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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918235

Any tips, guides or tutorials for modeling the adult danger zones? Obviously they won't be on youtube because the human body is a sin and cannot be witnessed.

Anonymous No. 918239

>because the human body is a sin and cannot be witnessed.
Gooners when they're not allowed to coom in public.

Anonymous No. 918241

I recall some african societies that allowed public masturbation, but ejaculation is not.

Anonymous No. 918261

isnt that pic a good enough guide already?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ sage No. 918262

Muh dick culture is equivalent to coomers

Anonymous No. 918263

there was a whole thread here on this topic a while ago

Anonymous No. 918285

no, looks more like animal genitalia than human. the anus hole is not strong enough to distend the ass cheeks like that

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Anonymous No. 918312

yeah but you'd need blend shapes for the cheeks getting pushed out of the way which might be what we're seeing.

There was a whole big thread about making rigs for butts and anuses a little while ago. I made some animations to demonstrate things we talked baout, but you could look in the archive.

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Anonymous No. 918313

this is a cloth simulation with maintain volume enabled. It's not good for real time.

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Anonymous No. 918314


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Anonymous No. 918316

we talked a lot about dynamic rigs, esp in RT, but everything takes so much fenagling to get it to work right that you dont end up saving any time. You're best off with blend shapes. Which Yes, means having to make a new blend for virtually every kind of interaction you want.
The promise of dynamics is 1 rig that always works but instead it's 1 rig that never works. Not without your constant over site.
You CAN set up a single sequence and get dynamics to work in it, and you'll get the best looking results. You'll just have to retool it to use in the next sequence. It'll never be generic and perfect.

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Anonymous No. 918317

This is a joint driven dynamic solution.
You could bake the joints and export keyframes or find a way to replicate this effect in RT. This was the best looking I could get it.

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Anonymous No. 918319

This is more the kind of results to expect.

Anonymous No. 918323

Can all of this be taught to AI?

Anonymous No. 918325

AI is just you showing both problems and their solutions to the software, until it's trained enough so that it can think of solutions to problems that you haven't shown it yet.
It can be taught anything that can be represented as a problem + solution pair.

Anonymous No. 918326

...sorry, correction: until it can think of solutions to a new problem that it wasn't trained with. That's better.

Anonymous No. 918329

But can it make the butt rig believably take the penis?

Anonymous No. 918330

all AI does is hurl pixels onto your screen. Show it a believable butt rig in action first.

Anonymous No. 918352

got a twitter bruv?

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Anonymous No. 918367

Yes but only for shitposting.

Anonymous No. 918393

I remember there used to be a really good tutorial about making cunny that got posted here a few times but then the mods turned into colossal faggots and deleted all traces of the image from this board.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918491

I agree that is too much detail, i guess if you want to go for a more cartoony look then its kinda cool for that. But otherwise Id say less is more in this case.
I recommend doing smaller details like the little wrinkles of the anus using normalmaps and keeping the edgeflow there rather smooth.
For the cunt the modeling strategy will depend heavily on your desired level of realism, whether you want to get a camera close up and capture all the details like inner/outer labia and such.
The way I would do it is to start very simple, just a slit in the model, from ther begin to flesh out the outer part and add extruded inner labia as you see fit, then try and fix topological issues in the end and give it one last smoothing pass with sculpting tools.

Anonymous No. 918505

lol. have you never seen an anus?

Anonymous No. 918506

just how single are you guys?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918507

Those threads can be tricky: this is a blue board, and there is NOWHERE in 4chan were a persistent S/3/X nsfw thread can be posted: any red board moves too fast (yeah, forget about /aco/, and /ic/ is for 2D) so we can only post here without textures and with wireframes showing up - anything else needs to be censored, with kinda defeats the purpose completely. You risk a BAN from a MOD if you try what >>918491 just posted.

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Anonymous No. 918511

You know I get what the mods are trying to accomplish by keeping /3/ a blue board: they don't wanna have the CGI section of 4chan be inevitably turned into coom central, I get that (although it wouldn't be much worse than all the dumbfuck Cris and [INSERT 3D PROGRAM HERE] hate shitposting). Still it'd be nice to have another 3D board dedicated for the coom, how' bout /a3/? Adult 3DCG. Whether you like it or not, porn is a noteworthy component of the 3D scene, and also I would like to learn how to make my own without getting the ban hammer. Just sayin' bro. /v/ and /co/ have their own sub-boards, why can't we

Anonymous No. 918520

I figure that you start with a plane and cut in the edgeloops that you need.

Anonymous No. 918521

i don't understand why porn drives people to create

Anonymous No. 918523

Beauty drives the soul.

Anonymous No. 918530

Some people have clubs for fingers but still want to make porn.

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noice 2.png

Anonymous No. 918532

This is pretty cool how did you do it anon?

Anonymous No. 918533

My guess is something like this

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coom in the making.png

Anonymous No. 918537

Alright here's what I set up so far:
1) two Meshes: 1 torus resembling an ASSHOLE, 1 cube with a Subsurface Modifier applied resembling a DICK
2) one Armature, with 8 bones placed radially around their origin.
What do I do next? Teach me master

Anonymous No. 918538

Whoah this tutorial doesn't even use physics, that's even better! Thanks for the rec bro, so short too for such a good result

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Anonymous No. 918566

Holy shit guys I just found out a way to simulate penetrations and it's even easier than what >>918533 very kindly suggested.
Basically, use the setup mentioned here >>918537, then in each of the asshole Bones put a Shrinkwrap Bone Constraint with the settings shown in pic rel. It does exactly what I wanted and it's unbelievably easy

Anonymous No. 918581

It's simple. You still get to exercise creativity, but there's the added bonus of getting your dopamine hit / a constant supply of "horny" energy to push you to finish it. I wouldn't have modeled and animated even half of what I've done so far if it wasn't for that.

t. successful porn artist

Anonymous No. 918600

Do you think a displacement map can recreate the inner labial folds?

Anonymous No. 918601

Visually probably yes tho I havent ever used that. But I doubt youll have good amount of control in case you want to animate it.

Anonymous No. 918610

>t. successful porn artist
give tips

Anonymous No. 918619


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Anonymous No. 918620

Tried to condense as much as I could

>Just because it's "porn" doesn't mean you don't have to try.
ALWAYS try to improve. No one likes someone who never tries. You'll become irrelevant if there isn't visible improvement.

>Start posting, even if you think your work is shit.
As an artist, you are prone to both underestimating, and overestimating your abilities, so just start posting.
In retrospect, I probably could have posted much early than when I started (mid 2020's), but there's always that artist self doubt. Just let go of it.
That said, you do need to have SOME base level of criticism in your work, but try to be reasonable. Try to think of what non-artists would think of it.

>It helps to be niche, but not too niche.
You might be able to go more niche, but going too niche means you have a limited audience. You want your work to be unique enough, but still retweet-able. This ties in with the last point, but if you're going to aim for niche, you need to be GOOD. So be somewhat critical with yourself, but WITHIN REASON.

>"Bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all."
If you make something shocking once in a while, you might scare away 20 twitter users in the quote retweets, but you gain 5 people who will follow you for your regular content. Push your boundaries once in a while.

>Jump on trends, but be reasonable.
Do it only when it actually suits you, and you have the time. It helps out when you need a boost, but trend-chasing is transparent and extremely tiresome. Not only for your fans, but for you. Go at your own pace.

>If you're on Twitter, only post during peak American / European hours.
There are so many artists who fall into the cracks because they post when no one is online. For me, I typically try to post around 12pm EST(I'm a New Yorker so it's easy) but that may vary for you.

>Don't be a dick, and keep drama to a minimum.
Self explanatory.

