymous No. 930860

>I am a paying customer

doesnt matter -you still suck, just becasue you pay for it doesnt mean you are good at it.

Anonymous No. 930878

Why would i "suck" when i know how to manipulate USD and render in solaris? You know what, dont answer that, idiot. All you can do is a slow circle jerk.

Anonymous No. 930894

you answered your own question.
be sure to use the main features ofhoudini by using solaris and redshift, this is such a big core of houdini! its 90% use case!

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Anonymous No. 930945

>noooo, dont use the software the way you want to use it!
>noooooo, you have to use pyro and water sim even if what you're doing doesnt call for it!! And even if you dont have nearly the hardware for it!!!

Stay in your lane.

Anonymous No. 930983

i accept your concession

Anonymous No. 931270

Anon, you do realise You were the one trying to move goalposts here right?
You started with Simulation talk, then started strawmaning arguments.

Please go away from houdini simulation talk and never post again if you are trying to be stupid on purpose if your 'main purpose' is lookdev.

Anonymous No. 931402

is anyone using Houdini for regular stuff?
layout, staging, assembly, keyframe animation, etc??

Anonymous No. 931406

I do retopo, model, UV, fx in Houdini.
Thinking about learning to rig in it too, but I want to check out cascadeur first.

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Anonymous No. 931433

>I do retopo, model, UV,
this you?

Anonymous No. 931573

unbelievable, show retopo workflow

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Anonymous No. 932131

Happy New Year Houdinis

What is everyone's plans with Houdini for this year?

Anonymous No. 932154

i will spend a day finally learning kinefx constraints
i will dabble in kinefx muscles
i will incorporate constraints and muscles into a procedural n-legged kinefx walker
i will spend a lot more time with pyro and volumes
i will try to use karma xpu as my default renderer for all personal projects

Anonymous No. 932786

Anyone here use geonodes? I'm a blendlet trying to produce a certain effect in geonodes and my method is suboptimal (it's a pain to improve and runs hella slow). I'm wondering if there's someone here who could tell me if there's a way to improve my methods in blender, or if I need to jump to houdini (apprentice (watermarked)).

Anonymous No. 932805

what's the effect?

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Anonymous No. 932809

I know it looks pretty bad right now, but I had planned to add details with more booleans and then some stuff in the shader editor. Can't really do that though because it runs extremely slowly as it is. Basically I want to have a character grow extra eyes on a region of their skin, so I have an area where I've scattered some points, and based on their proximity to an invisible plane, they will push up a region of the skin, pull down a boolean to slice that area, and also push up the eye meshes. It takes ~10 seconds to update a frame right now, so adding new nodes or even changing a single value is a huge pain.

Anonymous No. 932825

nice write up, henry. tyvm.

Anonymous No. 933087

when the fuck did they add this

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Anonymous No. 933091

>there's now FIVE (5) redundant fit functions
sidefx please fire suresh

Anonymous No. 933184

i don't mind this one t bh. who tf needs fit10 tho.

Anonymous No. 933522

beginner question: how to scale particles by their distance from the origin? I have an L system, and I want the points to shrink as they leave the base so I can use a sweep node later.

Anonymous No. 933535


I can't remember if distance along geometry works for curves

If you just want distance as the crow flies then use distance() function in a wrangle

Once you have distance you can use attribute remap to remap to a new range and set as pscale
Not a big fan of that node desu - you can do a more procedural set up by getting min and max distance by using attribute promote and writing a few lines of vex

Anonymous No. 933537

>you can do a more procedural set up by getting min and max distance by using attribute promote and writing a few lines of vex
Oh? Should a beginner like me be using Vex?

Anonymous No. 933539

Yes. Just pick bits and pieces up as you go.

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Anonymous No. 933589

Does anyone know how to put this custom vector from my polyframe in the direction channel from the group node? i tried v@custom or @custom but they don't work

Anonymous No. 933591

Use a VEXpression like prim() or point(), note that VEXpressions are not identical to VEX functions with the same name. I think in your case you want prim(0, "custom", 0, 0), prim(0, "custom", 1, 0) and prim(0, "custom", 2, 0) in the corresponding xyz channels, I'm remembering this offhand and can't check.

