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Anonymous No. 918493

>become basic/ebin in blender
>can make basicshit/anything
ok where do I apply for a job? where/how can freelancers/industryfags even work? I'm dead serious; is there a tutorial of sorts when it comes to making portfolios, where to post them and how the "industry" as a whole works? I'm interested in 3D modelling for shits n giggles, but if there's profit to be made then I would prioritize it over other things in life and make some fucking bank (even if it's a 20 buck commission). for modeling itself I read the FAQ so all I need is practice.

Anonymous No. 918497

>>can make basicshit/anything

if you want to get into the industry learn houdini

Anonymous No. 918574

I dunno anon, it's not hard to pretty much make anything you can think of after a few years of practice.
Are you saying you can't look at something and break it down into its basic parts to recreate it?

Sure some things might give you difficulty, like the organic surfaces of cars, but most inanimate objects boil down to cylinders, boxes, and spheres. They're called primitives for a reason.

Anonymous No. 918578

blender doesnt even have the solvers to get anywhere close to what you want. If you want to make anything, get houdini.

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Anonymous No. 918579

planning on trying out all programs, gonna keep houdini on mind
sadly you missed the point
>for modeling itself I read the FAQ so all I need is practice.
I know that it's gonna take time, but what I don't know is how and where to "market myself" in order to find a job/commission. and from lurking all I figured is that I should post my work on artstation. for that reason I made this thread to see just how hard marketing myself is and therefore organize my time and priorities. if it's a massive pain in the ass even for small commissions then I'll practice in spare time and vice versa.
>They're called primitives for a reason.
I always knew this, but I didn't know the name. thanks!

Anonymous No. 919762

>How to into marketing
What you need to do is copy the Jews, it's literally that simple.
Shill shill shill shill.
Discord, Instagram, Twitter, DeviantArt, and if you're absolutely degenerately desperate, Tumblr.
Try to have some art read and have varied when you post and post links to your other socials. Keeping it varied will help get clicks on your links since someone will want to see what else you have.
Just be reasonable with the shilling though. Don't just beg people to see your work, post and share it instead. Self explanatory.
Hell maybe make nsfw work and post it separately while larping as someone else.
>"Hey I know you like my work but it's sfw but here is retards account I follow that posts really good nsfw work."

Good luck anon

Anonymous No. 919771

shilling all over the place, got it. also following my alias is definitely better than being open about my NSFW alternative account as I originally thought as some employers definitely avoid associations with such people, thanks!

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 919797

pick one.

Anonymous No. 919841

Houdini is great, but it's designed specificaly for procedural work, and its learning curve is extreme, fuck anyone who says otherwise. If you want to get good at it, you'll have to neglect other aspects of 3D to focus on it for a long time. OP is clearly a noob who wants to make models, Blender is a perfectly fine package for that

Anonymous No. 919842


Good luck homie

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Anonymous No. 919846