Anonymous No. 918628

they ought to make a nsfw 3d modeling board, this board is full of nsfw topics that aren't allowed to fit on a board on 4channel because of the nature of modeling tutorials on nsfw subjects

Anonymous No. 918632

just get a picture / texture and adjust z according to depth map

Anonymous No. 918633

>You'll become irrelevant if there isn't visible improvement
lol wrong
t. p0rn game dev

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augmented dong.jpg

Anonymous No. 918637

Alright listen up COOM masters, how do I bring the simulated physics of >>918566 to the next level?
Having the surface of the asshole hug the dick is nice, but now I'd like to add a "push/pull" effect to the asshole too, as shown here >>918314, however I'd like to do this WITHOUT the use of ACTUAL physics, instead through the use of Bone Constraints.
Is that even possible? It sounds like something Bone Constraints can accomplish but I don't know how

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asshole push pull....png

Anonymous No. 918649

Alright little update fellas, read this to add a very simple animation keyframe reliant push/pull effect for the asshole:
1) in the Anus Armature, make sure you have a "Anus Master Bone" to which all the "radial" Bones are parented
2) in the Dick Armature, make sure you have:
- 1 "Dick Root Bone": this is the Deformation Bone with which you can control the movement of the entire Dick Mesh
- 1 "Dick Penetrator Bone": this is a NON Deformation Bone whose location will affect the push/pull effect, essentially controlling the exact place which the anus will wrap itself around (TURN DEFORMATION OFF)
3) add a Copy Location Bone Constraint to the Anus Master Bone, set Target to "Dick Armature" and Bone to "Dick Penetrator Bone" > set influence to 0 for now
4) when animating the Dick and Anus, you can control the Anus push/pull effect depending on:
- Location of the Dick Penetrator Bone (upon penetration, ideally you want the Penetrator Bone to be at the tip of the Dick, then when the thrusting cycle begins the Penetrator Bone should be at the mid length of the Dick, and upon exit it should be at the tip again);
- Influence of the Anus Master Bone's Copy Location Constraint (which should be at a pretty low Influence, I set it to no more than 0.2 during the thrusting cycle, with values being at their greatest upon penetration and exit, before and after which values should be at 0)

Anonymous No. 918652

Quintessential /3/ post.
This is why I come here.
Bless you, anon.

Anonymous No. 918663

thx pal
>Push your boundaries once in a while
what's the most shocking thing you've ever done?

Anonymous No. 918666

loli rape snuff

Anonymous No. 918670

Anytime bro, now go and make some porn! Do us proud son

Anonymous No. 918672

I have been already making porn for a while, anon. Don't you worry.

Anonymous No. 918685

where can we see the final product then? What you have shon looks fancy from a technical standpoint but I doubt its actually applicable in a real animation scenario.

Anonymous No. 918821

Sorry man no can do, blue board, them's the breaks

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Anonymous No. 918834

good job. Yeah just using keyframes for the in/out is what I would have suggested. In a real time environment you could use some kind of velocity detection to simulate it.

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Anonymous No. 918835

Here's what I'm cooking up RN
I took one of my character meshes and sculpted little lumps all over, making sure they didn't touch. Once it was at max lumps, I duplicated another non-lumpy mesh and filled in the spaces. Took 3 total sculpt meshes to get to pic related. Then I used copies of the base mesh as booleans to create hundreds of little lump meshes that conform to the base mesh AND have UVs that match the original mesh.
What the hell is this? Well in my project I am going to make dynamic cum splotches on the characters. There's a lot wrong with my approach and I know that the best way to get this effect is with some kind of layered shader. This is also very labor intensive and I plan on making quite a few distinct character bodies. However, I am working in unity and would like to stick to unity's "compatibility" render mode so potato boxes might have a chance of playing too. Unity's layered shader tool only works with their "HD" render mode which is supposedly only for high performance systems.

Anonymous No. 918842

I think catbox links are ok to post.

Anonymous No. 918884

wireframe should be fine

Anonymous No. 918885

You guys REALLY wanna see some faggot bounce on his dildo? Only usable model I have atm is a guy. You guys ain't faggots are you

Anonymous No. 918886

Nice try anon. You think youre fancy with these tech experiments but you clearly never even attempted to use this sort of stuff in a real animation scenario. I dont mind that to be honest, these sorts of technical prototypes are always fun to make but you would be well advised to treat them as little exercises for the brain rather than an actual breakthrough in porn animaiton technology, because that they are not. Been there, done that.

Anonymous No. 918890

Fanciness has nothing to do with this: I've seen a useful porn animation aid and I shared it with those who may also find use out of it in hopes that others will share their own advice in return, nothing more, nothing less
>rather than an actual breakthrough in porn animaiton technology, because that they are not
I didn't speak in such self aggrandizing terms, but I'm not denying the usefulness of the configuration that was suggested
>you clearly never even attempted to use this sort of stuff in a real animation scenario
I did

You're acting like a borderline crab mate, it'd be preferable if you posted animation advice instead, rather than projecting like you're doing and trying to put other anons down for whatever reason. We're all here to learn and nothing of what you just said helped in that regard

Anonymous No. 918900

>You're acting like a borderline crab mate, it'd be preferable if you posted animation advice instead, rather than projecting like you're doing and trying to put other anons down for whatever reason. We're all here to learn and nothing of what you just said helped in that regard

Man youre right. I dont know what befell me earlier. Thats not what I want to contribute to this board and I dislike it when other people do stuff like this. I sincerely apologize anon. You did nothing wrong, I was acting like an asshole for no reason.
It was a tough day for me but that doesnt excuse that type of behavior. Please ignore my earlier reply like the pointless bloat of an insecure anon that it was. Ill try to do better.

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Anonymous No. 918931

Hey it's cool bro don't worry 'bout it this place gets to us sometimes don't beat yourself up over like that, instead check this out, I just learned how to make COOM. Rejoice COOM masters for we shall all COOM eternal

Here's how I did it if you're interested, it's incredibly easy:
1) Add 2 Planes to your Scene:
- call 1 Plane "Floor"
- call 1 Plane "Emitter"
2) Add 1 Metaball > Ball, call it "Jizz"

3) select the "Emitter" Plane > in the Particle Properties tab [under the Modifiers tab], click the + icon to "Add Particle System Slot"
4) scroll down to Render > Render As > select "Object"
5) click "Instance Object" > select the "Jizz" Metaball

6) run the Particle Effects by pressing Space, press Space again to stop
7) you can adjust the size of the particles in two ways:
- inside the Emitter Particle Settings > Render > Scale
- by scaling the Jizz Metaball itself
8) if you want the particles to last longer before disappearing, go back to the Particle tab > Particle Settings > Emission > adjust "Lifetime", which I think is measured in animation timeline frames [example: at a Lifetime value of 50, 1 spawned Particle will last for 50 frames before disappearing]
9) if you want the particles to travel a longer distance, go to Velocity > Normal

10) to have the Particles collide with the Floor, select "Floor" > go to Physics Properties tab [under the Particle Properties tab] > select "Collision"
11) to finetune the Particles' behaviour upon colliding with the Floor, go to Collision > Particle. Fields you may want to focus on are:
- Stickiness
- Friction
- tick "Kill Particles" if you want them to disappear upon impact

Actual Fluid Physics simulations will likely yield more realistic results but I prefer the simplicity of this method, so intuitive

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Anonymous No. 918960

You should have started with that instead of making me curious.

Anonymous No. 919037

>wallpaper paste 2.0
realtimechads here?
I have something for you

Anonymous No. 919121

ok I can make a whole donut deform around a banana but a pussy is just a tiny part of a whole mesh. Is the whole woman going to contort around a normal sized dick?
follow up, how would a woman sized dick forced into a normal sized character work?

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Anonymous No. 919127

all this animation stuff is great fellas but what about some resources for modeling pussy? it's a complicated area with lots of tiny loops

Anonymous No. 919133

My current plan is to have a labia majora as part of the character mesh and the labia minora/vaginal canal are a seperate mesh. That way I can shove whatever crazy topoloy I need into the vagina without having to run a million edge loops. I could also swap the mesh for different looks.
It does not look good. I'm rendering ATM but I may post some untexture pics.

Anonymous No. 919156

Thats a very clever approach actually. I went the tedious way of figuring out complex topology for that to be all in one mesh, it has a few advantages mainly in model management but your approach seems like the more sensible one.

