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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 918514

Where can i find measurements and pictures for gun parts? Every time I try to model I would give up just because I don't have enough references on the part I'm modeling

Are there any websites that have blueprints for each part of the gun

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gun measurement.jpg

Anonymous No. 918515

I got you bro

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Anonymous No. 918518

great thread

Anonymous No. 918519


Anonymous No. 918531

ask on /k/ next time.
defcad reference

Anonymous No. 918548

lol yeah let me just violate ITAR and send you gun part schematics. You're going to have to buy the part yourself and model it using gauges and calipers.
unless of course you live somewhere that isn't the USA in which case lol get rekt

Anonymous No. 918570

>Where can i find measurements and pictures for gun parts?
Dude literally just look up "picatinny rail measurements" and "gun schematic" or "gun blueprint" on Jewgle, it's that easy

Anonymous No. 918650

yeah no shit
im looking for any specific websites that actually made for this thing

Anonymous No. 918690

yeah WHICH thing? depending on the gun there might not be any info yet dude

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Anonymous No. 921044
