🧵 how important are quads?
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 14:55:47 UTC No. 918284
look at this LoL skin. they even use tris in areas where there’ll be high deformation. /3/ lead me to believe that tris are very bad in most cases but is this true?
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:14:51 UTC No. 918288
Objectively quads are neither good or bad, people recommend them because they are easier to work with since it's easier to predict how they will react under different conditions (subdivision/deformation/etc). Skilled artists can use a mixture of both if they are very precise and know what they need, if you are learning it's easier to just stick with quads, most 3d packages have tools and features catering to them but the truth it it all gets turned to triangles for rendering or going into real-time engines.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:15:40 UTC No. 918289
>In most cases
Here's your answer, retard.
If a tri makes a better edge for deformation or making it a quad does not make it better in any way, why give a shit?
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:54:21 UTC No. 918300
>they even use tris
Most engines only import triangles, what you see there is the quadrangulate tool I suppose.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:55:56 UTC No. 918301
>"lead me to believe that tris are very bad in most cases"
everything is tris anyhow in the end. if you know how your topology flows it doesn't matter.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 17:11:32 UTC No. 918322
what's bad isn't tris what's bad is ngons.
Anonymous at Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:23:43 UTC No. 918332
Ngons bend like they desire when it comes to deformation when quads and tris are far more obedient.
Also it's easier to properly subdivide a quad mesh than try to fuck around and make ngons look good.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 07:15:14 UTC No. 918453
They are the most important parts of the body. Run SS+GOMAD to find out why.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 10:52:27 UTC No. 918481
How are people still being taught "tris bad" these days?
Then they go out in public pointing out tris in other peoples game asset wireframes thinking they found some bug for you to fix
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 15:37:45 UTC No. 918527
Triangles don't subdivide consistently, or deform cleanly. It's up to you to decide if a high resolution model is... nvm
already answered this
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 15:51:38 UTC No. 918528
People somehow fail to realize it depends. Are we talking about high poly or low poly? Subd or bevel workflow? Object that will bend/animate or a static prop? It's more complicated than just saying tris are good / bad. So it's easy for people to get misinformed in topics like these because everyone who answers assumes we're talking about a specific thing that wasn't actually defined in the question.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 21:56:24 UTC No. 918582
If you don't use subsurf AND edge/vertex creasing don't bother with being anal about quads. That's the only thing that really needs it.
People still do it because it lets you create high resolution looking model that only needs a tiny amount of verts.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 22:11:10 UTC No. 918585
tri's are awful, and you should avoid them. I laugh every time I download a game model to see what the supposed "masters" do. Their entire model is full of triangles with not a quad in sight, it's actually kinda sad lmao
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Sep 2022 22:28:42 UTC No. 918588
dude I showed my modeling teacher a triangulated model from call of duty and he didn't know what to say lmaooooo
Anonymous at Mon, 26 Sep 2022 03:45:16 UTC No. 919697
squats and oats = big gainz
Anonymous at Mon, 26 Sep 2022 04:10:38 UTC No. 919703
>another quads/tris thread
Ok, do you remember how you were told not cut towards yourself with a knife when you were a child?
Well, being told to avoid tris is exactly the same thing.
In reality, there are lots of situations where cutting toward yourself is the most precise, most controllable, and thus safest way to use a knife. The only reason you were told to always draw the blade away from yourself is because that was the easiest, laziest way to keep you safe from your own stupidity.
You were told to avoid tris because its easy to fuck up your edge flow if you use them without knowing what you are doing. Bad edge flow will mean bad deformations, and janky subdivision.
Look at the edges on that model. See how the all flow nicely, even though there are triangles? That's because the person who made it knew what they were doing with those tris. On top of that, it's an in-game model, so it's never going to be subdivided beyond this point.
Everything is tris. Quads are an abstraction for the sake of the user interface, which as >>918585 seems to not realize, is why models ripped from games are often fully tri, because the game engine has no reason to preserve quad information. It's actually a (small) waste of memory if they do.
Because quads do not exist, you everything is ALWAYS tris. It is how those tris are oriented that determines whether something deforms the way you want it to. Not whether those tries are being shown to you as a quad on the UI of your modelling program.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going go repeatedly drag a knife toward my thumb as shave the mold lines off my space marines.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Oct 2022 16:50:51 UTC No. 922117
Never seen such bullshit.
Only because the GPU only renders tris doesn't mean quads and ngons don't exist in earlier stages of the pipeline.
This is especially true in a 3D MODELLING PROGRAM.
Furthermore many game engine require your model to be ALL quads if you want to use subdivision at all.
> Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going go repeatedly drag a knife toward my thumb as shave the mold lines off my space marines.
Good, do that and stay away from this thread.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Oct 2022 17:06:21 UTC No. 922119
> Makes quads in Blender
Hmm (thinking emoji)...
The sega Saturn rendered quads natively if i'm not mistaken.
Anonymous at Sat, 15 Oct 2022 19:39:51 UTC No. 922129
when retopologizing: ALWAYS QUADS
why: if you're planning on continuing to sculpt on it, tris will inevitably fuck up your you higher subdivisions, it might not be a huge issue but it's an issue nonetheless and if you're not aware of this you will be left scratching your head why some areas of your mesh look fine whereas other look lower rez
on a finished model for games: WHATEVER best keeps the shape of the high rez model
why: tris in game models are to assure proper tangents for the normal maps. Plus when moving the character or whatever the bends might make the 4 vertices of a quad non-planar which will ruin the shape. 3 vertices can never be non-planar.
here's perfect topo for game models: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/
notice how it's mostly quads, edges are added over quads to make tris in order to maintain the shape, and most importantly notice the odd retopo of the belt. This is because it mimics the topo of the chest, and this is because both these areas will be weightmapped to the same bone. If the belt had a different topology flow when bending those verticest would inevitably clip through the chest or create non-planar quads. In this scenario having the belt all quads would have been bad topology.
on a finished model for animation/simulation/etc: ALWAYS QUADS
why: the mesh needs to be subdivided the closer the camera gets to the character for instance
Anonymous at Sun, 16 Oct 2022 11:48:08 UTC No. 922201
quads are important but glutes and hamstrings are more important
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Oct 2022 13:41:39 UTC No. 922360
If you're subdividing the mesh, all quads; that's the only area where it is required and why it's important to retopogize for animation.
Everything else is a matter of optimization of either the filesize of the end product (3D printable sculpts), the rendering limitations of the Hardware (like mobile phones and game consoles), or both.
Anonymous at Fri, 21 Oct 2022 10:26:43 UTC No. 922713
Hexagons are the most important thing quite honestly