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Anonymous No. 933594

doesn't really work I also tried putting the location of the node instead of zero like in the example of the prim() function but didn't work either thx for responding tho

Anonymous No. 933597

Ok, too bad. VEXpressions are gay anyway, try this in a primitive wrangle:
i@group_myprimgroup = degrees(acos(dot(v@custom, prim_normal(0, @primnum, 0.333, 0.333)))) < chf("angle_threshold")? 1 : 0;

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oscar-worthy perf....jpg

Anonymous No. 933600

Why are OD Tools, MOPS+, AXIOM 3 not cracked yet?
Are they the X-Particles of C4D?

Anonymous No. 933602

they're reasonably priced and one-man operations
not essential either

Anonymous No. 933606

there is a free version for Axiom 3 available that is feature complete - I am using it right now.

Anonymous No. 933607

if i could have one feature in houdini 20 it would multi out wrangles so i could write to 4 geo streams without having to duplicate geometry into the input 0 stream

Anonymous No. 933630

Is houdini viable for modeling, or am I asking for pain?
I can work pretty well in Blender, but I do often wish for a more parametric and nondestructive modeling process

Anonymous No. 933632

it's probably the best tool available right now for procedural modelling but beyond super basic stuff, the process becomes very alien to traditional modelling.

trad modelling is absolutely awful in houdini, but there is a blender bridge someone made:

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Anonymous No. 933880

Im trying to use my group in a switch and switch inputs if it is empty or not But it says it doesn't recognize the group and the switch doesnt work. I also tried already switching the inputs but it still doesnt recognise it for some reason

Anonymous No. 933896

Check out the Switch If node, you can directly test element count in a group.

Anonymous No. 933898

yeah thx I got it to work

Anonymous No. 933951

there was a way to access matrix components in an array like fashion or am i thinking of python?

float z = 3@transform[2][2];

getcomp is really cumbersome.

Anonymous No. 933952

edit fwiw i'm just trying to get the z axis out of the 3@transform of a kinefx joint.

Anonymous No. 934014

There is, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] etc.

Anonymous No. 934043

works a treat. thanks, champ.

Anonymous No. 934047

If blender is supposed to be the FOSS alternative, why doesn't houdini have the same capabilities for traditional modeling yet? I mean, certainly it would be practical to include, no?

Anonymous No. 934052

fuck off, m8

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Anonymous No. 934071

back to mac or no?

Anonymous No. 934241


should just be a regular vex function and i shouldn't need to dig around in kinefx_constraints.h to see its overloads and how it works.

Anonymous No. 934473

what? it's a serious question

Anonymous No. 934482

why do you enjoy eating your own semen?

Anonymous No. 934953

Well, I feel less bad about what I do to your mother when I can empathize a little

Anonymous No. 935145


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nodes nodes nodes.jpg

Anonymous No. 935287

What's the best and fastest way to become a Houdini FX Artist for tv shows and movies in one year?

Anonymous No. 935306

rebelway / lost boys

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Anonymous No. 935681

>>you might wanna hold off on that chief

Pixel f*cked: Inside Hollywood's VFX crisis

Anonymous No. 935710

>working in vfx
Working in the oil sands is better LMAOooooo

Anonymous No. 935738

Same question as that guy, but instead how do I get *good enough* to work on industry goyslop (I would never actually work for them)

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Anonymous No. 935739

Houdiniggas, I... I don't feel so good.

Anonymous No. 935741

A hobby developer's brown, wet, shit-performing python fart, I can count the individual particles with my eyes. Fuck Blender, fuck FOSS and fuck their 65IQ turd world shitskin devs and userbase.

Anonymous No. 935743

Bitter cope *dripping* from this post

Anonymous No. 935744

>he's not a hobbyist
>he works in the (((industry)))
oh no no no say it ain't so!

Anonymous No. 935898

Anonymous No. 935941

Why doesn't my car make coffee?

Anonymous No. 936249

Why would you make a car that steers with a trackpad when even my lawnmower has a steering wheel?

Anonymous No. 936251

someone draw her as a snoyjak

Anonymous No. 936255

do you guys think someone at sidefx reads these threads?

Anonymous No. 936256

The writers already left cause they weren't getting paid, VFX artists should stop bending over and fuck off too.

Anonymous No. 936258

this, they should all head over to hyperborea threads and plot their revenge against the (((industry)))

Anonymous No. 936564

how can I reach is level?