Anonymous No. 919170

>tags: painanal

Anonymous No. 919191

banana and donut are merely examples for github prudes. real examples are on the lad's site.

Anonymous No. 919401

aha this is very nice. I can see this being useful in dynamic scenes. RT rigs that can adjust things like how for a character pulls out based on his dick length, adjust pelvis translation for variations in height and orifice location. Could let you have highly variable customizeable characters screw well. Even completely user controlled movements lik in vr.
I gave up on allowing players to customize their dick size and variable heights precisely because of trying to synchronize penetration given all the differences the animation needs just from minor differences.

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Anonymous No. 919402

It offers a lot of advantages, but the most important thing is making it look good. I modeled my labia majora close, and the vaginal canal at medium open. Before seeing this magical sex rig my plan was to drive the mesh with joints. So I bound the base body mesh to my skeleton, and opened up the vaginal joints such that the mesh aligned with the vaginal mesh I had made. Then bound it to the skeleton and returned the vaginal joints to their default position.
The results are very difficult to control. The weights would have to be perfect, and theoretically there might not be a "correct" set of weights to make it deform perfectly. It's such a sensitive shape and the results must be picture perfect or you're wasting your time.
If I do not use this dynamic penetration rig I think I'll find a way to switch to blend shapes.

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Anonymous No. 919403

and this is it open. The mesh, apparently, got a little messed up down here after some of the other extreme things I've been doing to it. But there's supposed to be a matching hole in the mesh and right now there's no hole, but you can get the idea. I'm sure with a concerted effort it would be simple to make this look good open, but making the geometry stay coherent as it's closed is very elusive.

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Anonymous No. 919408

fuckin pokefuckers

Anonymous No. 919431

tell me You never saw a vagina, without telling me, you never saw a vagina.

Anonymous No. 919554

I look up to maya and the wild life animator ever since he told me that story about his grandma walking in on him animating some giant tentacle monster and she just didn't give a fuck. Literally motivated me to start working on 3d. Still got a ways to go but I at least know some god basics now. Truly a king in my eyes.

Anonymous No. 919745

lol godspeed anon

Anonymous No. 919955

Some people just like creating something they like.
-oomer posters are really just the minority that tries to be special by being contrarian.

Anonymous No. 920128

Good advice

Anonymous No. 920148



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Anonymous No. 920198

Yup. It's fucked up. Come and post your mistakes.

Anonymous No. 920269

That weird wrinkle on the side reminds me of wrinkly milf boobies.

Anonymous No. 920356

Someone wanted to make a fat fetish dragon character. That's just a standard sphere. If you put strategic topology into the mesh and used this technique you could get it to crease and fold however you like.

Anonymous No. 920812

any good tutorials on modeling boobs? this character Im modeling has small perky tits and Im having a stroke trying to make them look good. also do you think I could post a screen shot considering she's cubby furry cunny?

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Anonymous No. 920833

I have only ever made small boobs for 1 project. While following a professional modelling book many years ago I was instructed to make small breasts by extruding out geo from the chest. It never gets a nice shape. I always start with a spherized cube, shape it, and then connect it to the chest geometry.
For these small breasts I thought I could get away with extruding but it still didnt look right. I resorted to my technique even for this and used a very small section of a very large sphere to do it.

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Anonymous No. 920834

This mesh has been smoothed so it has weird patterns in it, but the shape is nice and subtle

Anonymous No. 920901

Bad topology anon. You want clean loops around the breast. Those 3 pointed stars are going to make life hard.

Anonymous No. 921123

download a random coomer model from smutbase as a reference, your breast topology near the areola needs redoing

Anonymous No. 921167

>because the human body is a sin and cannot be witnessed.
I wish. Really sick of the constant stream of sex, sex, sex. The only good part about modern feminism is that billboards now show fewer half-naked women. Can't you just have a bit of peace?

Anonymous No. 921174

lol fuckoff you asexual loser

Anonymous No. 921272

ok hold your horses you toponazis. we were discussing modelling techniques. Start with a polar sphere and use the same technique as described and it'll be perfect.

Anonymous No. 921754

Sex is an act of creation, jerking off is a substitute for sex, jerking off requires the math

Anonymous No. 921756

>wallpaper paste 2.0
That was a blessed thread, wish I'd saved it all.

Anonymous No. 921770

>asshole Bones

Anonymous No. 921788

good topology is part of good modeling.

Anonymous No. 921939

I immediately thought of vrchat. Don't know how helpful this'll be.

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Anonymous No. 922582

Anyone know how this is done?

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Anonymous No. 922583

or this?

Anonymous No. 922590

Well I dont know how these particular examples were made but there is several ways to do each of these, tho some are dependent on the software or engine you are using.

The first thing is most likely an auxiliary morph that gets applied once the spine bends a certain degree into a certain direction. This can also be achieved with helper bones and more detailed skinning.

The second one could be done with a volume preserving cloth sim method or with simple spring physics on bones bound to the boobs. I suspect the latter since that motion looks quite linear and non-dynamic.

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Anonymous No. 922619

//v/ says this was done with shape keys.
Any way to do this dynamically?

Anonymous No. 922634

uhhhh mods?

Anonymous No. 922636

It's where the money's at. Nobody wants to pay for SFW art but coomers will cough up all sorts of money to get their fix.

Anonymous No. 922733

/v/ is full of shit much like the people fron /v/ posting here.

Anonymous No. 922755

But is it true?

Anonymous No. 922756

You can do that several ways. Hell you can use colliders and dynamic bone addons if you really want to for jiggle in blender. It's not hard.

Anonymous No. 922762

This would be really fucking annoying to do with shape keys, but you could do it that way. You'd just be measuring the rot of the arm bone on some axis and put it as a driver on the breast deformation.

If you want a more dynamic approach, there are some different ways to go about it with caveats for each. For a rigged setup, you'd probably want to start with a baseline like and start experimenting with constraints on the breast bones that reference the arm bone. The constraints will probably be brittle though, and you'll likely need to redo the math for different angles.

For a simulated approach, try what he does in pt 2/3 of these videos (i.e. deform it on a cloth ball, so you can do shit like parent an invisible collider cylinder to the arm bone.) One caveat there is that it won't export to a game engine without baking. The bigger caveat is that blender's cloth solver still kind of fucking sucks to tweak, and it sucks even worse when you try to animate stuff and the shit gets stuck in the cache.

Anonymous No. 922914

with a volume preserving cloth simulation

Anonymous No. 922921

Just download simplicage and do it in like 6 clicks
click bone
create dynamic cage
click arm
create collision cage

Anonymous No. 924188

i think the crease on the side can be done with weight painting. its a sharp transition from a high weight to a low weight where the crease forms, rather than a smooth gradient

Anonymous No. 924189

could be done with bone constraints
it could work two-ways:
if the arm rotates too close to the boob, the boob rotates. if the arm rotates too far from the boob, the boob gets pulled a little bit to simulate the pectoral muscle being stretched. if the arm remains within the inner and outer limit, the boob isn't affected

Anonymous No. 924193

I doubt that since that would cause the polygons on that edge to needlessly stretch when the hip is bent the other way. I suppose its actually an additional bone doing some pushing out with low influence on that region, or simply a blendshape kicking in at the correct angle.

Anonymous No. 924198

Wouldn't that cause issues when the model is in an odd position, like reclining?

Anonymous No. 924256

>Wouldn't that cause issuwa
probably. bone constraints are fucking annoying but if you can get them to work they are usually faster than shape keys and definitely faster than physics sims. also if you make game assets you can bake the bone animations and export.
>that would cause the polygons on that edge to needlessly stretch when the hip is bent the other way
it would but it might not be visibly noticeable
>I suppose its actually an additional bone doing some pushing out with low influence on that region
it could be that, and that would make sense if you're already using helper bones elsewhere, easy to add a couple more for belly fat

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Anonymous No. 924322

Here ya go bro, don't worry mods it's censored :)

Anonymous No. 924400

Please tell me you have more.

