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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918343

> 500,000 budget.
> Over a year to make.
> Hired multiple people who are professionals in motion picture films.

How did the animation end up like this? Lack of budget, bad directors, not enough time or did they genuinely not care about how it was going to end up?

Anonymous No. 918346

lol in the first seconds you can see the original texture of the shirt with flowers for the modified texture to pop-in suddenly

Anonymous No. 918347

they mocapped the body movement but forgot to animate the eyes

Anonymous No. 918348

I'm pretty sure it's a scam.
They probably had a budget of a few thousand dollars and wanted some MetaVerse bullshit video to trick people into their scam.

Anonymous No. 918360

I am more stupid for watching this. I hope everybody associated with this crypto shit finally ends up working in a 40 hour a week job struggling to meet the payday loan payment.

Anonymous No. 918371

>Muh ebik pepe le froggo and wojak references
As if the Meta fecesbook quality animation wasn't bad enough.

Anonymous No. 918385

Top signal

Anonymous No. 918415

alright am I the only 1 who theorizes that this was absolutely the highest cost shitpost ever made ?

Huge fuck you piles of cash was spent on this - WAIT FOR IT .... - to plant the dumbest fucking mascot character ever made as the face this 'movement' of """culture""" , -- a mentally retarded main character on this visit to the beyond stupid concept of a bitcoin disneyland on a fucking island. Come on, its perfect. The ultimate dunk on all the idiots so jazzed about the future of their e-coin culture just getting shit on by this, with everyone now associating the Coin'ers with this dumb-ass toon

It's epic, to me! Except for the fact that I seem to be the only one who took it this way, and couldn't even convince some of my irl friends that is was the reality...its just too fucking strange to be of any other purpose than how I see it

Anonymous No. 918417

Honestly not too far fetched considering that Bored Ape Yacht Club was exposed for containing a lot of racist symbolism in it.

> More on that here if you're interested.

But seriously the guys I've looked at that said they did the work for the animation make some really amazing work and I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that they put 100% into the animation for Cryptoland just as much as they do for others. The funny thing about that is the fact that Bartosz Domiczek (The modeler behind the wooden huts you see in the animation) doesn't have any part of Cyrptoland in their portfolio on their website.

> Bartosz's Site

Honestly what I think happened is made they just realized they weren't getting a Pixar quality film with their budget and time and just decided to make it as shitty as possible. The people they said worked on it were falsely credited freelancers they found on Artstation they used to make the project seem more legit.

Anonymous No. 918420

Holy fuck, I can't believe I despised BAYC so much. They're actually comedic geniuses.

Anonymous No. 918421

lmao I never realized those dumb ape nfts were based

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918423

They even managed to get a video removed from the Youtube search results covering this topic.

> Phillion's Video

> I despised BAYC so much
Same. I feel that way about any NFT collection that isn't made by the artist themselves. It's literally just companies paying a group of artist to make art to then reselling it for an extremely unmarked price. Fantastic way to remove the passion and appreciation of the art into just another soulless way of making money. Some of the artist aren't even credited in the art either like Seneca (pic related) who was behind the body where others worked on environments and what not.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 918424


They even managed to get a video removed from the YouTube search results covering this topic.

> Phillion's Video
[YouTube] BORED APE NAZI CLUB (embed)

> I despised BAYC so much
Same. I feel that way about any NFT collection that isn't made by the artist themselves. It's literally just companies paying a group of artist to make art to then reselling it for an extremely unmarked price. Fantastic way to remove the passion and appreciation of the art into just another soulless way of making money. Some of the artist aren't even credited in the art either like Seneca (pic related) who was behind the body of the bored apes where others worked on environments and what not.

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Anonymous No. 918425


They even managed to get a video removed from the YouTube search results covering this topic.

> Phillion's Video
[YouTube] BORED APE NAZI CLUB (embed)

> I despised BAYC so much
Same. I feel that way about any NFT collection that isn't made by the artist themselves. It's literally just companies paying a group of artist to make art to then reselling it for an extremely unmarked price. Fantastic way to remove the passion and appreciation of the art into just another soulless way of making money. Some of the artist aren't even credited in the art either like Seneca (pic related) who was behind the body of the bored apes where others worked on environments and what not.

Anonymous No. 918565

No wonder there was more shilling against NFTs than actual exploitative microtransactions from mobile games.

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Anonymous No. 918668

Why the fuck would you put real effort (talking about the dudes who made that animation) into something that is obviously a scam?

Are u stupid?