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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Autodesk now uses arcade videogame coin credits

Anonymous No. 918484

Now maya is not a subcription, neither the other autodesk tools.
They have replaced their old subscription model with a token system from videogame arcades.

You can now buy 300 tokens pack or more.
Opening Maya now cost 6 tokens per use.

>mfw not an autodesk loser
fucking loser, lmao.

Anonymous No. 918486

Shit I realize this shit didn't post.

Some mod deletes this duplicate thread, lmao.

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Anonymous No. 918487

Blend-chads win again

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Anonymous No. 918489

>Opening Maya now cost 6 tokens per use.

Anonymous No. 918638

>$18/day for maya
They have to be fucking smoking if they think companies would pay for this shit LMAO

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Anonymous No. 918639

I've been tricked into the Maya is better for animation and learned it too much to give up on it and learn the Blender way.
But I swear, I still don't get why people are saying this shit. There are some BASIC SHIT that you have to make a script to do.
> No native way to put a character in its original pose.

Anonymous No. 918640

It's an optional feature tho

Anonymous No. 918653

>what is go to bind pose
Maya is better for animation, but the "blender way" isnt much different if you just took 5 minutes to learn the UI. Autojew is being retards but you didn't have to show how much of a dunning faggot you are. Software is just software, just switch if you don't want to pay (the retarded option) or pirate (the correct option)