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Anonymous No. 924417


Anonymous No. 924483

Alright so it was my second assumption of additional helper bones.
Now I wanna see the model perform some more extreme poses. These cutesy slight bends to the side may look ok but can it hold up in a real animation scenario.

Anonymous No. 924578

this is a blue board, this thread should be deleted based on the thumbnail

Anonymous No. 924588

>Just download simplicage
from where?

Anonymous No. 924775

I modelled that vag you're responding to and i came just in time to see your file deleted

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Anonymous No. 924831


Anonymous No. 925031

>from where?
first result
dum bass

Anonymous No. 925053


Anonymous No. 925403

I used to think I could be a 2D porn animator. With good direction I had technical potential but left to my own devices my project management skills are non-existent. One of my big motives to create was to challenge nudity and sex taboos and foster a holistic acceptance of the human condition that included sex. I wanted to tear down society's false walls between art and pornography.

Turns out that required skills I don't have so I decided to enlist in the Army instead.

Anonymous No. 925405

I just like booba thats why I want to make booba in 3D and have it swing and jiggle.

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Anonymous No. 925421

My work is SFW but i still add exaggerated jiggle since it makes me chuckle once people start noticing it and thinking i may be an NSFW animator posting safe mokents on youtube like that zelda guy or redmoa do.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 925435

>If you're on Twitter, only post during peak American / European hours.
There are so many artists who fall into the cracks because they post when no one is online. For me, I typically try to post around 12pm EST(I'm a New Yorker so it's easy) but that may vary for you.

how the fuck do i even use that website? i've been posting my shit for a month and nobody even sees my tweets and im still stuck at 0 followers.
should i just shill my account in rule34 in each of the posts until people start following my twitter?

>t. dutch futa enthusiast

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Anonymous No. 925436

>If you're on Twitter, only post during peak American / European hours. There are so many artists who fall into the cracks because they post when no one is online. For me, I typically try to post around 12pm EST(I'm a New Yorker so it's easy) but that may vary for you.

how the fuck do i even use that website? i've been posting my shit for a month and nobody even sees my tweets and im still stuck at 0 followers.
should i just shill my account in rule34 in each of the posts until people start following my twitter?

>t. dutch futa enthusiast

Anonymous No. 925505

Talk to people you follow and they will start following you back and retween your stuff.

Anonymous No. 925569

Imagine if this actually happened

Anonymous No. 925911

Damn, that's a nice ass. Slap some panties on it with fabric simulation and it's golden. You take modeling commissions?

Anonymous No. 925996

if you're serious
[email protected]

Anonymous No. 927664

got any info on resources and progression? like hiring voice actors, where to upload your shit, tips on how to make money either via patreon or the like or commissions, how often you should post
id say im pretty good at animation/quality of my content but i havent officialy made an account or started posting shit like you suggested but im a complete retard when it comes to marketing/making money

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Anonymous No. 927670

Anyone got a good idea on how to nipple topology?
Getting weird creases that I don't understand (circled red).
Also, anyone got good topology reference for other nipple types? The one I've made is just an extrusion - would like to add detail, but some guidance to proper topology would be good.
(Don't worry about the areola not connecting to the breast - I'm doing it as a separate mesh and will graft it on later.

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Anonymous No. 927673

It's much cleaner to keep everything as a nice quad mesh instead of having the edges end in a single pole in the middle of the nipple.

Anonymous No. 927690

It doesn't end in a pole.

Anonymous No. 927694

Ah so it doesn't, the picture was so small on my screen that I thought it did. Well anyway my point still is to try to keep it in more simple quads as in the pic I posted, you can more easily control and cleanly subdivide the topology.

Anonymous No. 927707

Delete that row of rectangles in the center and (either manually or with mesh -> grid fill) try to get more squares in there. That's just something the subsurf modifier does when it doesn't like your topology.

Anonymous No. 927710

yeah happened to >>920834 too. It's from switching from a cubic topology to polar and then smoothing.

Anonymous No. 927935

go on porn discords. start catering to their niche. branch off from there.

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Anonymous No. 927951

>Illustration of the spread of monkey pox from an infected fag to a "healthy" one.

Anonymous No. 927989

I'm confused, why would you do it like this? With that example you'll get horrible pinching in several places around the nipple and areola, instead of potentially just one spot in the center, which is probably not even going to deform much, assuming that it's even visible, and not hidden in a crease or something. Just continuing the loops like the other guy did closer to the tip feels like a much better approach. You can still keep it 100% quads even if you do it like that.

Anonymous No. 928057

It's an easier way to layout the topology for the breast while also keeping the surrounding topology and edgeflow in mind and manageable. In the example the breast has four polys on the top, four on the bottom and four on both sides. Edgeloops that go around the torso horizontally stay in relatively the same place, and edges flowing vertically also stay clean.

When you're done with the topology and subdivide the whole mesh even once you'll already have enough resolution that the four poles around the areola don't really matter at all.

Of course just having a single pole in the middle is fine depending on what you're doing, but the downside is potentially a more headache inducing retopology process.

Anonymous No. 928145

Subdividing does not make poles disappear, in many way it makes them even more prominent, especially if they're located in a spot that deforms a lot. If you have those in the final mesh that gets skinned, it will definitely have pinching, even from just a slight jiggle on the breast. Now if it's just some intermediary mesh that you use as a base for sculpting, since you mentioned retopo, then maybe it's fine.

The surrounding topology will remain exactly the same, even if you leave the poles on top of the nipple, be it with a single pole, or by having that same formation on your picture just on the tip. Why leave potential breaking points in areas that are likely to deform quite a bit? At least in comparison to the tip.

Anonymous No. 928807

Why are vaginas so difficult to model?
Anyoen got a good workflow for making them?

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Anonymous No. 928905


Anonymous No. 928912

H-He's fast!

Anonymous No. 928920

Virtuosic performance

Anonymous No. 928926


Anonymous No. 928933

i don't know if here is the right place to ask but any way to get character models from god of war ragnarok?, specifically thrud a friend is asking to see his arm so he can copy the tatoo

Anonymous No. 928991

There's a reason africa is so poor and shitty and this has something to do with it

Anonymous No. 928996

Just do image searches or grab some screenshots from game play videos on YouTube if you only need reference material.

Anonymous No. 929003

>he's never seen a used gay mans asshole

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Anonymous No. 929022


Anonymous No. 929033

Anonymous No. 929209

Would you have this as part of the rig and therefore have to cloth simulate an entire ass, or just have this little patch intersect with the butt but with a constraint to copy normals to hide the seams?

Anonymous No. 929218

i would use a wrap deformer

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me rn.png

Anonymous No. 929245

Imma be real with you here on the first part.

It's infuriating the struggle to improve when you are seeing faggots like Twitchy blatantly clipping shit right in full view like it's not obvious to everyone involved that it's shoddy work, but they don't care because penis in asshole.

I actually hate it, and I say this with my first animation commission taking me a goddamn month because I don't want to end up like those people. I want to feel like I earned the recognition.

Anonymous No. 929305

Twitchy has and will always be quantity > quality. Your mindset is really good, anon, always improve, work until you feel a sense of accomplishment from your work, don't look at the others like twitchy, they are the fast food equivalent of 3D animation.

Anonymous No. 929311

damn that's a puffy butthole

Anonymous No. 929334

I don't know the guy you're talking about. But 90% of the time, you'll get better looking results doing stuff manually with some minor clipping, instead of trying to achieve perfect results with no clipping at all. And you'll most likely save time as well. Simulating should most of the time be a last resort you only use for stuff that can't be reasonably achieved manually, or is just too tedious, like hair, certain kinds of clothes, VFX and so on. It's all good, as long as it isn't blatant, and looks believable enough, even if it isn't necesarily amazing on the technical side. Not to say you should ignore that side of things, you definitely should know how to do it, but you should also understand when not to use it. The examples of dynamic butts here, while cool, are not going to work well in most scenarios, you'll end up wasting a ton of time tweaking these to work with your specific needs, compared to just getting it over with and doing them manually with a control rig and some blendshapes to polish it out where needed.

