🧵 Having to quit /3/D because power bill
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 13:50:53 UTC No. 918275
Having to quit /3/D because power bills are becoming too much of a burden, last month had to pick between eating and power.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:02:57 UTC No. 918276
you live in germany?
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:17:49 UTC No. 918279
>you live in germany?
I'm in Europe but not Germania.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:19:23 UTC No. 918280
Go steal some branches and logs from the forest and sides of roads. Not like anyone gives a shit about those
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:22:10 UTC No. 918281
How is that going to power my computer.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:26:44 UTC No. 918282
I've never tried them but maybe renderfarms can be good
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:08:16 UTC No. 918320
What the fuck is this bullshit?
You can do 3D shit ABSOLUTELY FINE even on a 2018 laptop that has a NVIDIA gpu and not intel graphics at like 60w full load.
You could run that shit on a 200 euro solar panel and a shitty car battery you got for free from the scrapyard.
You don't need a fucking 1200 watts pink and cyan LED gaymen monstrosity to do 3D shit.
You fucks are just endless whiners.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:23:26 UTC No. 918331
By lowering your heating bill, cook with wood and spend the money saved on electricity, win win.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:40:20 UTC No. 918334
>I have to choose between eating and power
>Dude, if you're so poor just buy a solar panel, a laptop with a decent graphics card, and spend a day searching through a junkyard. Ezpz. Entitled kids these days...
I'm sure OP would be very productive if they were starving, dealing with the other ramifications of having no electricity, and working with a jury-rigged survival-craft setup. Middle-class these days are like adult children living in a fairytale world. You're not even good at punching down anymore.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 07:13:17 UTC No. 918451
>zigger shill thread
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 14:56:38 UTC No. 918513
Sure if your doing low quality shit, your first blender doughnut tutorial but if your working professionally then that's another thing.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 15:15:17 UTC No. 918517
I pay 600 dollars per month for a large bedroom in a house with 6 other artists in one of the most expensive cities in America - we don't get billed for our electricity, only our oil.
Feels good
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 19:22:34 UTC No. 918560
Are you all working together? Just curious, sounds kind of comfy.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Sep 2022 07:52:28 UTC No. 918636
Imagine being paid in USD and not living in Romania or Poland.
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Sep 2022 21:28:07 UTC No. 918702
>6 roommates
absolutely disgusting. 300% chance you're all faggots
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Sep 2022 22:40:43 UTC No. 918713
>paid in euro/usd
>go live in a poor country
Is it a big cheatcode?
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Sep 2022 22:52:20 UTC No. 918716
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Sep 2022 23:23:54 UTC No. 918720
>poor country
Those places are like heaven compared to US shitholes. There's a reason why "migrants" come to the US from places like Africa, yet people from Eastern Europe come to US to work for a bunch of years then return to their home country.
Yes. It is a cheatcode.
>600 dollars per month
In Eastern Europe 600$ per months can get you a whole apartment fully furnished with 2 or 3 rooms, kitchen, large bathroom, and a balcony all for yourself.
The US is a literal shithole where you have to pay for the privilege of living in squalor. WTF
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Sep 2022 00:42:38 UTC No. 918732
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Sep 2022 07:28:40 UTC No. 918758
What are their price vs power?
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Sep 2022 17:04:12 UTC No. 918800
>Romania or Poland
Please don't move to these countries, we don't need or require degenerate leftists from commiefornia or gun brandishing republican scum, move to the Czech Republic, they love subhumans there.
Take it as a piece of advice, if you do move to RO or PL, don't go clubbing if you're a weak faggot and don't shill that you are "from the west and have money" or whatever, you'll get your shit kicked in and knifed by literal people with more money/gov connections that you've ever seen, be discreete and you'll probably not get killed a few months into living here.
Basically what Andrew Tate said. If you're brown or some mistery meat, just don't ever come here, also, expect to be scammed on drugs (price, quality).
Anonymous at Mon, 19 Sep 2022 19:42:49 UTC No. 918816
When Andrew Tate (and his brother) got arrested they suddenly became the meekest people ever. Gone was the tough-guy attitude. Even though they had enough money to buy the police station several times over they knew that meant shit in the eyes of the police. Don't get me wrong, the police would gladly take your bribe no problem but a bribe is not a contract and they might not make good on their end of the exchange. And people like the Tate's whom everyone knows are loaded... the police are just looking for an excuse to fuck with them.
Always treat other countries like someone else's house. Doesn't matter who you are, how much money you've got, how famous you are, etc. At the end of the day it's not your house and the homeowner sets the rules. This is a foreign concept for the USA and patience is wearing really thin across the globe.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Sep 2022 06:03:46 UTC No. 918870
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:11:16 UTC No. 918882
Yes, the national socialism kind of socialism, you're not "part of the nation" and will never be.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Sep 2022 20:00:37 UTC No. 918917
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Sep 2022 22:04:20 UTC No. 918936
No idea.
"National Socialism" is the most widely practiced form of government around the world. I don't mean Nazism, I mean National as in nationalistic, and Socialism as in state-owned-funded stuff like healthcare, retirements, etc. By this definition Nazism is not National Socialism because the nazis were imperialistic not nationalistic.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 10:49:48 UTC No. 919021
You really think somoene who does 3D will be going to Your zadupie and go clubbing?
do You think productive ppl do drugs?
>Subhumans dont go here
Yet Polcucks really want Foreign money - they will accept anyone to pay for their 500+
so stfu and go back to /pol/ or talk about /3/
we are not the same social ladder level and Youwill never climb to us..
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 14:23:14 UTC No. 919043
As long as you stay in the US and don't migrate anywhere else we're good thx
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 14:37:13 UTC No. 919046
your pc could very well have terrible power management
on windows enabling powersave features (idk much about windows manual powersave stuff)
on lnux using igpu and powering off nvidia gpu when not using it (Depends on configuration and hardware) .Looking into advanced power saving stuff could decrease your pc's consumption in tens of watts. Often though savings are rather disappointing
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 14:47:01 UTC No. 919047
joined, burn free university electricity shall you people
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 16:10:05 UTC No. 919051
im already near Warszawa, working for high end production, so no - I wont be staying in US, especially since women tend to be so easy for me here. lmao
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 16:11:46 UTC No. 919053
I've never tried it but it's other people that render your shit for free, if you render other people shit you get credits or something like that
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 17:53:30 UTC No. 919059
>especially since women tend to be so easy for me here
Those are called waitresses and they're easy on anybody because that is their job lol.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 19:09:47 UTC No. 919069
Cope, your country is nowhere near what you are presenting it as. doubt you are polish at all
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Sep 2022 19:17:55 UTC No. 919070
>doubt you are polish at all
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Sep 2022 04:33:16 UTC No. 919138
>especially since women tend to be so easy for me here. lmao
Shure they are buddy, sure.
Schizo dreams are nice to have.
You're in your moms basement, a failure.
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Sep 2022 07:37:45 UTC No. 919152
>doubt he's polish we're in a thread about terrible money management.. ..Where do you think we are?
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Sep 2022 20:47:49 UTC No. 919252
Kek only faggot subhumans like you go clubbing, everyone knows that.
Us real people go to church. Every sunday and on religious holidays (eastern, christmas, 1. November etc pp)
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Sep 2022 04:11:05 UTC No. 919304
Imagine the smell
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Sep 2022 19:04:03 UTC No. 919361
whatever you mumble does not change the outlook of polish sluts.
and keep on the cope coming, its honestly glorious.