Anonymous No. 936566

Anonymous No. 936592

>yooooo ey sup nigge-
closed the video immediatelly

Anonymous No. 936784

his tutorials aren't bad though

Anonymous No. 936816

liar, you're just a silly racist

Anonymous No. 936864

Hey guys, how would I go about using vellum to simulate a car deforming from a car crash? I'm still fairly new to houdini and someone told me it would look nicer using vellum instead of rbd.

Anonymous No. 936942

well you're just a silly nigger

Anonymous No. 936944

Why is it always the eastern euros shilling their gumroad simulation files?

Anonymous No. 936947

Racists are proven to have been raped by a close relative when they were younger.
I'm so sorry you were abused. I wish you a speedy recovery.

Anonymous No. 936951

Oh, so you're jewish? My bad, I apologize to niggers.

Anonymous No. 936973

eh, they're free and some decent ones in there so i'm not complaining

Anonymous No. 936978

i dont care

Anonymous No. 937033

Anonymous No. 937377

some useful new vex functions via a labs update

Anonymous No. 937394

Very cool, VEX was sorely missing these kinds of fundamental geometric queries. Would be nice if the segment and triangle functions also returned the barycentric coordinates of the projected position like xyzdist does.

Anonymous No. 937403

could you give an example of how one of these new triangle functions could be used? i'm a geo processing brainlet.

Anonymous No. 937404

These are very handy for moving along geodesic paths, or in general any problem where you want to travel along the geometry and not accidentally leap to a topologically disconnected part of the surface.

Anonymous No. 937407

interesting... i think.
you don't see a lot of this kind of geo processing/traversal in houdini learning materials - i think i've come across it only on stuff talking about half edges - a jake rice talk and a juni video i think.
is stuff like this a lot more commonly used outside of fx? i'd like to learn more esp about its applications so if you could nudge me in a direct it would be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 937411

If you want to jostle your imagination but not dive too deep I'd check out an expository book like Polygon Mesh Processing by Botsch et al. that covers a bit of everything.

Anonymous No. 937413

ta very much, brother

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AI Houdini.jpg

Anonymous No. 937471

Just discovered a cool AI tool being developed by stassius! It's an API for the A1111 ControlNet extension that connects Houdini and AI drawing, allowing for easy pose adjustment and generation of AI artwork. Check it out!

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Anonymous No. 937586


Anonymous No. 937588

fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 937594

more rich lord stuff

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houdini silicon.jpg

Anonymous No. 937882

Houdini for Apple Silicon now Gold

SideFX is excited to announce the gold release of the Houdini Apple Silicon build to coincide with the H19.5.534 production build. The Houdini Apple Silicon build is built natively for macOS arm64 so Mac users can take full advantage of the power of Apple silicon M1 and M2 chips.

Anonymous No. 938045

>48k+ machine or 8k equivalent PC machine for the task.


Anonymous No. 938162

Any recommendations for a motion graphics focused introductory course? Currently looking at the Houdini Procedural Foundations course on learnsquared but looking for other suggestions

Anonymous No. 938209

a. you can pirate this course
b. it's old and like it's nice to know this stuff, but there are newer workflows now. do the course in like 8 months.
c. it's awful as a beginners course
d. it's even worse as a mograph course

mark fancher's stop being afraid of houdini is a much better mograph-y course intro thing, but as with all houdini intro courses it has an impossible task and i don't know if anything will really sink in. only one way to find out.
start with that one or the hipflask sops series because they're boring.

do sops > particles/pops > rbd > smoke > flip > etc in that order

Anonymous No. 938210

oh also, stop being afraid of houdini is also older and there are newer workflows for some things now - the old stuff all still works and you need to learn it eventually (updates are a lot about streamlining things at the cost of some flexibility), but just know that you'll need to follow up. this is a constant problem with learning houdini - the updates are meaningful and come at a ruthless pace.

Anonymous No. 938211

Yeah I have a bilibili upload of it bookmarked I was more just looking for others' thoughts on whether it's a good starting point so thank you for the insights

Anonymous No. 938214

oh okay, t bh it might be best if you quickly did this one:

then look at the houdini isn't scary and the hipflask stuff

Anonymous No. 938253

thank you will do

Anonymous No. 938556

just discovered this cool AI tool you can make at home with a tank of helium and a cpap mask