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Anonymous No. 929341

When I finish my hit porn animation, I'm going to credit this post for the asshole mechanics. Thanks anon.

Anonymous No. 929417

This anon is 100% right and knows exactly what he is talking about (because I do it the same way)

Anonymous No. 929472

This is the lesson. The amount of work you need to do to make your dynamic solution work exceeds the work needed to animate it all by hand.

Anonymous No. 929830

Either that or you limit your creativity by sticking to choices that are safe with your solution.

Anonymous No. 929843

>Just don't do it

Anonymous No. 929890

>3d board
>blue board
Fuck this shit. Its a fucking art board

Anonymous No. 929894

>t.2second loopnigger

Anonymous No. 929923

its been an unwritten rule that you can post lewds for the sake of criticism and discussion if theyre untextured with wireframes.

Anonymous No. 929954

>t.0second backseat faggot

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Anonymous No. 930141

Trying to make a human right after making my doughnut was a mistake.

This is what I got so far, and it took me forever.
I am focussing on making it look good, and just learned how to make hair with curves today.
At some point when I am happy with the looks, and learned how to make clothing, I want to use it for animations.

Am I right in the assumption that the next step before I start rigging it is to retopologize it with the polybuild tool?

Anonymous No. 930143

yeah retopo before rigging because the envelope is going to be based on the vertices. Plus your mesh is probably 10 trillion polys and will make every other package shit itself.
Id retopo, and then also reduce it incrementally to try and find the lowest poly version that still looks like how you want it. Bake normals, UV map all in zbrush. Then rig in something else.

Anonymous No. 930186

What's everyone's method of doing wet hair, that properly clings to skin and what not?

Do you just make a separate hair object with hair cards and skin it to the control rig once it's wet? I use Yeti with Maya for my hair, which is fine for most common cases with hair, but I'm not sure how to approach clingy simulated hair, without it constantly spazzing out when it attempts to cling to a collision surface. I think a way to "skin" hair strands directly to a control rig would be the best solution, since the hair would look believable enough if it just moves along with the skin, but is that possible in any way?

Anonymous No. 930211

>he did this for free
thanks for the fap material nerd

Anonymous No. 930244

are you going to have a scene where the camera very close up observes the hair changing from dry to wet gradually? The answer is some kind of model switch in every case but some contrivance like that.

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Anonymous No. 930327

>Trying to make a human right after making my doughnut was a mistake.
Bro what?! Thats looking really good man dont hold yourself back. Way better than my first attempt at a human *pic related

Anonymous No. 930332

Kek, why are all these newfags lying about their first model?
Kys with your insecurities and don't try to keep up your lie, you retards are always the same.
>inb4 thx 4 the compliment, I guess
just stop, you nigger.

Anonymous No. 930335

can you tell me where you learned to make hair with curves?

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Anonymous No. 930342

Looked at other tutorials but this dude clicked with me, because he first adds "flat" hair and then changes the shape of the strands afterwards, which worked out way better for me.
Requires patience that I do not have though, so my hair looks really wonky.

thanks Anon

To be fair, I did not completely make it from scratch but rather downloaded a mesh and derped around with the sculpting tools. I do this is a hobby that is supposed to be more constructive than video games, and poly modeling just ain't for me.

Got not anatomy nowledge whatsoever and just wanna get the proportions right first before I move on. Right now I keep changing the face shape until it will hopefully not look as uncanny at some point.

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Anonymous No. 930430


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Anonymous No. 930434

that looks a little over the top Anon

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Anonymous No. 930435

I cant force you to do anything

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Anonymous No. 930437

true. I do appreciate the reference picture though! Thanks Anon

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Anonymous No. 930477

You should look at the face without the hair, the head shape plays a big role in the overall appearence of the character. If you can make her look good without hair, then the right hairstyle is only going to improve.
The first thing I notice is her eyebrows are very close together. Adding a bigger gap between the center ends should help.

Anonymous No. 930491


Anonymous No. 930537


Anonymous No. 930548

You can post a censored version of your model and use an image hosting site like catbox for the NSFW version. We could create a /coom/ general specifically for this, or maybe a /WIP/ thread on /aco/.

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Anonymous No. 930597

>ode to joy playing in the background

Anonymous No. 930604

You will never be a janny.

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Anonymous No. 930653

This has to be my least favourite task so far.

Anonymous No. 930728

maybe you should just get back to work and not fucking browse 4chan.
if you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean.

Anonymous No. 930729

Too much detail.
Block it out with big, ugly, "this surely wont work" polys that set up the loop structure you want (poly loop round face, eyes, nose/mouth etc), only adding geometry where you need to bend the surface to inform the overall shape.
with retopo less is more.
it should look ugly until you add subdiv.

Anonymous No. 930792

hmm yes a box modelling purist. These sculptors spend 6 seconds bringing their mesh to final detail and then 6 years figuring out how to fix the topology.

Anonymous No. 930794

>hmm yes a box modelling purist.

Anonymous No. 930795

Not every comment directed at you on 4chan is an insult

Anonymous No. 930922

thats why I said wat without calling you a faggot.
I didnt mention modeling method so was genuinely confused. I distinguish modeling and retopo, even if theres overlap in techniques.

Anonymous No. 930939

when you box model good topology typically emerges right out of your technique, and when it doesn't you have lots of opportunities during the process to fix the topology before the mesh gets too crazy. What you described sounded like box modelling to me. Setting up low resolution geometry with exagerated features which when smoothed mad the shape you really want.

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Anonymous No. 931036

pretty sure he was talking about poly modeling but i could be wrong

Anonymous No. 931043

box modelling is poly modelling

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Anonymous No. 931050

>box modeling is poly modeling
what the fuck, no it isn't

Anonymous No. 931051

It is, 'box modelling' is the name given to the lowest form of poly modelling where you model by primarily extruding faces, typically starting from said box.

Like in the early 90's before anyone had figured out how to use our tools efficiently 'box modelling' was a popular way to build things since characters consisted of so few polygons you could count them.

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Anonymous No. 931053

am i thinking of edge modeling maybe? i usually hear poly modeling and edge modeling used interchangeably but never poly modeling and box modeling

Anonymous No. 931090

[spoiler]Would any kind anon here know good resources for getting started with NSFW 3d shit? or just resources? i've been doin regular old modelling for the better part of a decade now and I might as well bite the bullet.[/spoiler]

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Anonymous No. 931091


Anonymous No. 931126

threads like these on 4chan.
The only nuance to nsfw modelling is that vaginas and anuses are technically difficult to rig and animate. Really huge boobs are hard too. Other than that there's nothing particular about modelling spanking content as compared to anything else.

Anonymous No. 931127

box modelling, like that anon said, is a technique for modelling polygons. Hence it is poly modelling. As opposed to nurbs or sculpting. The only thing he got wrong was that his ego compelled him to be derisive.

Anonymous No. 931180

thoughts on scimunk

Anonymous No. 931184

he's a furry who uses fur effects.

Anonymous No. 931186

i recognize that anus and its not human

Anonymous No. 931233

>get's a boner froma tutorial
Oh not again!

Anonymous No. 931348

Too bad they're only 1-8 second loops.

Anonymous No. 931369

probably all he can render with all of his affects.

Anonymous No. 931415


Anonymous No. 931480

no like his brush, gameboy, belt buckles, keys.

Anonymous No. 931660


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 931665

Africa is poor because European nations teamed up to steal Africa's resources and have installed shadow governments and assassinated any who tries to revolt for the last 400 years to this day.

It's history. look it up yourself. I won't even try to convince you. Find out the truth for yourself. Nobody is even trying to hide it. People just don't care.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 931674

And it has nothing to do with a population having an average IQ of 68. How come former colonies are wealthier than uncolonised african countries? Africa still has the most abundant material resources as well as the largest swathes of continuous fertile land. If whites were secretly in charge of africa it'd be full of factories and farms and everyone would be employed.

