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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918452

This board is so fucking boring. People here are so confidently elitist when its super obvious to anyone who knows a decent amount of CG how far their head is up their own ass. You people give the dumbest takes because you think it makes you look like you know what you're talking about. It's fine to not know a lot, this field is huge, very abstracted, and there aren't a lot of great resources to get a cohesive understanding of everything.

>blender is bad
>no blender is good

People who tend not to be very good at their art get so fixated on the tools, that they don't develop the skills. Any of the popular software out there can be used to make great things. It literally does not fucking matter.

Stop mindlessly bickering over your preferred software so I can see some actually interesting shit

Anonymous No. 918454

Did you just waste 15 minutes of your life to write that? Good job speaking in front of a dead board.

Anonymous No. 918455

Does it really take 15 minutes to type a few sentences for you?

Anonymous No. 918460

kek waz thinking the same

hey, did you know michelangelo was a bad painter and the sistine chapel sucks?

Anonymous No. 918465

people who say shit like this are usually worse than the people they are talking about. just sayin.

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Anonymous No. 918468

Yeah all that bitching about programs is insufferable, just ignore those plebs and work on your art, these faggots cannot be salvaged

Anonymous No. 918482

The best /3 thread I saw recently was on /v.
More WIP less QQ, niggers.

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oldfags will reme....png

Anonymous No. 918696

Brand-wars should be a bannable offense.
Cris-posting should be a bannable offense.

/3/ would have a third as much activity, and better for it.

Old /3/ was better.

Anonymous No. 918701

show your work then

Anonymous No. 918715


Anonymous No. 918717

As already mentioned, WIP and community project threads revive /3/ sometimes but apart from that it's just that the site got overrun by idiots who think you go to plebbit for "serious talk" and come here to exclusively shit up the place in the most retarded way. Trolling/shitposting was always a thing but shit just went full retard with the massive influx around 2010 and especially around 2015. Way more actually retarded idiots/teens than the site can handle/gatekeep.

Not having a name attached to your posts can be a great way to make your actual ideas stand out without a name getting in the way but people are too retarded and only see it as a nice place to dump the dumbest shit with the least effort.

Anonymous No. 918723

/3/ in a nutshell:

>Blender sucks lol
>Maya costs money lol
>DAZ thread where people actually post 3d images
>how do I anatomy?
>"how do I use X software?" full of replies like: "you should use Y software instead, retard"
>how do I 3D so I can make my own porn?
>how do I industry pro?
>why do you industry pro?
>I'm a newbie and I can't google, help!
>WIP where nobody posts
>one day AI will fix every aspect of my life

Anonymous No. 918733

all those tour guide books dammit

Anonymous No. 918734

You forgot the weekly
>lolo how do I maek passiv incom with no effort please quickkk :DDDDDD

Anonymous No. 918759

Yea, the amount of dunning-kruger actually made me less helpful to others. They think they can just stick million tri, deforming character sculpts in game, good luck once you've added your 2k/4k textures moron. Now if I see some dumb shit like that, I just leave them in their world of delusion because who cares, they'll fail and you won't. But yea /3/ is a dogshit shadow of itself, much like the rest of 4chan nowadays.

One of the first images that got me to try my hand at 3d. I had the original pic as a wallpaper for a while but seeing it recreated like this, it was just so alluring, explorable.

Anonymous No. 918761

imagine: you guys put as much effort into your WIP instead of your mouth...

Anonymous No. 918762

and the
>this board is a shadow of.. .etc. etc.

Anonymous No. 918766

Some good sense

Anonymous No. 918769

/imagine you guys put as much effort into your WIP instead of your mouth, 4k, hyperdetailed, unreal engine render, artstation trending, beautiful, photorealistic, —ar 4:20, —testp

Anonymous No. 918772

haha loser