Anonymous No. 931702

iirc some african countries are still paying france even if they already declared independence.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 931789

iirc there were massive debt amnesty campaigns for africa and even after their debt was forgiven their countries were still shit and now they're in debt to the chinese who don't feel guilt about exploiting them.

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Porn drive people....png

Anonymous No. 931905


Anonymous No. 932689

I have really desensitized myself over the last few days since I've been studying so much...anatomical reference material in video format to nail down the topology. The nice thing is there's a lot of it available for free on PornHub.

Anonymous No. 933252

jesus christ i thought this was a toilet in the first 30 seconds till i read the filename

Anonymous No. 933257

I like seeing women naked. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 933447

>vaginas are built like toilets
I think you cracked the code

Anonymous No. 934329

>i thought this was a toilet
oh it's a toilet, just for something else

Anonymous No. 934435

Me with your mom;

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 934444

Looks like a perfectly swollen anus after sex with a bbc

Anonymous No. 935265

Any magnets for adult stuff besides smutbase? I wanna see if I can get some Daz3D stuff but im not a cashcow to pay $20 for every shit I see on Renderotica

Anonymous No. 935312

Type 3d-load into your search engine of choice

Anonymous No. 935384

Based, thanks a lot anon

Anonymous No. 935403

Nice rigging, i like it.

Anonymous No. 935404

Absolutely. Send it immediately, thanks

Anonymous No. 935547


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Anonymous No. 935709

coochie any%

Anonymous No. 935773

anon failed to deliver

Anonymous No. 935774

>yeah bro I totally made an animation. heh heh I just like can't post it cuz its gross and not because I'm afraid of criticism

Anonymous No. 935775

I'm afraid of posting my stuff too, but you need criticism to improve

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Anonymous No. 935776

do it. now in this thread.

Anonymous No. 935816

dumb question, but is there a reason *not* to ever use preserve volume on an armature modifier? for some reason i've never turned it on until now and I did and holy shit my shit looks so much better.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 935827

pls dont delete mods, its greyshaded wireframe for science purposes

Anonymous No. 935834

Iโ€™m genuinely surprised that this thread has been up for so long. Godspeed, you magnificent bastards

Anonymous No. 935835

i really should archive this thread for later reference
no one wants to admit it but coom-creation techniques are just as useful as any other 3dcg knowledge

Anonymous No. 935847

Thats dual quaternion right?

Anonymous No. 935850

Care to share how?
I have gotten the best results baking shape keys from simulation and then using shrinkwrap and laplacian deform for the rest of the way.
The problem with simulation is it tends to become unstable if the armature is animated at the same time.

Have you tried the new geometry nodes simulation nodes? Something tells me it's predestined for it.

Anonymous No. 935889

it's multiple joints. Using w/e standard envelope

Anonymous No. 935940

faggot mods being faggots once again... this board is so fucked...

Anonymous No. 935943

Each mod draw the line somewhere, I agree this was too close.
I'd replace the actors with amorphous blobs and repost.

Anonymous No. 935944

Also I don't get why /ic/ gets to be a red board and /3/ doesn't.

Anonymous No. 935948

have I finally made it

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Anonymous No. 936014

actually good idea, ill just use catbox

Anonymous No. 936021

What's a good approach to texture humongous breasts?
I'd like to re-use existing textures if possible and not re-do uv unwrapping the entire base mesh. The problem is the texture gets blown up too much skin pores are too large.
I've tried stretching the UV map to pull skin from the back of the torso and this doesn't create satisfactory results.
I'd create a separate UV map for them but I don't want a visible transition. Blending the at the edges might work but that would still be sub-optimal.

Anonymous No. 936045

Ah the classic orange peel I see in hyperinflated daz boobs. Horrible look indeed.
I think your best bet is unfortunately to redo the UVs on the model to match the difference in area.

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Anonymous No. 936114

We're back, WIP

Anonymous No. 936118

what's the best way to rig two humanoid characters for sex interactions?

Anonymous No. 936166

can we see it with bones? What are you blend shapes?

Anonymous No. 936167

The BEST way is to make a rig for every move and position.
BUT what I do is just use a generic sort of rig with IKs on hands and feet and controllers to head/spine and for moving the pelvis around. Same rig I use for walk cycles and normal stuff. It helps me pump out animations pretty quickly but they'll always have kind of a weird look to them until I put in the work to make specialized rigs.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 936624

That looks like it would conform to the shape of the dong a lot better than the approach I found.

For some background info on this approach, you set up some bones with the 'limit distance' constraint bound to another bone, 'Pusher' in this case, and 'Clamp Region' set to outside. You can also add the 'Limit location' constraint and limit all but the local Y axis to 0 so the bones will only go up/down their local Y axis.

You can then set them up to increase/decrease their distance with the scale and position of the Pusher bone.

It's probably easier to follow this video, just be aware that Blender's interface has changed since.

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Anonymous No. 936625

And a render to demonstrate

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Anonymous No. 936628

Your method is so much better, it conforms to the shape so perfectly

Anonymous No. 936635

The thing that's missing from all these anal rigs is the skin getting pulled when the penis tugs on the inner walls as it's pulling out.

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Anonymous No. 936658

This solution should do that >>918649

I tried an alternate approach with a slider driving the pull/push effect

Anonymous No. 936948

hey that doesnt look bad at all.

Anonymous No. 937198

so it's cascading. The inner tissure deforms first and then the outer tissue deforms afterwards. Looks way more authentic

Anonymous No. 937199

the root bone of the anus just needs to pull in and out along with the animation

Anonymous No. 937202

You know we're talking a lot about assholes here, but what about pussies? A vagina is a geomtrically more complex monster than an anus and it's going to deform differently too. Just how much of these rigs is transferable 1.5" to the front?

Anonymous No. 937212

It would still follow the same general idea, shrinkwrap it around the penetrating object

Anonymous No. 937217

for the past 6 months i've been visiting this board i've been greeted with a 3d anus.
so thanks for that OP, thanks a real bunch.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 937218

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1270
Disappointment Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host
See image: >>417590465

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 937233


Anonymous No. 937271

The topology of the vagina is pretty much the same as the anus. Just add edgeloops to account for the labia.

Anonymous No. 937274

Highly detailed porn isn't really there yet. No one has been able to make convincing-looking cum or insertions - probably because 99% of porn artists use Blender, or maybe it's a skill issue.

Anonymous No. 937312

ok I can imagine what you mean. The vagina topo ought to just be a very specially deformed inverted cylinder like an anus. I made >>928905 and when I see sex animations that do a good job I can tell that how they did it is very different from me.

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Anonymous No. 937319

just gonna go on my own here since proper topo its going to be ultimetaly important for such tight geometry receiving such extreme deformations.
I have blocked out a funnel I made with revolving a curve and some soft modification. The topo is this continuous tub with no fancy breaks for labias or clits. We'll cross that bridge later.
Now I am going to bring it into zbrush for some folds and wrinkles. I wont retopo it.

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Anonymous No. 937337

Here's my sculpt.
But I trusted the auto generated UVs from the revolve tool too much and the normal map it generated is retarded. I either gotta resculpt it or use projection in maya.

Anonymous No. 937344

What's the point of making a low poly vagina?

Anonymous No. 937346

well at first its just to make it easier to model. I dont plan on using the hexagonal mesh, but i also dont want to use my 7th subdiv version either because my application is in real time

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GIF 2-17-2023 4-3....gif

Anonymous No. 937347

what's low poly to you?

Anonymous No. 937353

So I can post nipples and vagina on a blue board right?

Anonymous No. 937355

untextured for educational purposes.
At least till some tight wad reports the posts and some cuck janny is having a bad day

Anonymous No. 937400

The middle one seems more than dense enough Though I would manually retopo for better deformation.

Anonymous No. 937562

that's the 4x. the 3X might even be dense enough.
As for the topo, the whole point is that the geometry is the same as the anus.

Anonymous No. 937717

Retopoing a vagina attached to the body is a nightmare, how do you guys do it? Is there a good topo guide out there for it?

Anonymous No. 937744

this thread is a fuck

Anonymous No. 937760

It's a thread about holes, what did you expect?

Anonymous No. 937870

Wtf I love /3/ now

Anonymous No. 938265


Anonymous No. 938269

my plan is for >>937347 to be a floating mesh. the labia majora will have all necessary topology to mesh well with the body. i'll post how well it goes

Anonymous No. 938539

Tried simplicage, it fucking sucks. Documentation sucks, they barely have an examples, and the entire thing falls apart if you try to use it with anything that's more than the most basic possible mesh. Anyone who wants to seriously consider soft body physics should just set up a proper rig and learn how to apply sims manually

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Anonymous No. 938917

FUCK bros
how the fuck do you guys make asses? Seriously
I can make hands, faces, feet but not asses. Jesus fucking christ i cant rig the whole shit too. How do you guys do it
Seriously every single fucking model i've made i keep wasting fucking hours making asses but never learning the topology of it.

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Anonymous No. 938918

the bigger the butt the bigger the problems.
If you want the crotch and cheeks to deform properly they need the same tubular topology as the leg or arm. Problem is there's a big inflation point on one side and a tiny pinch point on the other. Lots of edge loops close together will make rigging and animating very difficult. Letting the cheek have few edge loops quickly stops looking good.
MY answer is to go ahead and have a ton of crotch loops. They're a pain but it's possible to envelope them and compensate for daformation problems with blendshapes. There's nothing you can do if there are too few loops on the cheek side though. You'll just have a faceted ass no matter what.
It's possible to collapse the loops as they converge into the crotch but I think the poles you end up making as a result are worse than ultra dense geometry.

Anonymous No. 938922

what does the skinning look like?

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Anonymous No. 938926

We've got 3 joints working.
There's a pelvis and femur joint which are normal
Directly on top of the femur joint is a hidden butt join which maintains the volume of the butt cheek.
In this example the hierarchy is
>Pelvis > Butt > Femur
However I'm planning on changing this to
>Pelvis > Butt , Femur
Making the butt and leg siblings so I can move the butt separately. I use constraints to move the butt and leg joints the right way during animation. There are no dynamics or blend shapes

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Anonymous No. 938927

from the front
You can see I strategically weited the inner thigh to collapse as it collides with the abdomen. I think the best thing to do for such extreme anatomy is to have little volume joints sitting on the surface of the geometry which can pull in/out as necessary.
Such a big thigh is going to have to deform constantly as it moves. Same with the belly needing to push up and in. That's something coomers are going to want to see anyways.

Anonymous No. 938968

thanks for the insight. I really fucking wish we have some in depth discussion especially on butt/pelvis deformation. Not to mention bone placements.

Anonymous No. 938981

Will that be used for realtime? How do you handle jiggling?

Anonymous No. 938995

are you >>936014?
how did you do this? Shapekeys getting modified depending on the rotation of the hips?

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Anonymous No. 939054

I wanted to try with just one (scaled) bone in the middle. It's manual. No physics simulation.

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Anonymous No. 939181

Yes It's for real time. I have not implemented jiggling, but my plan is that I first have the 1 joint moving the main mass of the cheek on it's own. Either baked or dynamic wobbling will give the ass some depth, and that effect with translate into meshes for clothes.
For fine jiggling there's soft body deformation solutions out there I'm going to explore. I've also made pic related. This is 9 joints sitting on the surface of each cheek. Each one is dynamic so supposedly you could push in some parts and not the other, and that too would deform clothe meshes.
That's not me. The very first anon to reply to that post asking to see the bones and shapes is me.
My guess is it's mostly shape keys. For most situations that's probably the best option. If your character is going to have different outfits you want as many bone drivers as possible. The anus itself could be best and most easily animated with shape keys, but then no dynamics and no interchangeable meshes like clothing or accessories. I guess for like butt hole decorations, piercing's? idk. I am still puzzling over my own sexual game play, if it's going to be static animations, dynamic animations, maybe some completely RT experience? idk

Anonymous No. 939182

I think this simple approach works very well for 90% of applications even fairly close up and given the often awkward view you might have of what's going on. I'd just throw on 1 moy bone controlling some outer geometry to maintain sphincter volume.
My characters have extremely large asses and need special deformations for penetration given how pushed together their cheeks are. I'm thinking of solving that with shape keys and just never having clothing present that would interfere in the situations that use it.

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Anonymous No. 939187

The idea of an intellectual discussion on how to model, rig, and animate an anus being penetrated is hilarious to me

Anonymous No. 939188

oh man have you scrolled through the kinds of things alleged "professional intellectuals" say to each other publicly on socmed? Plus theyre all sexual degenerates.

Anonymous No. 939192

Can confirm.
Have met 70+ year old scientists with walls of awards and such, only to end up discussing porn because that's the limit of their VR knowledge.

Anonymous No. 939212


Poly modeling, box modeling, and edge modeling are all essentially the same thing.

Box modeling just means you start with a box, which is standard for poly modeling too.

Edge modeling is not a term that is commonly used and I couldn't find any formal definition for it. So I'm assuming it's just another term for poly modeling, since polygons are made of edges and vertices.

Other types that are actually different are NURBS/Curve modeling which fundamentally has different control surfaces compared to working with verts, edges, and faces. You're instead working with points, curves, and handles.

Sculpting could be considered a different category from poly modeling because the tools are completely different, and the results are quite different. More organic shapes requiring much higher vertex counts. It's almost impossible to model hard-surface things with sculpting tools for example, because you're basically involving soft-selection with every action instead of precise transforms with moving individual verts and edges.

Another category would be CAD modeling which uses things like relationships between lines heavily for modeling. Such as making lines parallel, perpendicular, equal lengths, etc. The tools and methods are different from poly tools or sculpting tools.

Anonymous No. 939420

never got into depth with them too. I dont know how the fuck would you even make those work in realtime(unity)

Anonymous No. 939650

It'll be the simplest and easiest thing to implement into unity. All it is (or all I mean by it) is that we've put a joint in the hierarchy which is meant to drive the deformation. That way we can swap in any mesh with the same envelope and it will work. Now when you start using blendshapes/shapekeys or softbody dynamics you run into trouble because now you need to tool the system for each mesh you might use, and again for every mesh you add in the future.
I saw this a long time ago
He's abusing it to drive all of the jiggling on the character. It doesn't conserve volume and if you applied it to the kinds of tits and asses I'm making it'd always either do too much or not enough.
So If I have this big honkin buttcheek and it's driven around by a joint and I have painted weights in such a way that very little volume is lost, but then I add something like this to it to add those subtle wobbles and ripples I think it'll look really good. This system is old now so I'm sure there's better ones available too

Anonymous No. 939690

that gif looks retarded

Anonymous No. 939747

it's a webm

Anonymous No. 940545

strangely hypnotic

Anonymous No. 943139


Anonymous No. 943211

nothing to add though?

Anonymous No. 943221

nope, I'm just a total scrub who wants to do stuff but just procrastinates the day away.

Anonymous No. 943225

Become thread bump

Anonymous No. 943308

Imagine spending your time on this earth developing something so dogshit.

Anonymous No. 943390

Dont act so high and mighty you loser. We know you develop nothing at all you useless piece of dogshit.

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Anonymous No. 943423

What are you imagining? that those took years of research to do?

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Anonymous No. 943433

I just wanted to give some love to the Skin modifier because it took me a while to understand how it works, but now I think it's totally cool.

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Anonymous No. 943434

At least a couple hours.

Anonymous No. 943466

The fact you screen recorded this to prove a point is so cringe

Anonymous No. 943475

this is a board where people create things. If you think that's cringey go back to tiktok or w/e.

Anonymous No. 943563

blender guru tutorial when

Anonymous No. 943566

i'm not supporting his seething but it is still a monumental waste of time, a perfect cylinder going into a perfect donut is hardly anything noteworthy. all you've done is prove a concept that was already proven, so actually model something then. Gets a lot more complicated when you're modeling something more complex than two blocks.

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Anonymous No. 943613

Not the OP but there is a birth scene I want done and currently there are some issues with the rigging due to how it interacts with the vagina and the rest of the body.

The shape of the alien baby is also weird and I attached a pic to this post on what it looks like. The other models are done and I just need a way to troubleshoot this.

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Anonymous No. 943650

What do you think of my bubble gum?

Anonymous No. 943711

Interesting stuff bud, Id be happy to assist you.

Anonymous No. 943738

We're all trying to invent the god engine itt and the ultimate solution to this problem which will work 100% of the time in 100% of projects is to use blendshapes and bones.
I would animate the fetus on its path out of the birth canal and then fashion a multi step blend shape to make all of the vaginal tissue stretch and conform at every point as the fetus geometry intersects with it.

Anonymous No. 943767


Well I am interested in how that would work. What is your Discord?

Anonymous No. 943774

Im not a pedophile so i don't use discord.
Ill screen record what im thinking later to illustrate, but for now:
What im imagining is you have your fetus mesh and your womb mesh. Animate the fetus on it's path out. Hide and dupe the womb mesh early in the animation. See where the fetus intersects with the womb and adjust the geometry to accomodate.
Advance the animation a little more and dupe the womb again, repeat the process. After youll have several womb meshes deformed to accomodate the fetus along its path. Use all of those to create 1 blendshape which passes through each of those shapes. Play it in unison woth the fetus moving to makw sure you dint need more in between frames

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Anonymous No. 943850

OK so heads up. This is going to take A LOT of in between shape keys which I did not make. I'm just demonstrating my explanation.

step one is to just model and animate the baby on its path

Anonymous No. 943877


I see. So it would take many many frames to do so?

Anonymous No. 943943

I did it, but fixing my video to make it postable took too long and I had to do other things up until now. I think I want to redo it, but assuming it doesnt take all night to resize and FF the videos I'll post what I already made

But yes, either it will take many hours of bland shape making or many hours of dynamics tweaking to get to work.

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Anonymous No. 943945

These were short enough to not need adjusting. This is what the dynamic solution looks like with very close to default maya setting. You could use this to drive a deformer on your more complex womb geometry, but don't kid yourself. It will take just as long to make the dynamics look right as it will to make dozens of blend shapes, possibly never really looking right. Blend shapes FORCE the model to look right, assuming you've put in the sufficient work.

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Anonymous No. 943946


Anonymous No. 943948



Usually the baby comes out head first which is how I tend to draw women giving birth.

I kinda want to see the model with said baby coming down the vagina upside down. Also,I guess having the vagina expand from its shape is not going to work?

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Anonymous No. 943950

I just redid it, and i'll just show you. These are my blendshapes. I made them by making the fetus birth animation last exactly 100 frames, and at 25, 50, and 75th frames I expanded the inner diameter to envelope it.

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Anonymous No. 943951

this is an unusual baby.
Here it is in motion, the blend shape synced to the same animation. As you can see it dips in and out of properly enveloping the fetus mesh because it needs way more than 3 shapes
A big tip i just discovered is to remember the final shape needs to be the base shape. Running the blend shape from 1-0 will run the whole animation backwards.

Anonymous No. 943962


Not bad for what is done for free.

Anonymous No. 944005

It just needs another 99 hours

Anonymous No. 944043


That is as long as various RPGs.
Which is a lot of time.

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Anonymous No. 944501

Made this in unreal engine 5

Anonymous No. 944547

Cool. Does it only work with spheres pr could it pass a teapot?

Anonymous No. 944628

Where is her labia minora?

Anonymous No. 944638

That is the labia minora. Whats missing is the labia majora which is part of the character mesh.

Anonymous No. 945134

making a perfect lifelike jizz maybe? I hate the current jizz RT model for vidya. it's either too watery or simply particle fountain.

Anonymous No. 945155

Should I try to make some adult content? I'm good at modeling and decent at rigging but I can't animat for shit.

Anonymous No. 945187

Super high detail still renders
Download motion capture animations

Anonymous No. 945200

is there mocap of sex?

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Anonymous No. 945267

Do you want to make some?

Anonymous No. 945279

We're both men anon

Anonymous No. 945331

Haven't looked, but maybe? Theres mocap for dancing and all sorts of.other things. Arent there some software that can passibly pull mocap data from videos?

Anonymous No. 945332

I jave something i staryed working on a long time ago. It was a polygonal jizz solution. Using a mesh means using any kind of shader you want. Particles are gping to pigeon hole you in RT. Its something im trying to tackle for my.own project.

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Anonymous No. 945333

so what's this? It's a capsule mesh with 3 bones which are each parented to the world. The rear bone is static, this would be constrained to a dick tip or w/e, the far bone is dynamic with starting velocity, and the middle bone is non-dynamic but is being moved around by a script.
The script aims the middle joint so its always looking between the other 2 joints, and also scaled the joinst based on which is the lowest on the y axis.
IDK what order these animations go in to represent which was furthest along in the experiment

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Anonymous No. 945334

My thought was this would be combined with a particle system and a material on the receivign geometry which had a displacement map for cum coverage that would get unmasked with decals. That material is on my plate atm I think the particle system for goo and various has been figured out by industry already.

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Anonymous No. 945335

and then the shader on this geo is something I BSed together trying to reverse engineer the toon shader in unity. Now they have the shader graph so it's irrelevant.

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Anonymous No. 945336

i didnt review any of these videos to make sure they werent stupid or embarrassing. So why are you so timid about posting your work?

Anonymous No. 945363


Anonymous No. 945459

what if you did rendering with a signed distance field instead

Anonymous No. 945562

Is this when you take the distance to the next face from the most forward face to make a volumetric effect? I didnt have access to sich a thing at the time, but i would for like a huge huge volume of cum. For little ropes and drips idk if itd be worth the computation.

Anonymous No. 945598

>Is this when you take the distance to the next face from the most forward face to make a volumetric effect?
no, its when you represent geometry by shooting a bunch of rays and then getting a distance back, this distance representing how far the geometry was from the camera
since theres no polygons and its basically a big array of distances, its easy to make fluid looking effects since you can just blend between distances to "soften" the resulting geometry

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Anonymous No. 945611

Is this the jist? Does it actually genwrate new geometry or just massage pixel values to create an apparent bkensing of geomtry. The comment says the biggest hurdle is trying to blend muktiple materials. Not really necessary for a jizz sym being all the same material. So maybe its easier to implement?
I know a little bit how to generate geometry in real time but not enough to do anything useful.

Anonymous No. 945612

Maybe you could bullshit this by batch rendering a bunch of spheres you project from a particle emitter, and the shader just alters the normals of the sphere on and around the points of intersection.

Anonymous No. 945615

>Is this the jist?
yeah basically
i dont know that much about it either but i think most solutions tend to directly write to pixels rather than generate geometry from the distance fields

Anonymous No. 945616

Here a guy is showing an SDF plug in for unity that already works that appears to do much more than is necessary.
The next hurdle i forsee is getting particle meshes to stick to a skinned mesh as it moves. She needs to look up and smile woth cum all over her face.

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Anonymous No. 945664

Does anyone have gifdoozer's tutorial on shrinkwrap insertions?

Anonymous No. 945839

im surprised this post hasnt gotten removed

Anonymous No. 946111

Kind of odd, yeah. then again, it is /3/

Anonymous No. 946125

generally the mods leave up nudity on /3/ if its untextured/not hardcore but this is gratuitous lmao

Anonymous No. 946197

is this the "baby googoo gaga" tampon fetish from /lit/??

Anonymous No. 946306


Confirmed /3/ is as dead as Cris' dream escaping life out of the favelas

Anonymous No. 946484

Hey ill come back and carry this thread soon enough.
My plate:
Labia+body mesh envelopment
Cum particle system
Cum on face/body material layer system

I was expecting to get a lot of time to work the previous 2 days but didnt. I got like 45 minutes and spent time getting characters ready to sword fight rather than fuck.